
Showing posts from March, 2009

Penang National Park Trip

Since last Friday, I am started counting down the days for me and SL be together before he leaves to US, actually it is kind of sad and scare for long seperation, but for his good, we need to bear with this. Today is 39 days left for us, and we are planning to do a lot of things together before SL leaves, so that we can have much memory to keep our relationship fresh. Today, we went to Penang National Park for jungle treking, it was interesting. We woke up at 8:10am to prepare for our journey and having breakfast at somewhere near to our house, and departed to the End of the World then. It is the northest part of Penang Island, Teluk Bahang. On the way, SL told me that he wanted to bring me to new place in Penang because he wanted my first memory to those places is with him. Haha... he is so sweet when he found that we actually hadn't been too much places after we were in Penang. It took us about 50 minutes to get to the Penang National Park from our house, it was about 10am. I thi


飞机于布拉格时间7:55pm抵达布拉格机场。 步出飞机之后,再关卡办理入境手续,花费的时间其实并不算太久,之后用了大约二十分钟等带行李得到大,领回行李之后,在布拉格机场逗了大约十五分钟于寻找车票销售处,买了张Kc200的三天通行票。 从机场搭巴士到Metro A,之后在Musuem转搭Metro C,下了站之后,寻找着巴士站。然而,由于不熟地理状况,做错了路,连续询问了两个人,是否有别个巴士站,两个人都回答我不知道,令我顿时感到彷徨。 只是,直觉告诉了我,我道错了地方,也告诉我必须由Metro的停站再开始找起,于是有点悲伤那两个人的没答案,也没办法的拉着行李往回走。 回到了Metro站,注意着写着捷克文的指示牌,现在只有图画才是有用的交流方式了。幸而,他们的巴士图形与世界上的巴士图形是公用的,于是我从Metro从新找起,跟据巴士图形的指示牌,我成功地找到了巴士站,也搭上了Regina指示的那辆巴士,还成功的下对了车站。 只是,问题来了,我应该如何到我所预定的hotel啊?没地图,没电话,甚至没有人,我自己也不知道如何是好了。 最后,决定在车站等下一班车的乘客,向他们求救。等啊等,等啊等,自己也不知道等了多久的时间了,只知道等待是漫长的。 终于,看到了下一班车,一群乘客从巴士里出来,也不知该找哪一个,错失了一大堆人,只抓住了最后下车的一对人儿,拿出Regina写给我的地址,问他们如何到达那个地址。然而,这对人儿也不知道这地方,只叫我往巴士驰去的方向走。哎呀呀,我该怎么办啊,都已经十点了,我还是孤身一人在巴士站,心中有点害怕。 之后,看见一位老人溜狗,心想人都已经到了绝处了,问问又何妨,这老人懂这地址的大概地点,他指了一个方向对我说,大约走了100-150m之后,转右,那区会有很多屋子,叫我往那里找。 只是,100-150m,是多长的距离啊?我不是个测量器,也没有把量尺带在身边,我该怎么办啊?只是,也没有办法,只有硬着头皮往前走。一边走,一边默默的祈祷,希望神真的能为我点盏明灯,照亮去路。 在途中,我见到了三个东方面孔的女子,第一直觉告诉我,他们应该是不知道如何去Prague House吧?于是,我继续走着自己的路。然而,是神的呼唤吧?叫我向他们问路,于是,我便往回走,提起了嗓子,向他们喊了“Excuse me”。是神的助手,还是

History Repetative

Currently, I just felt that history seems repeating, maybe I was thinking too much. Two years ago, when I was just started relationship with SL, he was sitting in PG2 and I was in PG12, PG2 and PG12 are two building in my company and they actually are quite close. That time, I could always had lunch together because we were within walking distance and I was always missing the good time then. After backed to office, he would drop me at the carpark, where near to my building (PG12), then he just continued to park his car. However, our happy time wasn't last long because he was travelled to US for three months on business trip, then I was alone in Malaysia. Actually, that period was quite hard between us and we even didn't sure if our relationship could last long, although we did communicate with each other every night. Fortunately, our relationship finally beat this challange, he backed to Malaysia after three months and we are still together now, even got married finally. Howev

Prague (20 June 2005)

