
Showing posts from October, 2011

my stupid hubby 4

Today, my hubby shared me a joke that he faced this morning, this is the joke of the day for me. This morning, we got a meeting and he called in from another building. When the meeting past 20 minutes, but hubby still didn't hear anything through phone, then he just voiced up. Hubby: Hello, is anyone there? XX (the presenter over the bridge): Yes, I am XX. (my hubby still didn't hear the name, but at least he know someone answered him). Hubby: Can you hear anything over the bridge? XX: No, except your voice. Hubby: Yes, me too, I can't hear any except you. Where are you now? (my hubby still didn't know XX was presenter, he thought XX was someone from the bridge.) XX: Training Room 1. Hubby: TR1? I thought that is where the presentation held? (he was still blur blur) XX: =.=" Yes, I am presenting just now. Are you from TR1? Hubby: =.=" No, I am not from TR1. (if I am there, why you didn't hear me) Until then, hubby only know that the p

Deepavali 2011

Today is Deepavali, another public holiday for us, after started working for so mony year, I think everyone is counting down for their next public holiday, I am one of them and I like to enjoy my free off day. This public holiday, well was unhappy at the begining of the day, we both at bad mood with some quarrel, anyways still ending with happy and ice break. I did baking at afternoon, which I enjoyed the most of today, my today recipe is dark chocolate cake, it took me about an hour to finish, result is nice and tasty cake, it really tasted nice :-) another success baking. My dark chocolate cake.


昨天才到槟城国家公园越野,今天全身酸痛,幸好前星期为今天请了天假,得以在家里休养休养,可算是忙里偷闲,让自己在繁忙的工程中寻找闲时。 虽然没做什么事,一天也就这么快的过了,好享受这样的时间哦,看看书、弹弹琴、逛逛街、聊聊天、看看戏,也想想未来,悠闲又写意,也能让自己充充电。 以后,当想不开时,应该请个假,放松自己。

中医 vs 西医

中医,西医,你会选那一种医疗法?好比说,如果你月经不调,你会使用西药来让它准时来临,还是服食中药来调养身子。你会不相信中药吗? 其实,我认为中西各有各的好,如果是伤风感冒,或是病入膏肓时,我是会选择西医,因为它可以快速的解决问题。而中医呢?那是需要漫长一段时间的调养,它是为了日后的健康铺路。 比如说,月经不调,如果使用西药,只要服食之后,它能让你一星期内与大姨妈见面,而食用中药,它就慢慢的调养你的身子,这要等身子好了,它才会正常,如果你问你的中医师,要调养多久呢?他也只能说,调养好了就来。 然而,在这种情形下,我会选择等,我个人认为,虽然西药有一星期的保证,但我不知道这样的逼血是否会伤害身子,使用荷尔蒙来调节是否会让我身体的荷尔蒙错乱。反之,中药的调养是让身体复建,还能够养身,虽然慢,但对身体无害。 对我而言,我满相信食疗和药膳的,吃什么就养出怎样的身,好的身子不是一朝一夕就出来的,我宁愿从食物摄取营养,多过从药丸里追求。 总的说,中医是用来预防疾病,在病因来找你之前,它先为你抵挡;而西医却是在你需要迅速效果时,能够为你快速解决烦恼,各有各的长出。

a friend of mine

That day, I uploaded my recent photo onto facebook, then a friend MSNed me... Friend: Nice picture from facebook. Me: Thanks :) Friend: wont know u have baby de, figures still so slim and nice... Me: =.=" I still don't have baby yet Friend: ... (I think I gain weight already, else my friend won't say like that, I need to start control my diet now.)

what I want?

That day, a friend told me that her company is hiring now and the post is really attractive, which I told her it is my ultimate goal of my life in my career path which related to my Master degree, the post is one that I am longing for but still couldn't reach until now. Then she encouraged me to apply and told me that they really need people right now, and I know this is my ultimate goal but I felt hesitate, I am actually not sure to move, yes I am that type of undecisive person. I am a bit reluctant of change now, well I always complain about my job but I think I am still considered happy with it, or perhaps I am lazy to move? Perhaps, I am old now or mature? Therefore, career in my mind stand with another meaning. Actually, working at some area isn't just looking for something that pay you very high (of course not too low as well :P), but also need to look at your environment and working partners, of course balance life and work satisfaction, and comes along with a lot

