
Showing posts from June, 2009


第二章 - 冤家(下) +++++++++++++ 叮冬、叮冬―― 急促的门铃声,将仍陷在恐惧深渊里的不凡给拉回了现实生活。 收拾了心情,不凡起身去应门了。 门一打开,便看见那个斗气冤家站在门外,不凡一扫之前的恐惧,改成一脸挑逗的表情,问道:“怎么,泼妇?三更半夜的,走来一个男子的住家,有什么企图?” 秋仪恶瞪了不凡一眼,没好气的说道:“别臭美了,胆小鬼。我对那些害怕打雷、闪电的胆小鬼,只有鄙视,没有好感。” “哦,那么是什么怪风把你给吹来了?” “是测验风?” “测验风?你的测验跟我好像没有关系哦。” “我的测验当然跟你无关。即使有关,我也不会来找你的。” “哦?” “是芳婷的测验风,她请我来跟你借往年测验的试题。” 既然是芳婷的事,不凡也就不再多加刁难了。“你等着,我这就去找?” 说完之后,不凡将秋仪留在客厅里,独自去找芳婷要的东西。 看到不凡这么大的屋子,秋仪有点惊讶,看他一副吊儿郎当的模样,穿着还是非常寒酸的配搭,没想到会住这种高格调的公寓,楼下还有严密的保安管理,进入的人还必须留下身份证,不然就被控非法闯入。 再看看家里的布置,全部设备都是高档货,进口真皮沙发、高科技电脑、宽屏电影式电视设备、超高功能的影音设备。连地砖、墙漆、天花板都是用超高素质的原料盖成的,而且还是有隔音设备呢。 这种家居设备对秋仪而言,并不奇怪,毕竟她爸爸那边的家布置得比这还夸张。但是,如果对一般家庭来说,尤其对只是大学生的不凡来说,却是太、太、太高级了吧。 这时,秋仪见到不凡去而复反,把一份考卷交了给她。 秋仪一时掩饰不住心里的好奇,问道:“喂,胆小鬼。你一个人住这么大间的房子吗?” “我一向不爱与人同住。” “这样的话,租金不是很贵吗?” “不用租金。” “咦?” “因为,我爸已经将他买下了送我。这间屋子,就是我的了。” “…”秋仪无言的望向不凡,看不出这样吊儿郎当的人是富家少爷嘛。 “怎样?是不是对我有兴趣了,哦,不、不,应该说是对我的钱有兴趣了。”不凡很轻佻的说道。 “你不要以为只有你一个人有钱,我的家也是很有钱的。我现在住的那间房子,也是我爸买来送我的。只是我比较喜欢跟朋友一起住,所以就请阿婷和阿芬跟我一起住。” “是吗?”不凡很感兴趣的说。 “当然,我才不会像有
Finally, I got everything confirmed by today, my name is cleered from immigration blacklist finally, this was checking by four people (Ah Say, Siti, SL and I) and I hope this won't be any surprise for me to depart to US this week, else I think SL would be crazy, he is really not in good condition these few days because of too worried about my case and I think his nerves can only be relaxed after I arrive to US safely, I am so sorry to keep him in worrying stage. All after all, I should do all checking carefully before departure and shouldn't trust that was safe to exit. According to people, actually many kind of payments to government are entitled to blacklist people from exit Malaysia, like income tax as well. Therefore, I think all Malaysian should do a very detail checking before they leave the country, because government will never forget to get your money by preventing you exit from Malaysia. On the other hand, I couldn't get the ticket for this Thurday because that is


