
Showing posts from July, 2008

Revenge from Thomas Edison

Few days ago, we discussed about global warming issue, and I said Thomas Edison (the person who invented electricity) should take some responsibility on this. If Edison didn’t discover that is electricity, how can we have so many electric consumption equipments to use nowadays? Especially Air conditional, this is one of the causes to global warming. Then She Leong tried to follow my topic and said maybe all scientists are devil, they bring a lot of technology to the earth, then finally cause global warming and shorten our earth’s life. Well, we are devils as well, because engineers also responsible on technology improvement. Finally, we get the experience of without electricity last night, Edison wanted tell us that his invention is really useful for the world. Due to we forgot to pay electric bill for few months, our electricity was cut off last night, then we lived in dark and candle lit for a night. When I went to shower, I missed my heater; when I sat in dark, I missed my book and

Aloe Vera and I

I am planting an aloe vera for about 1.5 years, it was looking small at the beginning. At first, we use normal mug from construction to grow it, but it was nothing special happened and even worse, it started turn to yellow colour at its root area, I was a little dissapointed, but never give out, we went to gardening shop to buy some special mug for planting. Well, my little aloe vera doesn’t look that yellow after few months, but it still ddidn’t grow much. The second change, we changed the vase size to a bigger one, we thought this would provide it some space to grow, dissapointedly it grew a little but it looked weak and cannot stand well. Then, we have a stick besides the aloe vera and tied a rope to make sure it can stand better, but it still looked weak. Finally, we decided to move our aloe vera near to sunshine, it can get direct shine from the sun in morning. After a while it looks stronger, and grew much. Until now, my aloe vera even birth me some small aloe vera kids, I am so