
Showing posts from August, 2011


Yeah, SL and I got a nine-days holidays this week after applied 2 annual leaves, but now is Tuesday already, we have used half of our holidays until now, time flies especially good time flies faster. Past few months, I didn't sleep very well and always felt tiredness, and luckily we have this week long holidays, I think I start recover from those sleepless experience. However, I originally planned to log in sometime during my holidays, but I didn't make it until now because I enjoy quite a lot with this relax holidays, SL and I went to sport quite a lot of time for our health safe, I even asked him to go swimming with me everyday, not sure if we really can make it. After today evening, my parents-in-law are coming for visit, our house will be fill with people soon, hopefully we all will have a nice holidays here.

cold weather

Weather is quite cold recently, I could see nearly everyday is raining, roads are always wet, temperature is low. Well, I don't like hot weather, so that cold weather should satisfy me, however somtime I found it too cold, I even couldn't sleep well last night due to I felt cold on the bed. Today, I wore long sleeve and boot to office, which I thought it could prevent heat lost, but somehow I still felt cold in office. Anyways, I think it was better then before. Is this normal weather in Malaysia? I missed it last year, and forgot the years before, but I don't remember that I got this cold like recently in the rest of my life in Malaysia, except at hill area. Is it because environment change or my body change? Perhaps, I am old now and cannot bear too much cold now or I am weaker than before now. Actually, I personally think this type of body isn't healthy especially for female, this is a sign asks me to take more care on my body. I think I need to do mor


不知道为什么,最近真的是很郁闷,没有太多的心情工作,总是觉得力不从心,这是事业瓶颈吗? 以前午休时,都有个三五成群的饭友相约着到哪去吃饭,可是现在的情形变了,自从第一个饭友决定辞职离开,我们之间开始着跳槽热潮,开始讨论着某某公司的福利、薪金还有股价,又讨论着我们公司的前景。之后,就有人去面试了,现在算算,以前的三五成群现在也将要少了一半的人了,场面凄凉,弄得没了陪食,也就开始啃面包了。 也许是因为这样,弄得我的情绪低迷,恨自己没敢下定决心去改变,真希望十一月快快来临,我那热情的AC马上回来,让我生活添姿彩,跟我组饭局。 其实,还有另一件郁闷的事,我每天都在重复的做着同一样工作,让我有时觉得没有意义,其实,我这个人比较喜欢同时做很多不同的事物,偶尔看看这,偶尔碰碰那,就是不喜欢拘于固定的模式,喜爱自由的分配自己的时间,可现在做的事总让自己感到困顿,开始觉得不是很开心。 现在的工作,第一阶段是差不多完成了,开始觉得心烦了,问问自己接下来是不是还是如此继续下去,自己也不知道,是否应该向老板反映反映一下?为了让自己逃离,决定和梁在下星期一请一天的假,这还是我第一次没有原因的浪费自己的年假,是不是应该想想要怎么用呢? 好藓好藓,很郁闷很郁闷,我要到什么时候才能逃离这样的困境呢?真希望我拥有足够的年假与金钱,请上两个星期的假,和梁一同到个无人认识的国度,过上两个星期的悠闲日子,才回来工作,不知要到什么时候才能拥有这样的机会。


梁最近介绍我一首歌,叫《念你》,他说这首歌是被骂红的,就开了youtube给我看。 MTV是放着老旧的黑白片段,男女主角只在客厅和饭厅出现,男主角刘子谦就重复的唱着以下两段歌词,与其说是唱,倒不如说是唸歌词,拥有着怪怪的旋律的演讲吧。 第一次听,还真的是觉得很难听,旧旧的歌曲,配上怪怪的唱法,我还真的是无法听完这整首歌,真难怪被骂到乱。 可是,听完了之后,这首歌还一直在我耳边徘徊不去,绕梁三日原来也会出现在烂歌上的。 现在这个世代还真的是怪,不管是好的,还是坏的,只要你有能力让他能够每人到说他,他就会红了。你如果做不到最好的,那就做最坏的吧 :P 岳飞名流千史,秦桧遗臭万年,看样子两人都留了名。 念你 === 作曲:刘家昌 填词:刘家昌 我的字典里没有放弃 因为已锁定你 我从不写空白的日记 日记里全是你 眼见着月亮悄悄溜走 又见到太阳缓缓升起 多少个昼夜变换 多少次一年四季 爱不偷懒始终如一

job sick

When we had breakfast this morning, SL asked why we always chose milo as our breakfast drink, can we have something healthy other than coffee and tea, then I suggested milk. After that he blamed me that I didn't notice him with alternate drink and I told him that he didn't think deeper. After that, he suddenly said his BIOS is at DEFAULT mode, if no INTERRUPT to ask him to do some other JOB, then he will only EXECUTE what was DEFAULT =.=" After listened what he was talking, I was stunned, he even apply those technical term into our normal conversation now, is he occupied himself as a CPU??? Although sometime I would use some jobs related term in our daily conversation, like AR, milestone, internal transfer, so on so forth, but that is more to common term, but SL always used something deeper than I thought, he describe his memory as a RAM, ROM, harddisk or external harddisk, what BIOS, what draw current, oh no, he is addicted now. And, I really not up to his level

2011 Penang International Book Expo

Yes!! After I have been in Penang for 5 years, this is the first time that I can see such a big book fair hold in Penang, in Pisa Stadium, it took the whole level 3 for many different bookstore to sell their book in the same place, for 10 days (from 12 to 21 August, 11am to 10pm). Today is the first day of book expo, SL and I walked from our home to Pisa to see what are selling there, I had spent about 2 hours in the Arena, which is the second time that we can spend so much them in an expo, after Homedec April when we needed to research for our new home's items. In Pisa, I walked from store to store, table to table to dig for some interesting book, finally we spent some money to get some book that attracted us. However, I actually love some books that I didn't buy yet because I can't let myself to spend too much money in one shot, perhaps I will visit it for some other times since it is close to our house and will be there until next weekend. However, for bookworm,

teeth problem

This few week, I couldn't sleep well at night and dreamt every night, so that I felt quite tired recently. In the meanwhile, I felt pain at my teeth since last week, which always made me felt uncomfortable, I am not sure if my sleepless and dreamful night is related with my teeth problem, just I was really not feeling well lately and hated this situation continuously happened. At the begining, my teeth was still fine but it felt pain when I drank something hot, which made me couldn't concentrate at work, toothache is really an annoying pain that would make you don't want to continue at the same situation. Finally, I went to consult a dentist last weekend, the dentist filled two of my teeth and it costed me RM120, that time I was regret that I wasn't a dentist, this type of professional really earn a lot. After filling, I hoped that my situation would turn better, but it didn't and my condition seems to be worse, then I felt pain not only when drinking, but also chew