
Showing posts from February, 2011

Pack and Load

Today is our pack and load our shipment, now our apartment is almost empty, except those we need to hand carry back and those we cannot ship. During shipment survey, the surveyer told us that we actually just took half of space and still can fill more. But, when the packer came, then they told us that we got a lot of stuff and they might not able to take them all. Oh no, that made us felt tension, suddenly regret to ship that speakers. Anyways, finally they took about 4 hours for packing and loading, then our stuffs just perfectly fitted into the provided space, sweat~~~ Then, we make conclusion that sometime surveyer maybe will provide optimistic calculated the space to be used, we only can tell how much space will exactly use during pack and load day, therefore we shouldn't feel too happy when not too much space be used on shipment survey day. Anyways, pack and load almost mark the end of our journey in Oregon, sooner we will say goodbye to this beautiful place and I suddenly lik

Leaving soon

Finally, all our stuff are all packed and loaded to shipping company, the apartment that filled with our memory are almost empty now, though we are happy for going back home, still we feel some mixture feeling inside, this is a place for us and we spent a lot of sweet moment here, the first place for both of us that make us felt like a house (as we didn't own a house in Malaysia yet). A year plus in US, it's just like a dream for us, SL and I lived together in another country and we are still alive, our love grows. Another two days, we really leave this Apartment i, well I am sure that I will miss it, the place with sweet memory. That's really enough for us, at least he and I spent some time of our life in another place, together we live, together we learn. Compared with my lonely and bitterness life in the UK, I am sure US would take more memory space in my brain. Before I came to US, I told SL that I don't like US as I like the UK the more, but now we are leaving, I c


还记得上次我到英国留学一年多之后回国,我的口袋里还有好多的一元金币,当我到某店购物时想要使用它们时,我才发现一元金币已经被废除了,所以我拥有的那些金币已经无用武之地。那时,我才发觉我那一年多的记忆好像都在别边,所以必须将所有的脱节再度联系起来。 我想这一次回国,我也必须适应一些脱了节的环境吧,槟城已经变成了环保城,我将要付费使用朔胶带,我是支持环保的,但我还是偶尔会忘了携带环保带,希望以后会记得。 听说,马来西亚已经实施消费税了,我都还不知道哪些地方有这些收费,哪里没收,看来以后必须减少消费了,Oregon是个免税的州,所以当我购物是我并不需要运用太多的计算,因为标价就是我该给的价格,看来以后马来西亚人的算术应该会突飞猛进吧。 唱k,一直是我俩很想回国后做的一件事,两年前,梁和我常唱的歌已经不算是新歌了,两年之后的我们,看来将会是唱“老歌”的情侣了,我们跟歌曲也脱节了两年了。 我想,应该还有满多事物是脱节的吧,回国之后,我应该会常问这样类似的问题,他已经结婚了?他辞职了?她怀孕了?那间电关了?这边多了栋楼? 在外两年,梁的外公去世了,我的外婆也离我而去,好多的事在改变,有些我们可以随时跟进,有些却只有将来明瞭。脱落的环节,总是需要一段时间才能够慢慢勾回。


如果。。。我还在当初选择的时候,我到底会做怎样的选择呢? 每个人都会有些人生困境或瓶颈吧?每到那个时候,人类往往都会后悔当初做的某些选择,反问自己如果我还能回到那个时候,我还会这样吗?还是我会做另一个选择呢? 最近,我有时也会有这种想法,如果回到当初我还在选择是否拿假来美国,还是继续工作的时候,我会做那一种选择呢?如果拿假,我现在的生活是轻松自在的吧,或许我们不需要有任何的顾忌,现在也许有个孩子了。只是,回去之后我还能找到工作吗?我还有价值吗?也许,我的生活就不能像现在一样了,让我随时想要购物也不需要太过担心。 如果。。。我还在当初选择的时候,我到底会做怎样的选择呢? 再回到当初的记忆,我还能选择回国之后,是否要进新组还是回到原队的时候,我会做那一种选择呢?如果我要回到以前的组,我回去之后就不需要烦那个我不想烦的事吧,或许我能够摆脱一些不想做的事。只是回去之后,我还能做什么呢,那里是否已经物似人非了,我可能又将另一次成为外来者,必须从新融入新事物,我会开心吗?也许,我已经不能像以前那样对当初的工作驾轻就熟了,难道我又将要再一次从新开始。 如果。。。我还在当初选择的时候,我到底会做怎样的选择呢?唉,人总是这样左右为难的吧,后悔当初倒不如努力未来,过去无法改,前路要创造,倒不如用当时的经验来为以后的选择做基石,了解怎样的选择得到如何的结果,就避免下次做下鲁莽的决定。