第二章 - 冤家 (中) +++++++++++++ 芳婷准备测验前夕―― 芳婷正埋头苦读着,正用功的准备着明天测验的功课。读完了所有即将考试的课题,现在正努力做相关练习的时候,芳婷突然发现自己没有以前教授出题的资料。 一时情急,拿起电话,拨电找着学长们救命。然而,得到的答案不是说已经丢了,就是说不知什么时候拿去当厕纸用了,还是塞到了不知名的星球去了。 正当芳婷渐渐的绝望的时候,一盏明灯提供了一个很可靠,又很有利的线索。 明灯说:“你去找不凡吧。那个家伙肯定有收着。而且,还会有非常完美的答案哦。” 哇,真是太幸运了,她最亲近的学长非不凡莫属,然而,刚才却偏偏忘记问他。芳婷为自己忘记不凡的事,忏悔一分钟。 一分钟之后,或许只是三十秒吧,芳婷立刻拿起电话,想要联络不凡,并要求他顺便将试卷送上门来。 可是,打不凡的手机,不通,最后被转入了留言信箱去了。听到留言信箱的女子温柔的话语,芳婷已经不理的挂断了电话,好不给面子,因为她知道,不凡是不去听留言的,不挂电话,只会浪费电话费。 手机不通,那么只好打另一个电话了,住家电话。然而,芳婷得到了一个失望的――不通。 “这个不凡学长也真是的,讲完了电话,也不把它挂好,害我打不进去。”芳婷埋怨的说道。 那么―― 只有一个方法了,那就是亲自找上门,向不凡要了。然而,芳婷明天有考试,无法走开,而且,她也不会驾车。现在,芳婷只有找那个会驾车,又有车的,而且还是很得空(明天没测验)的那个朋友了。 “阿仪。”芳婷冲进了秋仪的房里。 “嗯。”还不知大难临头的秋仪应道。 “你可以帮我一个忙吗?” “当然。我们是好朋友嘛。说,什么忙?”答应得好爽快,希望别发现是去找不凡时,就退缩了。 “阿仪,我明天有测验。” “我知道啊,你该不是要我替你出席吧。”我可是门外汉咧。 “当然不是啦。”我可不想这科被当掉。 “那还好。”如果秋仪知道是去不凡家拿试题的话,不知她还会说好吗? “可是,我却漏了借往年的试题。所以,希望请会驾车,又有车的你,帮我去拿。可以吗?阿仪。” “可以啊。到谁的家?地址呢?”秋仪爽快的答应了。 芳婷将一张纸条塞进了秋仪的手,给了秋仪一个拥抱之后,说道:“这是不凡学长的地址?阿仪,你真是太好了,谢谢你。” “叶不凡?” 芳婷点点头。 秋仪
Finally, the case is settled with lot of help from Ah Say, he is really a good friend and help us with selfless, I would like to say a big thanks to him but I know this is not enough at all for what he did for us. This morning, Siti just called me on the extra amount that I needed to clear with PTPTN, it was not much until 8%, but only with 4% because the case didn't go until to court, anyways lucky me. Then, I just enquired if Ah Say could help me to clear the case to the office as he is in KL, and he was happy to help but not immediately as his brother was robbed and hurt by robber. Oh no... it was so dangerous in KL and I felt lucky to have Ah Say along with me last Friday, else I might be one of victims. I hope Ah Say's brother can recover sooner. Fortunately, Ah Say helped me to settle this before 3pm, so that I could exit from Malaysia started from tomorrow early morning as Siti had sent a clearance letter to immigration. If it was after 3pm, then this might only can be p


