
Showing posts from June, 2007


Saturday Midnight, I woke up for a dream, but couldn’t continue to sleep then. My mind was wandering to pass, a friend from Japan appeared into my memory, she is kind and friendly, we met when we were in Birmingham, UK. Another friend from China came after her, this friend is friendly and clever, we met when we were in Nottingham, UK. Continously, a lot of friends are appeared into my mind and I started thinking: "Where did we meet? What were we doing then? How is s/he? (and lot of memories)" a friend after another. Suddenly, I felt that I miss all of my friends, either who are still in touch or out of touch, I was thinking how are they doing now? Are they fine? Are we still be the same character as when we met? And, I was asking myself? Do I change? Em… yes, I think I do. Basically, I was quiet, reserved girl. But now, I found that actually I can talk a lot (maybe not that lot, but at least not that quiet) with some friends (maybe still have some friends find I am still quie

"Bonsai" Life

I received a forwarded e-mail today, it is talking about a cruelty action is happening around the world. Bonsai kitten, do you know about this? Below is the link tells you about bonsai kitten, a cruelty behavior on the new born kitten. What is bonsai? Which means a very small creature(originally it is a tree, but it applied to a kitten here) that is grown in a small container and is stopped from growing bigger by continually shaping it. Do you think this is cruel to a cat? A live creature. I cannot imagine how some people can be that cruel to abuse a live by controlly its grow and stop it from moving. Is this because we are living as "bonsai" life? Then they try to bonsai other creature. Am I wrong? Don’t you agree we are living as "bonsai" life? If so, you are maybe the lucky one. Actually, people cannot do whatever they want, cannot get what ever they hope for, maybe we still have freedom to move here and there,

A Step into the Past

Finally, I finished a series drama DVDs, "A Step into the Past", which is talking about a person goes to Qin Dynasty and explores, where he helps his student to be the first Majssty in China, which is Qin Shi Huang. Frankly, the story might not follow what is written in history, but I like creative of this novel writer, on process this story. Sometime, what we see, hear and listen isn’t as true as it is, it might be in different way. Probably, what we read from history, didn’t happen as what it is written in history book. Many times, we need to observe and analyse, to make sure the fact that we see, hear and listen is really happened in its way. Creative thought would help us see things in different ways. Maybe "A Step into the Past" isn’t a real story, but it helps us to see things in different ways, why don’t we refer to more source before make the decision, this might lead us to a creative path. How do you think?
一个人的兴趣是会改变的吗?我想应该是会吧。 以前,我是个不爱去K歌的人,我认为唱歌在家里常常就行了,为什么要出外唱呢,这或许是因为我妹妹的歌声太好听了,而我又是个不会唱歌的人,弄得我相形见绌,不太敢唱歌。 然而,不知从什么时候开始,我开始喜欢到Karaoke去唱歌,而且还像是上了瘾似的,才刚回到家 (其实是还没回家的前几天),就邀了中学的朋友去Redbox K歌。 为什么会爱上这种活动了呢?我也不知道,或许是因为喜欢听他唱歌吧,或许是喜欢和他一起唱歌吧,或许唱歌是另一种和朋友们聚聚的方式吧,总之能够唱歌、能够听歌、能够看见朋友,是件很开心的事。
认一下你是左脑还是右脑使用者吧! 1. 像祈祷一般,将双手交握起来。。。 看看你的双手 左手拇指被押在右手拇指下的———————->左脑使用者 右手拇指被押在左手拇指下的———————->右脑使用者 2. 将你的双手交叉环在胸前〔揽住自己咁〕 再看看你的双手 右手臂压住左手臂的——————————>左脑使用者 左手臂压住右手臂的——————————>右脑使用者 从1+2来看你的结果*(要照1→2顺序看) 分析: 右左人 善于体贴他人的传统温婉类型 能直觉了解对方的心情,并自然和善对应的右左人。虽然无法主动积极的向前,但却会后退一步来迁就人,生性稳重且贴心,给人一股〔凡事都会好好照顾*〕的安心感。不过一旦被拜托过一次,往后就很难再对他人说〔NO〕就是最大的缺点。不管自己有多么的痛苦也会为他人鞠躬尽瘁….这种热情堪称天下第一! 右右人 最爱自己的挑战类型 生性勇往直前,一旦认定〔就是这个!〕时就会马上采取行动!这就是好奇心旺盛最爱挑战的右右人。凭着一股气势就能够坦然挑战危险事物的鲁莽一族。但另一方面亦具有被抓住弱点时就很容易被打动的鲜细脆弱一面…。基本上,不听他人的话,会跳着听谈话的内容,也很容易就以主观意识说话。不过也因这般充满个性的缘故而备受众人喜爱,往往能成为人气者唷! 左左人 认真又冷酷的完美主义者 虽颇有女人(男人)味,但却是在这四种类型中最具有男子气概!凡事都能条理分明的理论性思考,会凭着一篇大道理迅速打败他,可说相? 磻腽部e钢铁之女〕的感觉。自尊心极高,正义感也比他人多上一倍。做为朋友是很值得信赖,但若与之为敌就会很棘手的类型。只不过,因生性认真又是完美主义者,常会让初次见面的人留下〔难以相处〕的不好印象。 左右人 喜欢照顾人,领导型 具有冷静的观察力能看透对方或现场的气氛,但亦具有能体贴入微照顾对方的一面,这就是兼具冷静与温情的左右人。因生性冷静,颇具男子气概且责任感强烈,像个〔大姐头〕般常会受到同性的爱慕。能自然聚集人群并与之俐落相处。只不过,有时也会忍不住太爱照顾他人。相当在意世人如何看待自己,总是保持警觉心。