Short hair

I have cut short my hair recently, and there are a lot of friends curious and surprise on my hair style shift. Well, I had my previous hair cut for quite some time, it was about three years and I think it's time to change now. While I like swimming currently and my previous hairstyle was shoulder length, which I felt hard to slip in my hair into swimming cap, therefore I decided to cut to as short as I can. After thinking for a few weeks, I finally made it and I have my short hair with me for two weeks, now I found convenient with this hairstyle and I can easily slip my hair into swimming cap without have some of them escape out. Another benefit from short hair is I only need a little shampoo to wash my hair, it is about a third of my previous shampoo usage, that means I can save a third of cost on buying new shampoo, it isn't bad, right? Though this hair style makes me look like a boy, I still like it as cost saving, swimming friendly and low maintainance need.

my stupid hubby 3

That day, after reading my blog... Hubby: Even we don'y have house loan to pay, I also won't feed you. Me: =.=" Hubby: You still need to work, else you are useless. Me: Sure, I told joke in my blog, I sure will die if I wait you to feed me. (For sure, I will die. Even though I am working now, he also that temper to me and I can fight back, if I don't work, I sure will die because taking too much of his hot temper and cannot fight back. Nevertheless, why don't so speak something nice to make me happy, instead of broke my daydreaming?)

my stupid hubby 2

某天,我开了齐豫的CD来听,突然。。。 梁:她是不是整首歌都用假音来唱? 我:不知道,是很高音,但怎么可能有人所有的歌都唱假音。 梁:哦,我懂了。。。 我:什么? 梁:这是天籁之音。 我:=.=" (梁就是会时不时地爆出这样的冷笑,齐豫还真的是下星期有场在云顶举行的演唱会,叫天籁之音,可惜我无法出席。)


现在,又回到了那种赶时间的日子了,又开始觉得工作令我好郁闷,好讨厌这样的日子,又要开始不断重复的做着一件事了,我又要疯了。 好想问梁,“梁,你愿意养我吗?”哈哈,他一定会这样说,“我们还有房子要供呢,我没有闲钱养你。” 所以,没办法了,只好硬着头皮这样继续工作下去。有时候,由于一起重复着同一样程序,开始觉得自己也只不过是机械人,觉得生活好没有意义哦。 如果,还没结婚的话,我会看看哪间大学有提供博士奖学金,然后就往那儿去了,只是一个人的日子好孤单哦,就像当年在英国一样。还是有人陪的好,虽然会觉得在做着没有意义的事情,但有梁在身边,日子也过得快乐一点(如果它没常对我发脾气)。 最近,其实有想过要做某些事,但是又害怕实行,看来我这一辈子还真的是这样浑浑噩噩的过了。 看着两个理想派的妹妹,她们都不计世俗的眼光,勇敢的为自己的理想牺牲贡献,而我却为了稳定的将来放弃喜欢的事,觉得自己太过现实了,为什么我就无法像她们一样的不理智呢? 也幸好她们有我妈的维护,不然怎么可能有人能这么的轻易而不愁三餐的追求理想,可惜我无法做到撇开凡尘,所以就只好做个没有理想的人了。至少,我也圆过一个梦,又如何能够奢望圆所有的梦呢? 做凡人,浑浑噩噩的过日子,世间还有千千万万个人和我一样吧,只是我想我是时候应该想想要如何把它变得充实吧,该做什么好的?

your funny wife

That night when we know Steve Jobs past, SL read Steve's story from Wikipedia, then... Me: Do you think your name will be written on Wikipedia one day later? Hubby: If you want, I can create it myself. Me: Of course not, maybe I can write one for you later. How about like this? Then I created him a story: Hubby born on XXXX and marry with me at year XXXX, he worked at company I for many years, then on year XXXX, he decided to start his own career to create his own brand and name it "Orange". After few battleship years on his own brand, he found that he prefer just works as an engineer, then he ended his company "Orange" and worked at company A for the rest of his life. Me: hahahaha, do you think it suit you? Hubby: =.=" (hahaha... the story was created for fun, of course I hope hubby can have his own business successfully, but I think it can only see in imagination, I think he won't even change his job for the rest of his life.)

drop of a great man

This morning when we went for breakfast, Agnes told us Steve Jobs has past away, well I don't know him well except as CEO of Apple, ok I got an Apple ipad and it was nice, just I am not to fancy with Apple products, then I only felt sorry for him. At evening, SL told me again that Steve Jobs was gone, yes I heard it this morning but death is just happening in our life we can escape it at last, that's all I felt. But then SL told me how brilliant he was and his idea on iphone and ipad, it really was an amazing idea, I felt that is a lost with his leaving. Then I logged in to my facebook, the first login of the day after long working day, and I saw almost all facebook comments from my friends are about this great man, Steve Jobs, his quote and condolence to him, somehow I felt sad, he is such a great man and touch so many people heart, but he finally leave the world. After suffering with cancer so many years, he finally leave, and leaving with lot of people crying for him a