
Showing posts from December, 2010


After graduated, I thought life would be easier, no more examination and no late night study anymore, it will be wonderful life. However, after working then I know it was wrong, examination is still continue and late night overtime sometime needs to complete your task. Well, working still need performance review every year, it is just another form of examination, which you need to crunch your brain to remember what you did in the past one year. I am agreed that my memory isn't that good enough to remember every detail and I am admitted that I am lazy to tap my keyboard and scrible my history. Honestly, I totally have no idea what to write. Life... keeps on taking examination even though you grown up, it never skip. C'est la vie. Yes, I am bored, can I just write what I like? And, I know the answer is no :P

Christmas 2010

Long ago, Ai Choo introduced me good buffet in Spirit Mountain Casino, but we didn't really have chance to visit there, finally we decided to take our Christmas dinner at Spirit Mountain. On Christmas, the buffet in Spirit Mountain is serving with dinner style from noon to night and of course we need to pay at dinner price, but we think it might be worth if it has extra dishes. We paid about $19 a person for buffet, but there were a lot of selections, international, Asian, America, seafood and a lot of starters plus deserts, wow I think this could be the best buffet that I have ever had in Oregon. SL was more concentrated on seafood dining and I preferred to try different variety of foods instead, all after all, we really ate a lot, until we are full without need to take dinner anymore. After lunch, we walked around the casino, it is just like a little hotel in Las Vegas, a lot of slot machines and some game rooms. Well, we are not a gambler, and we don't believe that we can ea

Christmas Eve

A month after Thanksgiving, it's Christmas coming, it seems like a festival which is more important than New Year because a lot of shops are closed on this day for celebration. It's a day to celebrate birth of Christ, but I see more commercial purpose are hidden behind advertisement nowaday. In Woodburn Company Store, they advertised the last chance sale of the year on Christmas Eve, therefore SL and I took a few hours to Woodburn and did some so-called "last chance" shopping (well, radio boardcasted there will be another after Christmas sale in some places). Anyways, shopping is something that we can do during cold, rainy and short daytime winter. Especially, SL and I will be backed in two months time, therefore we would spend some times to survey if we missed something out of our shopping list, so that I could "take care" of them. Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas, another meaningful day in western country, every people would have party, reunion an


After having ipad, I started using e-book as one of my reading media, well it is a new experience. Sometime, when I love a book and thinking to buy it, I would think twice whiter I want to own it in paper format or in electronic format. For now, I am still new with e version, therefore it took me quite some time to make decision. I keep thinking what are pros and cons between the traditional and technology reading method, here I found some conclusions. For reading in paper format, we can have the book physically, holding it in hand and flipping it for information, it is a real experience. At least, you really carrier a book, and you can share it with your friends if they also like to read it. However, I also find some benefits for using e reader, you can immediately search for new vocabulary once you find a new word, just tapping on it and meaning will show up soon. I like this e-dictionary tool because I am lazy to flip through dictionary myself that made me normally skip the word. An


十二月了,我到美国来公干也已经有一年了,这个月份为我带来了好的回忆,也带了伤感的心情。 二零零七的那一年,我与梁在这个月注册了,当时还担心结婚真的会是爱情的坟墓,但还是嫁了,现在的我是幸福的。 二零零九的那一年,我的外婆离开了我们,到了另一个世界了,刚才看了那时我写的回忆录,悲从中来,也想起外婆在我们小时候说故事的情景,原来人是真的能够永在怀念中的,我们姐妹三人应该会很怀念她吧。 人的生命是那么的脆弱,再怎么会跑会奔的人都是无法逃过死神的催命,所以我是崇尚及时行乐的,外婆却是节俭的人,她一生存了一些钱,好辛苦存的血汗钱到后来被一个亲戚给骗了,我可想她的伤心,但却难以帮忙,其中原由我也不知道谁是谁非,但是有谁会不心痛那笔自己无法花的钱就这样让人给吞了? 回想外婆的一生,她似乎都没有真正的享到清福,在临走之前还带了一丝的伤心。当时与小妹见面时,听她说起外婆在临行前的遭遇,其实自己也有点开始的感慨人生。世界面面观,有时还真的是需要在你最脆弱的时候才能看到你最不想见到的事,看书看戏多了也觉得不稀奇吧,只是没有人希望会发生在自己身上罢了。 想到那里,让我对生命感到恐惧,我希望自己能够在自己失去一切之前就挥手道别,那样我还能够带着美好的心情而走。 每当我看戏或看书,看了某些剧情,我就会问梁如果我们在那样的情况,他会怎样的面对呢?而我又会如何度过呢?其实,一切的问题只是白问的,因为人不在当事中,是可以篇出一大堆美好的情景,问也只是为了安慰自己把。然而,梁现在对我的心却令我了然于心的,这是所谓的幸福吧,有此回忆,夫复合求。


Among so many bread, I love croissant the most, however I wasn't too confident for making my own croissant because I think it is actually quite complicated procedure to make a success croissant. After I studied some steps, I still wasn't too sure if I really can make it. It took me quite a lot of time to decide to have a homemade croissant on last weekend, I took about two days to processed my dough and shaped it, then baked them, because it needs very careful and a few process to make a good dough. Finally, I had my first batch of croissant (14 counts) baked from oven by Sunday night. Well, it really look like croissant at least. To me, it still doesn't really meet my requirement becuase I expect it would be softer than what I got. However, SL liked them, he kept saying it was nice. No matter what, SL gave me more confident to make the second batch. Hopefully, I could improve my croissant next time, baking skill gain from experience, I should keep studying and pay more att

LCD monitor

Yes!!! Finally we got our LCD monitor from Best Buy this evening, which we ordered it online during Thanksgiving, I am not sure if it is the cheapest deal, but price is just within our budget and spec just meet our requirement, we didn't want to spend time to queue, therefore we decided to get it online, it is same price as you buy it in store during Black Friday morning. After getting the package, SL was so excited and read instruction and did the setup and I just left him alone to do that, he preferred to spend time by himself without anyone disturb him. Wah, I tested the monitor, it was nice, just good enough for me to read waveform and doing some debug, my eyes can feel relax a bit, but I felt like I am still in office and working =.=" Anyways, this is more comfortable way to work at home, right? Another thing is, resolution of this LCD monitor is still less than my laptop, where my laptop is 1920x1200 and LCD monitor is 1920x1080. Well, my laptop is quite high resolution,

E book

Wow, I found there are a lot of free books from kindle, well it would say free old book, they are actually free when the copyright is expired, I think after a certain period of it published to the world but I am not sure how is the exactly period, 68 years? Well, they are old but I like it. I remembered that my landlady in UK had a collection of Jane Austin books, I was wondering how was it, were they that nice? But I didn't read them before. And now, I found they are actually free to read, perhaps I can spend sometime for my reading hour. After having a iPad, I found that I spent less hour in front of my laptop, maybe it is a good thing to me, that mean I got something to do beside just working, my life just has more fun now. IPad is a multifuncitonal pad, which contain many things, it is just size of book, but contain a lot of books, well some are need to purchase, but it is convenience :) Sometime, I hate myself for spending too much time on company laptop, iPad is another tool