
Showing posts from 2008

Year End

今天,看到了一位朋友的 Year End Report,才发现原来2008年就快结束了,现在已经是十二月杪了,想想也改为自己的2008做一个完结篇。 看了那位朋友提到自己未来的去向,离开与留下,我想其实每一个人都会为这一方面的问题多想了一段时间吧,毕竟这是关系到自己的事业与未来。其实,我又何尝不是时常为了这样的问题烦恼呢?在前些日子里,我也是时常这样的想,现今的工作是否真得能让我呆上一辈子,其实也是一只在犹豫着将来的工作,想换又害怕适应不了新的环境,不换有担心就这样托上一辈子的青春,寻寻觅觅、犹犹豫豫,到最后还是转回了原点。哈。。。我还是没下定决心,看来等到人老珠黄了都不知会不会有结果。 我想今年对我而言最重大的一件事是。。。我结婚了,算重大吧,这可是终身大事,至于嫁好还是嫁坏也只有未来才能知道了。说说我这位老公,对我还算是蛮好的(到目前为止)。和SL认识了也有两年多了,对他的了解也还算深,他算是个蛮细心的伴侣,只是有时候拥有太多地顾忌,往往会让自己与身边的人累死。对我而言,认识了两年多就结婚不算是太仓促,因为有些人是用上一辈子也无法完全了解的,有时婚姻才是让彼此更加了解的最终途径,只是这途径一踏错了却需要很大的代价。无论如何,现阶段的我还算是幸福的。 另一件开心的事,我在今年里交到了蛮多要好的朋友,对我而言朋友扮演了一份重要的角色,朋友能让我卸下孤单的感觉。其实,在很久很久以前,我算是个孤单的人,某种阴影让我对每一件事却步,然而幸运的我总是能够在人生的某个阶段认识了一些朋友。然而,今年的结交的朋友算是蛮多的,有些还能够维持着良好的关系,算是开心的一年吧。 另外,SL和我也到了些地方游玩,为我们的爱情乐章增添了不少故事与回忆,今年我们出了两次国,三月去了香港,还有十二月的Bali Island。整体上,这两个旅程都让我们有着愉快地回忆。除了香港和Bali Island,我们也在国内的一些地方去有了一趟,其实今年的花费还算是蛮多的,希望明年能够省一点了,毕竟少了结婚的花费,应该要恢复到平常的生活了。 除此之外,我们在今年里也参加了不少的活动,从 Peace Run, 到 Penang Bridge International Marathon, 还有 Star Walk, 这些都是我们的宝贵回忆。虽然没法赢得任何的奖品,但是整体还是蛮愉快的经验,又

Incredible Love

One day, I received an e-mail from YY as below, it's really touch my heart after watch the MTV. A son says to his father: 'Dad, would you be willingly to run a marathon with me?' The father, despite his age and a heart disease, says 'YES'. And they run that marathon, together. The son asks: 'Dad, can you run another marathon with me?' Again father says 'YES'. They run another marathon, together. One day the son asks his father: ?Dad would please do the Iron Man with me?' Now just in case you wouldn't know, 'The Iron Man' is the toughest triathlon in existence; 4km swimming, then 180 km by bike, and finally another 42 km running, in one stroke. Again father says 'YES' Maybe this doesn't 'touch' you yet by heart .... Until you see this movie. After watched the MTV, I felt really touched, it is reall an incredible love, so hard to find this kind of love in real world, I even couldn't believe the father is that str

22nd of December

It is 22nd of December yesterday, it is first anneversary of our Registration of Marriage, actually we did nothing special for it, no any celebration, I think it just normal for us. At day time, we worked at home, he is still always with his black face, I was quite sad with this. After dinner, we took a walk at nearby and bought some ice-cream as dessert, it was delicious. Until the end of day, we talked about sickness of Zhou Chu Ming, an actor from Singapore, he got a special muscle disease recently, it is uncurable and would lead to death finally. Actually, it was sad to know this misfortune on him, we just realise life actually so short and uncertain, we can never predict our future and don't know what would happen to us next. Therefore, we need to enjoy and cherish what we have now, who knows we will not be here at next day?

