
Showing posts from March, 2007

My unforgetable daddy

When I was in the UK, I met a good person, a very good person, who helped me a lot, and he is willing to be my daddy, it was really happy and precious moment to be with my daddy. He is a Christian, undoubtable, he influenced me a lot. However, I feel that I lost my daddy after I back to Malaysia. After back to Malaysia, I still kept in touch with him, I sent him e-mail frequently, and he answered me occasionally. Never mind, at least I know that he still remembered me. When time pass by, I didn’t get his e-mail anymore, even though I still wrote him some e-mail. Days after days, months after months, until finally I felt that I can never recieve my daddy’s e-mail anymore, and I am sad and dissapointed. And now, I realize the fragile of relationship, time, distance, new experience and so on, can make people forget the past, I just realize the difficulty to keep a relationship last long, especially if I would possible cannot meet the person in the rest of my life, so sad but it is true. E


你会爱上谁? 假设有一天你收到一封密函,情书也好,告密信也好,总之就不想给情人知道,那么你会把这封信藏在哪呢?   A.衣柜   B.床褥底   C.相架   D.书本   E.饼干罐 解答: 选择A:干净整齐大过天   假如你第一时间想起藏在衣柜里,代表喜欢干净整齐的人,你不要求他打扮入时,紧贴潮流,只希望他不要不修边幅,一个注重个人卫生,衣着素净整齐的人,特别容易讨你欢心,劝你对一个重视整洁的人有意思时,还是用多点时间观察好,小心他清洁成癖,是一个有洁癖的人,到时你会嫌他吹毛求疵了。    选择B:开朗异性最吸引   别以为喜欢将秘密书信藏在床褥下,代表你心仪一些爱享受的人,其实是暗示你喜欢较为主动、热情有干劲的异性。因为床褥是较为私人的对象,你把心事都藏在那里,代表你为人内敛,不习惯与人分享心事,现阶段你渴望有一个与你性格相反的异性闯入你的世界,由他去改变你,将你的世界变得缤纷点。    选择C:艺术家型你最爱   将秘密信件藏于相架内,表示你对美术、音乐兴趣浓厚,对艺术的敏感度极高,你希望有一个同样对艺术有兴趣的异性与你分享心得,所以具有艺术天分,又或有艺术家气质的人,最能吸引你的注意力。你不妨参加多点艺术活动,借着这些文化活动结识理想异性,亦可以增加你的文艺修养,一举两得。    选择D.见识广博最重要   书本是知识的象征,倘若你将重要的书信放进书里,代表你心中最重视的是知识。你本身求知欲、好奇心皆强,对周遭的事物经常保持好奇心,所以希望能与一个见识广博的人谈恋爱。借着他,你可以认识更多新事物,对世界更深入了解。样貌或财富并不是你最关心的问题,最重要是他要像一个学者。 选择E.对吃有研究最好   印象中,把重要对象放进饼罐内的人,都是老一辈的人,假如你亦考虑将书信放在饼罐内,代表你思想颇为保守,做事以稳阵为原则,没有周详计划你是不会贸然行动的。最有趣的是,你并不要求另一半跟你一样稳定,你只要求他是一个对吃有研究的异性,对于哪有好东西吃最好了如指掌,才能讨你欢心。

Boy and Girl

Normally, the girl is patient, independent, mature and logical. However, the girl transforms while in front of the boy, she becomes impatient, dependent, childlike and emotional. After every argument, the girl would seek differential between her normal image and abnormal image. Boy, he like to spend his time without her, he calls this as freedom; but girl, she like to spend her time with him, she calls this as sharing. Boy and girl, nobody is wrong, but nobody is happy. Boy and girl, nobody is happy, and both get hurt. After every argument, girl realises her sturburnness, and she doesn’t want anyone get hurt, she doesn’t like to see history repeats. If boy likes freedom, why not just let him to have his own freedom. And, the girl can get back to normal girl, patient, independent, mature and logical.


Recently, that was a case about "ant" happenning in my workplace, and every people like to talk about "ant" story. Just now, read a friend’s blog, he is talking about ant again. From his blog, I can find that actually he describes himself as an ant. Ant again… Suddenly, I found out that actually a lot of ants in our real life. When people are feeling helpless and lost, they like to describe themselves as an ant. Ant is small, their life is fragile. Therefore, when people meet the uncertainty in our life, we would feel just like an ant, can’t help at all. However, ant is strong actually, they try out their every effort to live their life, even though the life is hard, but they still keep continue living.
明天就是元宵节了,也被人誉为东方情人节,在报纸看见一些关于情人节的短讯,蛮喜欢一些的,便决定把它转摘在我的blog: 1.如果青蛙没有变成王子,如果公主没有醒来,如果小人鱼没有化成泡沫,我还会相信爱情吗?相信因为还有你在我的身边。茫茫人海,凭你的名字导航;凄凄寒夜,握你的名字取暖;漫漫人生,携你的名字同游。 (从小就喜欢童话故事的我,就被王子、公主、人鱼的字眼给吸引了。这短讯还蛮让人欢喜的。喜欢人鱼公主因为她的伟大情操,曾几何时,幻想自己是一只人鱼公主,最后发现人鱼化成泡沫后还是会受伤的,然而,一场悲剧并不能完全否定真爱的存在,愿与那些正在寻找真爱的朋友共免之。) 2.爱你一万年夸张,爱你五千年无望,爱你一千年荒唐,爱你一百年太长,接连爱你七十年只要我身体健康。 (真的,有时我们喜欢把自己的感觉夸张化,然而爱最后的要求是现实化,与其给与一些无法兑现的承诺,倒不如用自己仅有的生命来证明一切。) 3.我道出为了我不语,我不语为了我道出;我走开为了我回来,我回来为了我走开。真水本应无香,所以真情才应无语。 (前段让我感觉好像很深奥的话语,什么“道可道”的,后段让我心中悸动,“真水本应无香,所以真情才应无语”,其实真爱全在不言中。) 还有一段恶搞版的:“有一种默契叫做心照不宣,有一种感觉叫做妙不可言,有一种幸福叫做有你相伴,有一个白痴会把他看完。”前三句还蛮温馨感人的,看到最后一句时却让我一时爆笑,然而能有一段感人搞笑的短讯也不失为一个好短讯吧。 愿天下有情人终成眷属。 最后,来一段我最喜欢的《鹊桥仙》: 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗渡。 金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路! 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!