第二章 - 冤家 (上) +++++++++++++ 有着共同的朋友,不论两人再怎么躲,都会免不了有碰头的机会,尤其是双方的那个共同的朋友与自己和对方都有亲密关系。 秋仪与不凡就是这种情形,而他们的共同的朋友就是芳婷了。表面上来看,是秋仪与不凡过得很辛苦。但是,如果更实际的来看,过得最辛苦的是芳婷本人了。 试着想想,秋仪与不凡只是需要动嘴,将对方冷嘲热讽一番。可是,站在芳婷的这个位子,一个是自己的好友,另一个是自己的学长,每当双方吵得不可开交时,芳婷都必须想点子将这对冤家的注意力转移。 至于点子嘛,就不外乎肚子饿(即使当时不饿)、想去看戏(即使当时并不想看戏)、去逛街(即使当时很不想逛街),还有一些不同的借口。 长久下去,芳婷为了将这对冤家的注意力转移,食量比以往多,钱也用得比以往更多。弄到现在,自己不但肥了,钱包还缩水了。现在,芳婷最害怕看到的一件事,就是秋仪与不凡出现在同一个空间。因为,这意味着芳婷不但要伤脑,更恐怖的是还要伤财。 **** **** **** **** **** 那天―― 秋仪、芳婷和不凡到了同一间的快餐店去用午餐。 当三人买好了餐点之后,秋仪就带领着三人行的队伍,寻找着座位。其实,也不算是寻找啦,因为这个时候已经过了高峰时刻,大部分的座位都很空旷。芳婷建议了几个座位,都被秋仪拒绝了,秋仪把他们带领到了一个餐桌前,便很满意的坐下,芳婷也没有异议的跟坐了下来。 然而,不凡却一脸铁青的,迟迟没有入座。原来,这个座位就是昨天不凡所坐过的位子,秋仪之所以选这个位子,无非就是要辱他昨天的胆小事件。 看着不凡僵硬的站在原地,秋仪脸带奸笑的说:“怎么?胆小鬼,连坐下吃东西都胆小了起来吗?” 芳婷也察觉不对劲,马上关怀的问道:“是啊,不凡学长,你怎么还不坐下来呢?快点吃啊,待会儿,我们还要回去排练的。” “是啊,今天风和日丽,没大风,也没乌云,不会这么巧,闪电、打雷、下大雨的。这又不是什么呼雷桌。”秋仪讥讽的说道,心里暗喜,这回,她终于扳回一局了。 不凡当然不愿让人瞧不起啦,狠狠的瞪了秋仪一眼,就坐了下来。 然而,秋仪的攻势却是接二连三的来临。看到不凡正安静的享用美食,秋仪突然间嘴里“轰隆,轰隆。”的叫着。 当然,这种人为的雷声,对不凡而言是起不了作用的。 不过,这并不是秋仪的目的,只见秋仪


第一章 - 邂逅 (下) +++++++++++++ 昨天―― 不凡一个人到了在学校社区附近的麦当劳快餐店去享用他那美味无比、无人干扰的午餐。 正好,很不巧的,秋仪也是与她的一些科系里的朋友相约到了同一家快餐店共用午餐,而她们的位置就坐在不凡的邻座。 男人可以看女人,难道女人不能看男人吗?现在可是男女平等的世界嘞。想当然的,双方所注意的,只限于美的、帅的、好看的。 基于男女均有的审美天性,秋仪的几位朋友在看到了不凡的不凡样貌,惊为天人似的小声的、热烈的讨论着这位邻桌的帅哥,把不凡的帅气捧得天上有、地下无的。 经过了朋友们一再的推销,秋仪也略感好奇了,看了看邻桌的不凡一眼,但是,她却没有觉得他有多么的不凡嘛。唉,毕竟帅哥、靓仔秋仪是看多了,比如说她哥哥、她哥哥的秘书郑如海,还有那个史密斯叔叔辛律师,也都是可称得上人间绝品的人物。 所以,在看到了不凡的样子之后,秋仪也不怎么觉得他超帅、超靓,只是觉得不凡如果跟她哥哥、郑如海和史密斯叔叔互相比较的话,只能说是差不多、平分秋色罢了。 当时的天气很不好,眼看就快下雨了的情景,天空的乌云也开始渐渐的变为浓密了起来,风儿也开始肆无忌惮的刮着,山雨欲来之前状。突然之间,天空响起了一连串的连环雷声。 这时,秋仪却听见隔壁桌(不凡那一桌)传来了一阵奇怪的声响,她马上好奇的把头转过去时,却见不凡已不在他的位子之上了,秋仪再仔细的一瞧,只见一个人影正缩在餐桌底下,双手紧紧的掩着自己的耳朵,手脚还在不停的颤抖着。 丝毫毋庸置疑的,那个躲在餐桌底下,还不断发抖的那个人,就是刚才朋友们嘴里所说绝无仅有的帅哥――叶不凡莫属了。 看到这种情景,秋仪一时觉得心里好笑,也没去想别人的感受,便语带戏弄的对朋友们说:“那,看看刚才你们所谓的帅哥吧,一听见打雷声,他就已经迫不及待的躲到了餐桌底下去了,就好像紧接下来的事会是地震一样。哼,真是一个胆小的东西,人啊,有些时候是中看不中用的,金玉其外,败絮其中的。喏,看看隔壁桌的那个,他就是很好的例子。” 不凡从很久很久以前开始就害怕听见打雷的声音了,尤其是那种一连串打个没完没了的连环雷,他更是必须找个可以让他躲藏的地方,这样他才会觉得有安全感。其实,连不凡自己也不知道这是为什么,他可是个天不怕、地不怕的的人,就是偏偏只怕两件事,而其中一个,就是打雷了。 秋仪的这