Travel to Prague, it was actually a coincident chance for me. The trip is starting from a conversation with a Korean friend in Globe Cafe, she is Regina, we met in Globe Cafe and had regular meeting there, then we got closer and knew each other well. One day, Regina told us that she would travel to Prague during June and many friends in Globe Cafe told me Prague is a good place and worth to visit. Well, I was shamed as I didn't know much about Europe countries though I had spent about more then a year in the UK, I only knew that I wanted travel to Italy, Spain and Greek, but I had no idea about Prague. After listened to a lot of recommandation from Globe Cafe's friends, I felt kind of wanted visit to Prague for once, therefore I checked for cheap flight ticket and finally I decided to spent 20 to 22 of June 2005 in Prague with Regina. This is my first trip to Europe after I arrived to the UK for around a year, and I had never thought I would go out of the UK, as I was so unsure

Bukit Merah Half Day Trip

Today is quite a happy day for me, I think this might be the last outing for SL and me before he leaves to US, though this is sad, it still a happy day for me. Actually, we had discussed this Bukit Merah trip for long time, but we keep skipping it for last few weeks due to some unforseenable circumstanses, finally we made it today. This is our second visit to Bukit Merah together, there were almost all facilities in the waterpark under maintanance, so we only could play at their swimming pool with RM10 for entrance. However, the ticket counter issued us free waterpark ticket for our next visit, it worths RM22 each. So, our trip is free of charge this time. Originally, I was quite excited with the trip as I thought there would be a lot of fun sites to play around. However, after I went into the waterpark, I forgot that we had spent time at swimming pool, then we were just not interested with it. After counting all the remaining games, we only could play at 3 of them and we had all of th

short seperation

Actually, SL and I were feeling down recently, because we are going to seperate for sometimes soon, and we need to decide how to live for time without each other or we want to choose to be together and no seperation. Last Wednesday, SL told me that he will be going to US for a job assignment on May and his assignment will be lasted for at least 8 months, that's mean he only will be backed to Malaysia after this year. Well, I am happy for him for the chance, but this also means a 8 months separation between us, I am not sure if I can bear with such long separation, will we miss each other? And I still remember, that is a day when I backed to home alone at one night, I was the only person in the house, without SL, I felt an unbeatable loneliness. At the night, we quarrelled as I lost my emotion due to loneliness, I broke down and cried in front of him at last. That was the only a night for late return, but I could feel the loneliness, how can I imagine for 8 months separation, I hope
其实,最近几天心情有点的伤感,当梁告诉我他将于五月到美国公干八个月之后,心里一直对他感到依依不舍,一直觉得我们能够在一起的时间已经不算多了,开始非常地珍惜一起的时间,也发现他对我更加地关心,或许他也是拥有那份依依不舍吧。 当然,我们是可以选择永远都在一起的,只是衡量了一切因素,最后觉得还是短暂的分开来的最为实际和妥当。 就在此时此刻,“射雕英雄传”里面的一段情节不断地浮现在脑海,那时诉说郭靖与黄蓉分离在即,黄蓉为了珍惜彼此的时间与回忆,日夜不休的尽情与郭靖游山玩水,还做了一些随心所欲的事,当时看了这一段还觉得黄蓉似乎有点的疯狂,现在身历其境,才发现现在的我和当时的她的心情其实很像,而且,我也是有着黄蓉那种怪怪的性格,喜欢做一些突发奇想的行动。 那天,当梁第一时间告诉我他的 relo plan时,我还真的有点措手无策,尽管他之前有告诉我他去的可能性很大,但是我还是无法阻止一时的感伤,泪水不自觉的滚动,幸好我及时将它抑制了下来。 这几天,我还真的是偶尔有点疯疯癫癫的跟他说了些疯言疯语,但是他也习以为常了 :P 虽说这不是我们第一次分离了,但是这一次却特别感伤,或许这就是爱得越深、伤得越重吧。尽管如此,我们还是必须共勉之。

Angels and Demons

Last few weeks, I keep reading "Angels and Demons" from Dan Brown, I am undeniable to say that I like Dan's story because it would bring me surprise and some kind of logical analyse. I was really attracted by story in "Angels and Demons", how the writer linked those heritage buildings with "illuminati" secrecy group and path of science, it really brought me a lot of surprise. At first, the camerlengo's faith really touched me until the final fact was revealed. For me, I would prefer the story ended before the final truth, but I can't deny that the final truth revealed was really made me admitted the writer's genius. No matter which ending, I still think this is an excellent novel, and I started loving Dan Brown's novels so much. If you ask me if I would watch the movie, I would feel hesitated because I don't think a few hours movie really can convey full story in the novel and I still think the novel is the best. Well, I think it w