Day 5 away from Bali (8/12/2008 - Shopping)

This is our last day in Bali, we were going to leave our honeymoon land, our villa and our holidays, we were feeling a little sad on this because we will really go to miss all the pleasure moment in Bali. We woke up in the early morning, it was a bit raining, therefore we didn't swim in our private swimming pool as we planned at the night before. And we cut our Honeymoon cake and took some of it, which was given from villa, this Honeymoon cake is included in our package, it was delicious but we couldn't finish it, as we needed to have our breakfast soon. After that, our chefs came to our villa and prepared our breakfast, they were fried noodle and fried rice. However, we had taken some Honeymoon cake at the morning, so that I couldn't finish all my fried noodle, actually it is really delicious, we would finish it if I had chance for next time. Anan came to our villa at 9:50am and gave 10 inches photo with frame and our honeymoon gifts to us, they were prepared by Anan trav

Department Annual Dinner

This Wednesday was our Department Annual Dinner with Hollywood Night as our theme, it's headache because we needed to wear formal dress and make up. Fortunately I had cut my hair, so that didn't need to worry about my hairset :P The event was started at 6:30pm at Traders Hotel, we departed at 5:50pm and picked up my friends, ST and SS at their house, then directed to the hotel. We arrived at around 6:30pm, but there was no more car park in hotel and we dropped at the entrance, then SL parked his car at another parking area. After we got to the hall, we just found that were many people arrived already, I never knew they were so puntrual. After registered, we got into the hall and we just knew there were some friends' names were not appeared in the list (they have signed up before due date), I think this is some technical problem and finally they could join us for dinner. Later, there were speeches from our VIPs and dinner started. The most impressive part was our department

Day 4 in Bali (7/12/2008 - Rafting and Massage)

This also can be considered as good day, all of our activities were doing with sunny, only a short of period was raining, but still didn't ruin our mood. At the morning, chefs were coming to our villa prepared breakfast for us, we placed our order at the day before, it was American breakfast as Anan told us that we better had Eastern food at last day, then it would not get hungry too early. While we were waiting for breakfast, we just had some VIP feeling because of special service from villa, this is our first time to have personal chefs, they even would ask for our favourite. The breakfast was really delicious until I was too full to have them all. This is a picture at the entrance of our villa. After breakfast, we departed to South-East of Bali for our rafting session, we decided to wear the same cloth as water sport because we considered that our clothes would still get wet at last. It was around 10:30am when we arrived to rafting location and whole rafting journey would take u

Star Walk 2008

Finally, Star Walk again today and ended. Well... I am still not abled to grab any prize, never mind, it's good to have memory. We went out from house to PISA at 6:30am, it took us only 5 minutes to get there, we exchanged our reporting card with a wristband, there was a staff asked us stood behind the registration point before started. However, how can I exchange the wristband if I stood behind it? I think they got conflict with their words. Although the officer asked us to stand behind registration point, we still preferred to walk around before start, and we found there was quite a number of participants gathered at starting point, so that we stayed there. After a moment, another officer asked people to get back to regitration point. Then, we walked to registration point as he asked and we saw many participants were isolated by some barrier, but time was close to 7am, this made us fishy and followed some participants to starting point. While we were just close to starting point

Day 3 in Bali (6/12/2008 - Diving and Turtle Island)

Still, it's a good day for this day, no rain with sunny. In additional, today's schedule was really exciting and sporting, we both really love it, we had sudden felt that we were switched to honeymoon mode then. However, that was some misunderstanding during our breakfast and we had a small arguement at morning, but it resolved after we quarreled for a while. After enjoying with our pleasure journey, this made us forgot all those unhappy arguements and ice broke. Anan helped us checked out from our first hotel at 9:15am, as we would be moved to another place for our last two day, it's a villa at countryside. After checked out, we started our journey to Southbay and Turtle Island, Turtle Island is an island closes to Southbay with 20 minutes sailing. We had a series of choices for water sport at South Bay, all are listed in USD, well they are not cheap. Finally, we chose to take diving (it is an hour activity) as it looked more fun and memorable for both of us. Diving costed