Haha...Unfortunately, I am still in Malaysia, I think I will be here until next Thursday, I think it was an interesting experience to me yesterday, well... I am not abled to exit from Malaysia imigration yesterday, becuase I am a blacklisted person :P Yes, it is true, I am BLACKLISTED, haha... this is my first ever experience, kind of special. I checked in my luggage yesterday to Cathay Pacific Airlines and waiting for my flight outside of imigration, then there was a lot of people proceeded to imigration counter, including me, I just felt it as normal. However, there was too many people in line, so that I tried to use the Auto Gate, but I thought it was with problem as I couldn't proceed it after two trial. Then, I just went through the manual immigration counter. After long waiting, I just got to the counter, but the staff told me that I had been blacklisted after checking with my passport, then he said that I am not allowed to exit Malaysia, this was confused me. Later, he just


第一章 - 邂逅 (上) +++++++++++++ 秋仪走在前往武术学会的走廊上,当她到达了武术学会的门外,听见里面传来好友芳婷的声音。出于好奇心,秋仪也不马上开门进入室内,嘴角处还勾起了笑容,“阿婷,会不会是与男朋友幽会。不知道是什么时候交的男朋友,既然敢瞒着我和阿芬。这回就要被我逮到了,以后,有得取笑的了。” 机不可失,秋仪马上将耳朵贴近门板,以便可以得到更好的讯息接收。 “你…,你不要这样嘛。”芳婷传来的说话。听到这话,秋仪惊讶的睁大眼睛,没想到芳婷与这男子进展得这么快了。 “不要害羞嘛。”这句话是那男子说的。 “你快放手啦。”芳婷的答案。 “小姐,不要这样嘛,好歹我的样子不会差到哪里去嘛。” “可是,你的行为却差得透顶。”芳婷毫不客气的骂道。 “是吗?可是我不觉得啊,我觉得这是正常的事。诗经第一句都说了:‘关关雎鸠,在河之周,窈窕淑女,君子好逑’。我是君子,你是淑女,难得配成一对,这有什么不对的?”那男子语带调戏的说着。 “诗经是这么说过,但是,也得男欢女爱吧。可是现在,男的欢,女的却不爱啊。所以,请你别再纠缠了,好吗?”芳婷非常决绝的拒绝了对方。 却听见那男子不死心的说:“小姐,我劝你还是不要惹毛我,不然的话,我就要用强的了。”接着,还有一阵奸笑。 “你会用强,难道我不会耍恨吗?不过,我先提醒你,我可是练过的,十种打架的方式,我至少懂得六、七种。你也最好不要惹毛我。”芳婷也很不客气的回道。 “哟,原来遇到了个练家子啊。那就更好了,本流氓也正好练过,那就来比一比,看看高下,如果是我赢了,你就跟了我;如果是你赢了的话,那么,本流氓就认栽了。不过,我也先告诉你,本流氓可是不好对付的角色。” 秋仪听见那个男的左一句‘本流氓’,右一句‘本流氓’,要不把他当流氓都难了。秋仪本来对芳婷的功夫是不容质疑的,然而,人外有人,天外有天,强中更有强中手,一山还有一山高嘛,又听见那个‘本流氓’说得像是有恃无恐,不尽为芳婷担心起来。秋仪也没考虑到自己不会武,自己进去了可能还会成为芳婷的累赘,更可怕的是,如果芳婷真的打输了,那个‘本流氓’或许还会对秋仪下手呢。 但是,一想到芳婷或许会有危险,秋仪马上二话不说的打开武术学会的门,瞄准了方向,冲到芳婷的身边,毫不畏惧的看向那个‘本流氓’。 秋仪才一拉到芳婷的手,略感安心的,便


