
Showing posts from December, 2012


年杪,2012即将过去,再过多几十个小时就迎来了2013。其实,2012对我而言并不是欢喜年,还有时觉得自己在这一年很失败,将近“世界末日”时,还有点希望世界真的末日,把一切的悲愁都带走。 2012就要完结,但这一年算是一无所成,想留的留不住,想要的要不了,唯一欣喜的是上了几堂的缝纫课,做了几件衣服。 人也进入了而立之年,但是还是这么庸庸碌碌的过日子,昨天梁问我是否该好好想想未来的路,我时常在想,但却从没结论,毕竟人已经进入了所谓的“comfort zone”,懒了,不想移了。可是,最近的公司改组,改了两个月都不见有结论,难免会惹人遐想,闹得人心惶惶,毕竟这份工不是铁饭碗,不能保证永不破碎。 梁是男子,所以就比较负担,他不埋怨的愿意挑起这个家,而叫我想想以后要怎样,做自己喜欢的,还是做做小生意的。之前有想过要学中医的,但是害怕自己兼顾不来,所以不敢轻举妄动,现在还是担心。而做做小生意,又害怕亏钱,又再裹足不前。 也不知公司改组要什么时候尘埃落定,又还是永无宁日,新的一年即将来临,但却还是觉得前途茫茫。 不过,梁说希望我们的生活能在2013有所改变,将废废的周末填满,至少别再像2012一样废。是啊,有时因为对某些事期望太多了,而一直为它而耽搁了其他的事,我们或许应该为未来好好想想了。

food hygiene

Last Friday, I had breakfast in my company cafe and I decided to have toast and two half boiled eggs. When my toast is ready, then I suddenly found some mold at a corner of my toast, what?? I couldn't believe this, this even happened in my company cafe, I always thought food is highly hygiene in our cafe if compare with hawker. Truely, my faith on food sold at outside dropped, how can I trust food which is prepared by other people hand, especially during this moment when everyone eager to earn more money rather than thinking of customer service. Lately, we always found ease to thrist when we are having meal at outside, this is because chef prefer put MSG in their food for better favoring, though MSG isn't good for health. Besides MSG, consumers will not know how chef process their food, when's the food expiry date? how long the food been put in chef's freezer before they serve? is the food overnight? I heard a real story from my brother-in-law during his universit


There is something happened to my team recently, I called it shuffling because a lot of jobs and resources, even projects will be changed after reorganization fully done. Well, I don't know if this is a good or bad. According to conversation from management, this move seems to be a "right hand turn" to our company, every manager talks so positively and feel like our future will be in bright side. However, nobody really knows the real situation. Well, I am just a powerless ant and needs to learn accepting all of this, especially I went through so many changes and reorganization in my career, I need to believe "the darkest night will proceed to dawn" though this is the largest one, right? Yes, I think this is the largest change I ever seen in my career until now, the jobs that I am doing right now might be totally changed in next project, actually I am not afraid of changes but at least I need to change to something that I like, so that I can stay longer her

end of the world

Soon tomorrow will be 21 Dec 2012, it is so called "end of the world" in Maya, well they explained it as start of new calendar recently, but this "end of the world" idea already rooted in our mind after movie "2012". This week when we drive to office, radio disscussion never left about arrival of 21122012 and "end of the world". Until now, I still don't see any symptom of world ending. A lot of people will believe half and half, right? Just in case when it is really happened. For me, I just don't mind because I believe everything will come with a reason, 21122012 might not be the end of this world, but it might be the end of someone life, nothing can be predicted, so we just live every second we have. Two days ago, SL wanted doing some shopping for daily supplies to back up for any emergency, anyways it isn't bad to have some extra foods at home even the world won't end. But I asked him, will we really have chance cooking wh

cars test drive experience

Lately few months, we tested quite a lot of cars from different brands and different ranges because SL planned to buy a new car after he sold his car to his brother during relocation. Since 2011 till then, we were only using my Perodua Kelisa as our transportation, it is fuel saver but quite small and less of suspension, Kelisa is suitable for short distance city drive but not a good option for long distance travel, especially our hometown is in another end of Malaysia. Therefore, SL decided to buy a car before Chinese New Year, so that we can travel back to hometown with more comfortable transportation. Before hand, we listed some criteria for our car shopping: good suspension, more space in boot and within our budget which is around RM100k. The first car that we tested was Volkswagen Polo Sedan, SL commented this car got a very smooth engine, he didn't hear any sound between gear changing and I very satisfied it's suspension, it was priced at RM99k which is within SL'

Wreck it Ralph

Wednesday is movie day, SL and I decided to watch "Wreck it Ralph" since long ago and it's finally on screen. Well, I think I prefer to watch animation, rather than real person show now. "Wreck it Ralph" is a story about a bad man in game who named Ralph, he felt demotivated to be bad man in his game because other characters in his game doesn't accept him while he wishes to mix with them. Then, Ralph left his game for some adventures and the story started there. Well, I better don't share so much and leave surprise to you. Animation from Disney is always good movie for kid and this is the same, this brought some funs to me and I like twist at the end of story. There are some funny screens, one of them at Fix it Felix wanted escape from dungeon but when he used his hammer to hit the bar, the bar just became stronger because his power is fixing things, therefore he couldn't break the jail until Ralph went to save him. The thing that amazed me is