
Showing posts from July, 2012


六年了,从2006年开始在一起,我和梁也牵了六年的手了,原来感情还真的能够保养至少六年的,虽然他时常会没耐性和爱发脾气,弄得我们常吵架,但是吵着吵着也吵了六年,都没分开,看来也算是奇迹吧。 当初第一次和梁吵架,我还觉得我们应该不可能会长久,可是到现在我们都还在一起,也算是我们彼此对彼此的造化吧。 回头想想,我最受不了他的没耐性和爱发脾气,每当吵架他就爱自我中心以外,其它的都还算是不错了,他最可取的应该是细心和专一吧,对我也还不错,就像之前我向他compliant说书房的那张椅子很不好坐,有时会觉得腰酸背痛,它就会时常注意卖椅子的商店,还买了张舒服还超出他预算的椅子给我坐。 唉,虽然时常会对他有不满,但又还蛮喜欢他的细心,人真的是没有完美的吧,所以在一起之后就应该尝试接受他的每一个性格,包括缺点,这样才能够长久嘛。 希望另一个六年还能继续写我们的事。

My Bangkok Trip

It was so tired, but so happy, I just spent my last weekend with some university friends in Bangkok, a trip that we planned in end of last year, it is really pleasure that can go out for trip with them. That time, we bought ticket just because of promotion from Air Asia and girls like doing some shopping at Bangkok, I decided to join them as this is my first experience in Bangkok, and I like to spend some time with my friends. Though family is most important thing in life, friendship also play another important role, I actually encourage SL goed for short trip with his good friend as well, at least stay in touch isn't a bad thing and he could have some friends by his side if I am not around in one day (of course touch wood :P), but I think guys seldom like to do that, right? Actually our trip considered quite short, four days three nights just past like that in a flipping of our eyelids, everyone didn't want this trip to end on the way back, of course include me, it is good


再过多两个月,有个要好的朋友就要离开了,她将到德国relo四年。四年,如果人的寿命有八十年,那是二十分之一的时间,可能不是很长,但是以我们的友情十三年的长度来衡量,四年已占了三分之一了,我却觉得这是很长的时间了。 那天与她吃晚餐,心里还真的有那么的不舍,心里还希望她不去了,但是又责怪自己的自私,对她而言这毕竟是一个难逢的机会,而我又不是那个和她共度余生的人,是不应该叫他别走的,心里只是有哪一丝丝的不舍,真的不舍。 或许是开始老了,所以才会有这么的感慨吧,如果再早些几年,我就不会那么的依依不舍,也不会这么的儿女情长了,我会非常的亢奋而为她开心,还认为有梦想、有追求是好的,而她说还有vacancy时,还会不知天高地厚的想跃跃欲试。 四年之后,我们也是三十中叶了,当时再度重逢,可能将有另一番话题了,或许她会在这四年当中遇到她生命中的另一半呢。 天下无不散之筵席, 往往人都是聚了又散、散了又聚,一切以平常心看待就好,应该祝福她。