
Showing posts from August, 2007

Travelling into the picture

I am watching a Hong Kong series drama, "Heart of Greed", its story is quite attractive. Let’s talk about a couple inside drama, Liang and Xin, somehow I should say, I felt quite tired to see this kind of relationship, together, breakup, then together, then breakup, together again, breakup again, together and breakup just like a cycle. However, if we think in depth, actually this kind of thing is happening around us always. When we misunderstand with each other, then we fight and stay alone, after calm down, then good together again. Until one day, if everyone is tired and cannot continue, then story ends. How to say? A relationship is just like travelling into a picture, somehow I interpret this. Before we involve into a relationship, we are only looking on a picture, we only can tell if it is beautiful or not that attractive, we cannot experience anything besides this. After we are travelling into the picture, we only can experience what is really inside that picture, wheth


终于,看完了《溏心风暴》,这真是一部超好看的故事。 剧情围绕着一家人,本来是和睦相处的,但是因为拥有六亿的身家,导致小妈和舅舅的贪念,演变成一场争产风波。庆幸的是,最好又好的结局,整部戏的流程,不失幽默。 看了几部港剧,其中有几部是关于争产的,开始要问了,香港是否真的有很多这样的事情发生呢,如果是真的,那么这不是有点可悲吗? 为了财产,原本是和睦的一家人,最终却反目成仇,钱的魔力有时真会让人心酸。 记得时常看到一些有关钱的描述: Money can buy you house, but not home; Money can buy you books, but not knowledge; Money can buy you medicine, but not health; Money can buy you anything, but not its meaning. 是的,钱或许真得能够买到很多的东西,但是当它失去了真正的意义,那又怎样呢?人生也会因此而没有了价值。

First Day in the UK

Well, I never know that I would start my blog, talking about my one and half year life in the UK, then why do I start to be storyteller now? Recently, that is a colleague from my department resign from his post, and he is going to continue master degree in the UK, then he asked me to share my experience in the UK. Oh no, I am not really a good speaker, I even didn’t know how to start my story. Then, I think maybe I can write some of my experiences in my blog, I am better in writing compare to talking. Hope all of you can enjoy it, haha maybe nobody is too interested on my boring life in the UK. Honestly, it is really boring life (you can find a lot of agreements from my friends, who I met in the UK). 22nf of April 2004, my first day in the UK, my plan landed in Heathrow Airport in London, a strange place. Before this, my only airplan experience is within Malaysia, Johor-Penang, I had never taken such a long haust journey to another country. However, I didn’t feel any tiredness (or jetl