
Showing posts from January, 2013


最近,开了个投资户口还没用,也许还是害怕风险吧。最近,看了很多有关理财的文章,虽说心里是窃窃欲试,但还是有点的担心。 这些日子,看了很多股票如何赚钱的文章,为了保险起见,我也选读了些反对以股票赚钱的书籍,《千万不要再买股票》,以警戒自己。 除此之外,每当看投资前辈的文章时,当他们分析如何赚钱的时候,我又会反面的想投资是否会亏钱呢?比如最近,看了一篇8k的文章,他分析了1991年的前十五名主板股票在2000年时的差距(如图1),其实就只有其中五只股是赚钱的(YTL除外,因为当时它不列前15),而其余的是亏钱或已停牌的,由此可见,股票投资是带着高风险的。 与此同时,也阅读了8k在 Megan亏钱的故事,以 EPS 和 ROE来计算,Megan是肯定赚钱的股,但是它的股价却与盈利成反比,一跌又跌,但8k的故事却没有给个结论。出于好奇,我就搜索了下有关 Megan 这只股,可是它却不存在于现今的股票市场,再加搜索才发现它已经停牌了,还发现了8k 和好多跟 8k 一起买这只股的人都亏了很多钱,他们所看的数据原来是 Megan 做假账而制造出来的,这也是投资股票的风险,毕竟不是你自己成立的公司,被骗了也很难察觉。 其实,股票赚钱还是不赚钱,还是要看个人如何做功课,如何选股,我想还要靠一点的运气,所以,在选定购买一只股之前真的要做很多的研究与功课,不是单单以抽签或跟风就可以的了。 看来,我还是有很多东西要学的。 图1 资料来源:

some happy things

Since few months ago, I signed up a new task on my job, which is totally different with what I am doing now and before, but I didn't see any progress for quite a long time, honestly I was quite disappointed because I always thought I could solve a lot of things. Did you ever face something that you are not able to make progress for long time? If so, then you will know what I felt and I nearly demotivated on this job, started thinking if I am suitable with this job and sometime I even felt lost of my confident. However, something happy today because I finally make progress on it, all confident that I lost are back to me, I suddenly feel motivated and I am really happy today. Even though this is only a small step, at least I got some move and not only standing at the same place. After experience failure for such a long time and finally seeing some success, this will bring back people's confident and interest, this will make people feel different and my today emotion is nice


最近,朋友分享了个网站是有关理财的,我对此也有兴趣,所以就有陆续的阅读此网站,其实还蛮有用的。这网站拥有太多的咨询了,所以至今都还没有读完,要再接再励。 有些文章告诉了我们很多有关理财的观念,让我们知道我们所赚的金钱是永远无法赶上通货膨胀的,所以自己应该有正确的理财观念,认清自己需要的和想要的东西,再做取舍。 其中,有满多文章是有关如何投资,以达到钱赚钱的阶段。只是我还是初学者,所以我还不能以自己的观点来诠释,但这些都算是蛮有用的咨询,我也还在学习当中,希望我们总有一天能够达到笔者的阶段。 理财网站:


Finally, we went to open an investment account this Friday, this is one of our new year resolution for 2013, we want to plan for some investment for the coming year because we learn that our salary increment can never catch up with inflation rate, therefore we need to have some smart financial planning for our future life. Hopefully, this will not be too late. Actually, we are quite conservative on investment, because we believe where there is possibility of money gain, there will be risk as well, therefore we waited so long and only decided to put our money on risk Anyways, we need to study more and be careful when invest our money. People mind would change when their friends are interested on investment as well, yes, there is a friend who really know how to invest her money smartly, which change my thought about stock market and property market. She told me that she wished to retire at 35, I first thought this is only a dream, a day dream of her, but seeing her financial stableli

Lonely soon

Monday morning, I woke up alone without SL by my side, because he woke up at 3am and drove south to KL for his US visa interview, I suddenly felt some sort of loneliness as I was too used to have SL by my side. After last separation, we told each other that we want to be together for the rest of our life because we hated to be separate. However, we always don't have choice when there is a need for business trip, especially there is nobody wants to spend their Chinese New Year alone in another country. Finally, company able to arrange resource for SL only needs to travel before Chinese New Year and another teammate to travel after the Chinese New Year, while the boss needs to sacrifice his family and travel the whole period. Until yesterday, I still didn't feel sad on leaving of SL because he still has to go through his visa interview and SL who a worst case analyzer assumed his visa would be rejected and we can stay together without separation. The first sadness was thi

T. Harv Eker’s JARS Money Management System

A friend shared me a good article today about money management, so forward it for my future reference. Forwarded from a friend's sharing. T. Harv Eker’s JARS Money Management System During the 1st Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar in Singapore, Harv Eker introduced to people from all over Asia about the world’s simplest, easiest and most effective money management system. Harv suggested that everyone can use the JARS system to better manage one’s money. The key between rich and poor or middle class people is their ability to manage their money. Rich people are excellent money managers and poor or middle class people are less-savvy when it comes to managing their money. And of course, there are many other distinctions that set the rich, poor and middle class people apart. I will go into that on my later blog post as I intend to discuss more about the JARS money management system in this post. The most important part of money managing is