还记得几年前,我和梁谈的“十年前”是中学时期,可现在,我们的“十年前”却是大学时期了,哇,我们真的是老了。 十年前,我俩的大学时期,我在士古莱,梁在关丹,虽然是同一件大学,却在不同的分校,听他的故事仿佛觉得关丹的生活是那么的多姿多彩,令人向往。他说,后来的士古莱生活简直是郁闷,让我觉得汗颜。 其实,梁跟我在十年前是有共同点的,我们是同一所大学、同一个系院、还是同一届的大学同学,只是我俩却从来没有遇见过,这一只让我俩的生活增添了些幻想。我时常问梁,如果我们当时遇见了,现在的我们会是怎样的呢? 是啊,如果我们当年已经认识了,我们的爱情故事是否会跟长久?还是我们将不会发生任何的火花呢? 有时候,真的是要在对的时候才会遇上对的人吧,那才会有对的火花,才会导致对的结果。


还有两天,我们的Apartment i就要有move out inspection了,好快就要回去了,梁在这间家也住了一年多了,从没有我的日子住到有我的日子,可以说这是我们交往以来住过最像家的屋子了(除了敏思的那间semi D)。 要离开了,当然要收拾啦,都已经受了几天了,可是还没有收完,由此可见,我们的东西是那么的多吧,将近两年的东西,还真的需要一段时间来处理一番。 慢慢的,看见原本凌乱的地方现在空了,也表示我们离去的日子近了,始终还是对这间家有点留恋的,这里载着梁和我的满满回忆,梁以往的relo都是一个人,现在这一次多了个我,这应该是他最开心的relo吧^_^ 这几天好累哦,明天还要再收拾,不知哪天才是收拾心情的时候。还有十七天,就要跟这Apartment i说bye bye的时候了,朋友说她还在那墙上附上一个吻,我是否也该学一学:P


来了US一年多,运动的机会少了,以前可以时常去hiking,可现在天气冷的时间多,冷得我们都很少爬山了,人又懒惰去gym,所以。。。我胖了,好伤心。 今天,刚从浴室出来之后,梁就对着我的小腹说,肚腩大了,说得我好伤心哦,这次,真的胖了,死命的想要把凸起的肚腩收起,但是还是于事无补。 不要紧,还又三个星期,就暂时的放纵自己吧,回去只后再慢慢的减肥。


在美国也有一年多了,年龄也从二字头变成了三字头,开始老了,是时候离开了,再迟的话,或许很多的事情都被耽误了。 离离开的日子还有十多天,我们心里已经开始倒数了,毕竟开始厌倦了现在每天工作的程式,尤其是梁,最近比以前还要忙上数倍,忙那些并无意义的工,真希望能够早日摆脱。 算一算日子,年纪也大了,也过了半辈子,但至今还是一事无成,梁叫我回去之后该为自己想后路了,如果一直这样无意义的耗下去,是否应该转行了呢? 想后路,有谁没有想过?只是有多少人真的去实行呢?也要有那份时间才能吧。只是,现在真的老了,真的是时候想想该往哪个方向走了。

CNY celebration

Like this, my Chinese New Year almost ended and there wasn't too much celebration, our life was just normal, SL needed to work on Chinese New Year, which was not a tradition for us and he broke it for the first time. Anyways, we are modern people and no more believe those ancient belief on not working at least the first day of Chinese New Year, right. Well, I still wished to follow our tradition somehow, therefore I didn't go to office but I was still checking some jobs status from home. Going to office on Chinese New Year would break my mood. This year, we tried to make some New Year cookies, at least this gets us some new year memory in US, else I didn't feel too much on New Year season. I really like internet as we could check a lot of information from there and my new year cookie recipes are from internet of course, at least they weren't too bad to taste. We had around 20 people sat together in a restaurant on the second day of Chinese New Year, we had dinner for fu

Chinese New Year

Another new year and I think I am old now, this is my third Chinese New Year in another country without my family. In past, I didn't feel much different when I was young. However, it is totally different this year, I feel homesick and I want to have reunion dinner, I also want to visit my friends and hang around with them, I think I am tired now. Suddenly I feel regret to extend my stay in US, it wasn't a smart step. Perhaps, this trip is long enough to me, I am just thinking that I want to go home as soon as possible, I keep counting down for my return date and feel happy that my days in office becomes shorter and shorter. We had too long time in another country just by ourselves, with small circle here which cannot compare with number of our friends in Malaysia, does it count alone? Though we are not totally alone because we still have each other. However, besides each other, we almost spent our time just with each other, without family and without friends in Penang or friend