楔子 - 离婚 ++++++++ 律师楼,辛律师的办公室里―― 在这间办公室里,坐着四个人。一位妇女和一位先生正并肩的坐着,妇女的旁边还坐着一位小女孩,这小女孩一直牵着妇女的手不放,正惶恐不安的看着眼前这位不怒而威的辛律师。 那位妇女的容貌可说是天生的美女胚子,一双双眼皮的大眼睛,眼珠里还透着一丝的蓝光,鼻子略挺,眼珠与鼻子看似是遗传自西方的血统,还有她那殷红的唇,好像渗血一般。然而,最令人叹服的是她那雍容的气度,让每一个人,不得不为了她而掏心献肝。 坐在这妇女旁边的先生,单眼皮的眼睛、褐色的眼珠,厚实的嘴唇,略蹋的鼻子,外形只可以被评为中上。然而,他拥有着一股摄人的气度,自信的神采,却是任何一个普通的人都无法仿效得出来的。 小手一直牵着妇女的手的小女孩,一看便知,是妇女的女儿。因为,她完全的遗传了她母亲那天使般的容貌,只是她的眼珠子是褐色的。 坐在这三人面前的辛律师,有着俊郎的外表,还带着一股非凡的魄力,让人一目了然的知道,他是一位有才干的专业人士。当然·,他是真的有才能,年仅二十九,就已经成了扬名国际的名律师了,不得不让人叹服他的能力。 “韩先生、燕女士,你们的儿子,韩大少爷怎么没来。”辛律师看见这一家三口,三缺一的,没把儿子带来,便问这对夫妇。 只听那位韩先生说:“小辛,你是知道的,小凯从小时候就一直体弱多病。本来,今天我们是想带他来的,可是,昨天他突然旧病复发,被送进了医院疗养,所以,今天他不能出席了。小辛,小儿的缺席,应该不会对今天的协议产生什么大问题吧?” 辛律师仍然保持着冷静的语气:“问题是不大,只是如果他在场的话,可能可以让你们两个重新考虑今天的这个问题。毕竟,你们的孩子都已经一个八岁、一个五岁了,为什么还要做出这种决定呢?” 这时,一直保持沉默的燕女士终于开口了:“史密斯,你也是我们的朋友,应该是很了解我们的过去。今天,我们为什么会做出这样的决定,你应该是很清楚的。所以,请你马上进行吧。” 听了燕女士的这一番话之后,辛律师转过头看看韩先生,只见韩先生向他点点头,辛律师只好无奈的叹了口气,“好的。我知道了。”辛律师本来是想说,我就是不清楚为什么会弄成这样。 辛律师稍为整了整衣裳,换了个更端正的坐姿,慎重其事的发表着宣言:“韩天明先生、燕白女士,既然你们双方都同意办理离婚协议,由本律师,史密斯·辛为见证。

就让我在消失一个月的期间,圆了那一场未敢圆的梦,在一个月风雨过境之后,让我转化为原来的凡人,不论一个月里的回应是好是坏,就让它当作梦了一场,在梦醒时分,就把那场梦给忘了。 不知是那一阵风,吹起了我当年的梦, 就让这一阵风,牵起了我的勇气,圆了一场梦, 梦醒之后,暴风过境,将一切的现实吹回,将遥远的梦还原, 再度遗忘,再度返回现实的枷锁,停止做梦。


