
Showing posts from May, 2012

This coming weekend

Yeah, this coming weekend will be long as there is Public Holiday on Monday, well it said as Agong's birthday but I don't know why all our Agong born at the same day? As we just changed another Agong this year after the holiday declared. Anyways, it was pleasure for having holiday that I don't mind this birthday is for which Agong :) Just recieved a mail from Popular Bookstore saying there will be a book fair in Megamall Penang, I am so happy as we are going to Megamall this weekend and so coincident there is book fair which make our trip be more meaningful :) Wish for a good weekend. 

Your funny wife 2

今早起床了,却又想赖床,就懒懒的躺着,身边有梁伴着那种幸福感,就不自觉的唱了我喜欢的那首歌,新不了情。 唱着唱着,脑海里就浮现了电影里袁咏仪和刘青云的片段。 唱完了一段之后,我就有感触的对梁说:“如果你死了之后,我应该会每天唱这首歌。” 梁:=.="


最近听闻个朋友的婚姻亮灯,心里有点为她担心,毕竟他们以前在我眼里是对神仙眷侣,好多年的感情、那么多的聚散离合,总以为他们是会天长地久的,我想这一切或许是谣言吧。 只是,当我听到这新闻的霎那,我真的忍不住为她担心,不知她是否能够坚强下去,我想如果这事发生在我身上的话,我该怎么办? 何谓幸福?每个人都希望能够用自己的双手掌控者那虚无飘渺的幸福吧,但是往往人们都在失去后才会发现原来自己一直在浪费着自己追求着的东西。 那天,听白岩松的专访,他也说到了幸福这回事,我也为此赞同。 人总是最先认为拥有物质和财富就是幸福,当他们失去了某些无法买到又意义非凡的事物时,他们才会真正的了解他们想要的幸福在哪,如健康、亲情、等等。 我妈其实在我大学时期离了婚,我是赞成的,因为那段婚姻是不幸福的,但当我再长大时,有了自己的婚姻,又再回头看我妈的,我发现其实一段婚姻的失败,双方面都要负责任的,我妈差不多把所有的时间放在工作上,我很少看见父母有交流,她也很少有时间和我们交流,爸的坏脾气和暴力倾向我也不知是与生俱来的,还是时间的积累而成,最后两人都不幸福,或许两个人都不适合彼此吧。 但是,我每次想起他们的婚姻,我就会有很多假设,如果他们这样这样,会不会幸福呢?而我,也或许会有幸福的童年了。 前车之鉴,所以我会如履薄冰,小心翼翼的经营着这婚姻,但当他大发脾气时,我却又会想起当年的父亲而感到害怕。暂时,我是觉得我的婚姻是幸福的,但我还是害怕之后的事。 人往往要等到失去之后,才会想到去做些珍惜吧,就像最近的流产事件,才让我发觉生命的可贵,总希望人们能够为此而借鉴。 没有真正哭过、痛过、失去过,就无法成长,也无法看见什么才是对自己最重要的。


最近,我告诉了些朋友关于我学缝纫的事,得到了很多鼓励,心里也觉得开心。 还有些朋友认为,能够缝纫是很了不起的事,弄得我有点害羞也不知要怎么回答。 在工程师的眼中,缝纫是很难的事吧,而且耗时间,多数的人还是喜欢花钱买现成的,但每当我完成了些作品时,我都觉得有成就感,尤其最近我蛮喜欢做不同大小的简单包包的,看到自己的瓶瓶罐罐有了他们的合身外套,我就感到开心,我还为我的 Kitchen Aid做了个套。 缝纫对门外汉来说可能有点难吧,但我却有种遗失已久的熟悉感,从小就看婆婆妈妈缝缝补补的,还常用妈妈的真车,把她为顾客车边,就是遗漏了去学习如何剪裁和缝合过程,现在想起来真的有那种错过的遗憾。 然而,从小就接触这回事的我,其实还不难上手,时常还能够找回当时的熟悉和亲切感,心中还有愉悦的感觉。 原来,小时的耳濡目染是可以保存着的,熟还真的能生巧。

lucky? or not lucky?

Recently, we recieved complaim from oue downstair residents (they are just moved in), they said there is leaking problem from our house to their house, the most serious part is washing machine area and next is master room's toilet. Actually, it is really a headache for leaking problem, though it doesn't impact us but still we need to fix for them (by rule). Of course, I also don't want to ignore it, as I worried if I got the same return from my upstair resident (who is going to move in soon). Since this condo has past it's warranty period, so we have no right to request developer to fix for us, that mean we need to pay all cost from our pocket. Before we get things fix, I have asked around with several plumbers, they all said that we need to hack the whole bathroom, then reapply cement, waterproof and tiling, all this will cost us RM2200 just for a bathroom, which is not included other area. What? that is a lot, we were quite sad for that. One of the contractor ev


Today, I browse through facebook on some friends, one of them caught my attention, as we worked at the same team previously and SL said he is same batch with us in university time, but he is working in another company now, I don't even know he changed job since when. Somehow, I felt my antenna within my team is quite limited, I found actually it is hard to get information (romour) in my team. For example, I couldn't hear any news from another sub-team, we are just enclosed in our small team, all news are covered within us. However, I got a friend who works in another team, she can easily hear news from all around her in the same project, I don't know why all this different, is my social circle too small? or it's our team too big? Is another team more on people orientation? Or our team too task orientation? Everyone is too concentrate on their on task but don't even realise what is happening around them?

A troublesome year

Since starting of year 2012, there are a lot of things happened to me non-stop, I really feel so tired for all these. The worst thing started first at January, which was the saddest moment to me, I nearly felt lost of meaning to continue living. Anyways, I still abled to take quite sometime to recover from that, it was about two months of self asking session before I walked out from deep valley. I thought everything will go well, but I was wrong, problem is still continue coming to me, from my health, then looking for lot of doctors for recovery, after that to my car and even to my house, everything just happened one after one restless, is this my problem solving year? Money is just like water keeps flowing out from month to month. When talking with friends, they also think I am really black in these five months, they even suggested me some superstitious ideas to get over it, my mum also suggested some changes in my house which related to "Feng Shui" =.=" After w

Birthday 2012

Another year and another age grown, I am getting older again yesterday, thanks SL buying me a small birthday cake on the eve. It was my friend's birthday two weeks ago, she celebrated it well by taking a day off for shopping, I was thinking to do the same originally, but I think am really old now as I didn't feel motivate for shopping. Though I applied a day leave as well, I didn't do big shopping on my birthday but only shop some groceries at Sunshine Square =.=" Am I turned to be an aunty now? As I think that I should spend my time on doing something that I interested, so I decided not shopping but sewing and baking at home, this also is a good time, right? I felt relaxed and happy for doing those. At the evening, I had my cloth half ready and my honey sponge cake baked. Then, hubby took me to Xuan Xin at Queensbay Mall for fine dinner, that's all I celebrated my birthday. As my birthday is on the last day of April, it's always a public holiday on