Yes, it's finally the last day of waiting, I will be on flight tomorrow, then I can see SL and hug him in LA at afternoon of US time, I am really excited now, that is almost two months that we never see each other face to face already, I am really missing him a lot, I am wondering what would happen at the first minute we meet, I really can't wait for longer now. I left office earlier this afternoon to settle some pre-travel activities, like packing and arrange all my things. After cooked and had my dinner, I just started packing my luggage, I tried not to miss out anything, else I am sure SL would angry at me again :( Then, I found that is no space for my winter cloth anymore, then I just decided to bring it next trip as it is summer now, so that I don't really need a winter cloth yet :P Finally, I have my luggage ready. Then, I just activated my prepaid card so that I can make call out of Malaysia as my current package doesn't incled roaming service, therefore I would

the second last day

Another busy day for me, busy for work, busy for preparation, busy for life :) I had lunch with my ex-teammates this noon, because one of them is leaving company soon and her last day will be during July, when I will still be in US, therefore I wished to have the last gathering with her. Due to this, I am abled to meet a lot of my ex-teammates, I was so happy then for long lost connection and chatting, it was a pleasure lunch, I wish that we can build the same kind of relationship among my current teammates, I think I still have a lot of effort needed to make this happens :) During lunch, I found that is a girl from my previous team is going to US at the same day as me, but unfortunately I don't know her. However, I wish that we can be companion at flight, this is safer than travel alone. Then, I told them about a forwarded e-mail told about rape case on flight at Emirate Airlines, then some of them are doubt on this is real criminal or just a romur, then they suggested me to look

Happy Birthday, LP

Well, it's another busy day for today and I skipped my lunch again, anyway I did take extra during my breakfast, so that I would be too hungry at noon, then I had huge dinner for evening. Finally, I have my EPF nomination done this afternoon, I was thinking to do it a year ago, but delay until now, SL did his nomination just a day before he went to US, hehe... I am better, it is three days before leaving :P For my opinion, I think everyone should nominate their beneficial, therefore their nominator can have it if any unfortune happens to them. According what I know, your EPF will belong to government once you pass away if you didn't nominate a benefitial, therefore it is better to have this done as soon as you still can do it. Well... I didn't mean that any unfortune would happen, but at least it is an extra for the one you love. Also, I heard from friends, said that we need to redo this nomination for every five years, as the system would refresh for certain period, but I
I am kind of busy lately, because I got a lot of stuffs to be settled before I leave to US, job and personal stuff. This afternoon, I went to pay my car loan instalment, it took almost of my lunch hour, therefore I didn't have lunch today, I think I would be quite busy for noon of this week, there are thing to be settled for everyday. Anyways, I am happy that I could have all this done by this week. Before dinner, I also needed to settle some personal stuff in Queensbay Mall, haha... I think Queensbay Mall is really convenient location for doing everything, with variety of shops and two banks there. At first, I am successfully abled to buy hair siccors from a shop, then I will be a hair stylist in US as SL requested me helping him to cut his hair there because his hair is growing longer now. Haha... I hope I can be a good hair stylist and won't spoilt his hair :P Secondly, I paid our credit card at one of the bank, so that we won't be charged for late payment after I am not
I was quite busy today, almost a full day, I think I can consider it as beauty day, as I had my hair done on first half and facial treatment for second half. It took me about four hours to have my hair done, I got a package which include haircut, hair wash, rebonding and hair treatment, therefore my hair kind of look new, but I don't think much different than before, except my hair becomes straight now. For some mystery reason, I told SL that we won't use webcam for our chatting until I went to find him in US, so that he can't see my new hair style personally, this might keep some surprise between us :) Hope this is really a surprise. I think webcamless idea might be good, so that we could miss each other more due to we can't see each other, then we won't cherish the day we are together more after we are reunited :) Haha... what a strange idea? Anyway, I hope this works. After I had my hair done, I just went for having facial, actually the main purpose was helping S
This morning, I started packing my lagguage for my US trip, I think I still have something need to buy tomorrow, but generally I got all my things almost ready, I really can't wait for my trip now, it is about 5 days left, then I can see SL sooner, I really hope it would be a safe trip. I was quite tired during daytime, so that I slept for few hours at afternoon, is my body started adjust biological time itself to suit US time? (:P) so that I won't feel jetlag afterr arriving, haha this is just kidding. However, I really hope that I could overcome with jetlag immediately, else my LA trip might not be too interesting. Well, I didn't experience jetlag problem when I went to the UK last time, is this because it was short journey? Or I was really abled to manage it, then I wish me good luck this time. At night, I need to get my car from the service center, I really thank to my housemate PY as she was willing to send me there, she is really a kind person, I actually found lucky
I got my car for paint spraying this evening, I really need to thank YY as she is willing to fetch me to dinner and back home, I am kind of happy to have some friends in Penang although SL is not around with me, at least I won't be down and always thinking I am so helpless. This afternoon, a friend gave me a shopping list, so that I could help her to look for it in US, haha she said so that I got things to do while I am in US, haha this might be true but I am afraid if this will make me also shop for myself there, then I will be really poor after back from US. Anyways, they said it is worth to buy, maybe I can arrange my budget now :P Actually, I think sometimes we can find many branded things are really cheap if compared with Malaysia price, but it are still quite expensive to me, I don't know if I am abled to buy them this time :P But I think Amazon ( do really sell a lot of cheaper things. My friend and I bought some books from there, well it is still look new


This afternoon, my brother asked me to get him my "Happy Potter" when I back to hometown next time, what do you guess? Haha, I rejected him directly and he was immediate surprised with unbelievable :P Well, I rejected him with criteria one, I would borrow him my book as long as he met the criteria. Since young, I am the person who bought most of books in my family, and my siblings are taking my books for reading, therefore their style is similar with me, I actually don't mind if they read those books, this is good to them as well. However, they got more friends after they grow up, then they always would borrow my book to their friends. Well, I don't mind if my books are returned with good condition, I prefer if it return as condition I borrowed to them. But, this always is not the case, as my book has always been torn after that. Anyway, I still could keep an eye closed (but with tear in my heart) if my books look older than it was. But, what I couldn't bear is I

my plant

One more plant out today, I think I am not a good gardener as I don't see any plant can grow healthy under my hand, is any curse on my plant? Or any curse on my gardener's hand? Again, I brought another plant out from my cube and back to home today :( They are almost faded, I really couldn't believe that they change so much from the day I bought them with today's appearance, one of them is totally dried (means died), another one is almost faded and fortunately one left like newly buy. Oh no... my cactus :'( Actually, this is not my first failure, I did fail a lot of them to grow a plant in office, I bought them happily and grew them, but they were faded just in short period. This cactus actually is lucky enough as I think they live around half year in my cube already, hmm... I should feel better, right? :P I still remember I was kidding with SL last, that I still can have a bowl if they all died. Well... I actually got enough bowl, so my little cute cute cactus, ple

"Missing you" Graph

As my daily routine, I chat with SL last night, he told me he had reached his limit without me and he found his limit is maximum up to 6~7 weeks, and it is fortunately I would visit him next week, then he would die very soon (I think he was too much on this part). Suddenly, I just felt hurt as I couldn't be along with him when he really needed me. Then, SL asked me for considering to leave my job if I don't find hard to live in US during my one-month visit, I think he is really missing me a lot there. Actually, I am so lucky to have a husband who always respect on my decision, he never blamed me on choosing not to follow him there, but he blames himself instead of cannot provide me a wealthy life. Back to three months ago when he just got his relocation plan confirmed, SL asked me to decided whether wanted to follow him to US, he told me that he really needs me be with him but he would always gave me to choose and respect on my choice. At first, I was worried that I would be to

countdown for 11 days

When I was online this morning, I found an e-mail sent by SL to me, with title "A Song for you", I thought he found some interesting song and wanted to share with me, but when I looked further into the mail, the song's name is "to dear dear" and the lyric is so unfamiliar, then I just opened the file and listened into it. Oh... I see, it was a song written by SL to me :) I was so happy, although it isn't as good as pop song, neither can compare with Pual Law's (a friend of my sister) good composed song, it was so touched to me :) And SL's voice is always so comfortable to listen. Before we aparted, SL promised me that he would compose a song for me every week, but this is the first song after six weeks, anyways I know he is so busy for his job and it is good enough that he still keeps his promise to write his blog everyday, I think it could be our seperation memory after we are together again, and we can tell our children in one day, on how our love

monthly hurt

Originally, I planned to work today as I am getting busy currently on my job, but I couldn't make any progress on my first half day, due to monthly visit. When I woke up at late morning, I found I was so tired still although it was 10:30am already. After taking my breakfast, I was talking with SL then with energyless, as I was really feeling miserable with this monthly torture. Until some level of pain, I couldn't hold myself strong longer and just went to sleep with viewcam continue playing, where SL still could talking with me during I was sleeping. Anyways, I felt good as SL didn't complain on this and I could feel some type of happiness when my husband is watching for me (through viewcam) when I was weak. Due to painful, I actual planed to order some delivery for my dinner (pizza again =.=" ), but I finally decided to cook for dinner, so that will be healthier for energy recovery. There I used two herbs, wolfberry and red date with vegie, fish meat and egg to cook


If I need to rate today, I would rate as unlucky. Yes, I am unlucky today as I was in an accident this morning, my cute cute pretty car got "kissed" :(, this is the first time since I bought it three years ago, I am so sad. I woke up in the early morning and departed to Georgetown after I took some breakfast, I had a good plan for today, I needed to collect a courier from my sister at Poslaju office, then I will go to Gurney Plaza for shopping and movie session, which I had done my online reservation for "Terminator Salvation", then I would go to Sungai Dua's pasar malam for my fruits shopping. However, it looked like everything is not on my plan, this makes me pretty down on this. True, life is really so unforseenable, every sudden change would ruin your plan, so don't put too much expectation on your plan else you would turn out with lot of dissapointment if it was not what you wanted. I departed from home at 9:45am, traffic was so smooth all the way to Ge

Be confident

This is a pleasure evening, I have had my dinner with YY at i-avenue, we told a lot and shared a lot on our thoughts, somehow I find our thought are quite similar. Actually, it is actually quite happy if you can share your mind with each other :) At first, we talked about that everyone needs to have a skill (like music, painting, tailoring, etc), so that we could use it for survive when we lose our job, this recalled something that my mother told me when I was young, she also said the same thing to us, but we just ignored it. Until now, I am kind of regret for not listening to my mum, as I gave up when I had chance to learn organ and piano, then my youngest sister succeeded it, also I dropped out when I had opportunity to learn drawing which my another sister persisted it. Besides, I actually was full with luck to pick up tailoring skill but I also ignored it, until now I only can be an engineer and handed my life to managers. On the other hand, YY is really hardworking to practise her

Be aware

Last night, the light in my room suddenly broke down, it was the light tube broken, therefore I only can talk with SL in dark This afternoon, I didn't have lunch with my friends and went to Sunshine to buy a new light tube, however I couldn't find OSRAM (which was used in my house) with the correct size, until I chose Philip. Normally, there are three sizes in Sunshine Square, I grouped them as small (22W), middle (32W) and large (40W). Therefore, as long as I still remembered the wattage, then I could buy a correct size, well... actually their differential are quite obvious :) After I got my light tube and starter, I bought some bread, buscuits and yogurt drink, they will be my lunch as I was rushed with time for an 1pm meeting. After backed to home this evening, I changed for the light bulb first to confirm whether it was light tube problem or a starter problem. Then, my lighting is function without starter needed. This is my broken light tube, where you can see it's burn

Pre-Paris Trip Story

I was going to write my Paris trip during 10 to 15 September 2005 timeframe soon, but I would like to share something that happened before the trip. Originally, I didn't plan to travel to Paris for my two-years stay in the UK, as I always thought there was nothing special in Paris and I still only wannted to visit Italy, Greece and Spain on my mind that time. However, that was an incident happened to my friend, this made me decided to do her a favour and started my Paris trip. I was sometime around August of 2005, I was studying hard in my room as it would be my final exam sonn, and I recieved a call from Lucy at one afternoon, it was surprised me because she was still in her Europe trip that time, I was no idea at the first place why she called me. Lucy is a good friend of mine, who I met in the UK, she is from China and studied her master degree in business a year before me, however she needed to prolong her stay in the UK for finishing her year end project. While all her friends