
Showing posts from April, 2012


最近,收看着《破天网》,很喜欢它的主题曲,张信哲唱的网,好听也很有意思,很喜欢其中一句,“梦抓不到,所以谁都想要”。 张信哲《网》 ========== 谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想挣脱天网的牢 爱还不了 所以无可救药 多少人在结束后 用遗憾寻找 梦抓不到 所以谁都想要 而命运的网 又能解开多少 以为一切得到了 却不知在网里绕 失去和拥有 谁能分辨的好 谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想挣脱天网的牢 最华丽的情调 比不上那微笑 很多时候我们需要依靠 谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想世界为你而绕 最单纯的感动 却忘了去寻找 拥有了世界 却输掉拥抱 爱还不了 所以无可救药 多少人在结束后 用遗憾寻找 梦抓不到 所以谁都想要 而命运的网 又能解开多少 以为一切得到了 却不知在网里绕 失去和拥有 谁能分辨的好 谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想挣脱天网的牢 最华丽的情调 比不上那微笑 很多时候我们需要依靠 谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想世界为你而绕 最单纯的感动 却忘了去寻找 拥有了世界 却输掉拥抱 谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想挣脱天网的牢 最华丽的情调 比不上那微笑 很多时候我们需要依靠 谁不想飞得比天高 谁不想世界为你而绕 最单纯的感动 却忘了去寻找 拥有了世界 却输掉拥抱 有什么 值得炫耀


前阵子,一直听到广播有广告关于绝对感动的演唱会在槟城 Pisa举办,梁就问我要去不,其实看得出梁是很想去的,但是最近钱像流水般的出,他担心去演唱会成了种奢侈。 我知道梁很喜欢听好音乐,而且槟城又那么久才有一次演唱会,奢侈一下也不为过,就跟他去了。 这绝对动感有梁喜欢的李生杰、我喜欢的万方,还有我俩都保持中立的黄品源和杨宗伟,看上去都是唱将,难怪梁会想去听。梁只是想去听歌手唱现场的实力,所以我们就买了第二便宜的票了,总共 RM230 两个位。 上星期六,我们就出席了这场演唱会,这还是我和梁第一次一起去演唱会,有点的兴奋。 开场是由李圣杰现唱,这还是我第一次听他唱现场的,CD或广播倒是有听过,但是感觉完全不一样,他唱得很好而且唱腔很特别、很有特色,像我这不会听歌的人,都一边听一边赞了,梁更是满意,才听到李生杰唱第二首歌时,梁就说已经值回票价了(真的吗?)不过,李圣杰真的是唱得很好,五首歌里面就已经把现场的气氛带上来了。 之后,就是平静的万方,她的声音很柔和,能让人平静,还说了很多人生道理,很能让人感受到她的善良,她很有齐豫的感觉,最后一首是我喜欢的新不了情。他唱第一段是广东版的,我又一点的三条线,因为我是听中文版的,虽然音乐还是一样,但我完全不懂歌词,之后万方就转回中文版了,现场的气氛就转变了,开始听到观众也在合唱,我也听得开心。 万方下台了之后,黄品源就来了,他很会搞笑,现场开始欢愉了起来,我也时常噗嗤一笑,他以自己的成名之曲,你怎么舍得我难过,来收尾,现场观众也跟着唱。 到杨宗伟登场的时候,场上有一个地区突然亮起了好多灯,都是杨宗伟的歌迷,好亮眼,杨宗伟都紧张了,抱歉着他没有准备唱鸽子和物理(应该是有鸽子和物理的灯牌吧)。杨宗伟也唱了五首歌,外加一小撮的洋葱,他唱的五首歌(对我而言)都很冷门,只有那“被遗忘的事”是我熟悉的。杨宗伟的歌声很不错,但如果他唱些我们熟悉的歌更好了,梁也说有点的失望。 演唱会完了,梁说单单是李圣杰的五首歌已经值回票价了,好吧,梁开心就好。我觉得都好吧,李圣杰特别的嗓音、万方的柔情似水、黄品源的搞笑场面、杨宗伟的个人风格,都好。  我们的票。 绝对动感完场时的舞台。

My Sunday

I think I am quite busy today, almost was a non stop day, we did some grocery shopping at the morning, then cleaning them and stored them. After that, I was fully concentrated on my sewing until evening. At very first, I was thinking on updating my CV but I didn't have chance for that. Due to our iron table cloth got a hole burnt at our last ironing, I decided to make a cover for it, it took me about two hours from drafting till completion. Thereafter, I continue with homework from my sewing class, till the stage that teacher taught me, my cloth is nearly complete and now I left to make and sew buttons on it, I quite like it but SL said it is a bit old style :( Next, I repaired my pant, which zipper was damaged for some time, until I found a 4 inches zipper acts as 3 inches zipper. It was around 6 o'clock when I had done all my tasks, I felt tired but happy with all my product, it was a sactifaction to see things went well under my hands though I didn't sew prefectly,...

An ant

I am watching tennis match with hubby this evening, which held in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Seeing cabbies were running around to pick up balls and passing balls to players, they even needed to pass towel and holding umbrella when it was needed, I felt that cabbies were the busiest people in a tennis game, when player enjoy in their match, judges enjoy with their judgement and audiences enjoy with watching the game, but cabbies are running here and there. Then, I told hubby that our life is just like cabby and we can't control it by selecting what we like, but only following what the player wants, and player is the manager who plays the game and always demand us to follow it. Then judges are the even upper management who watches the game and make their judgement, while audiences are end buyers who buy tickets and want to get what they paid. We are just like cabby as an ant, doing what everyone wants, pity us.

Friend's birthday

It was a good friend's birthday, we went for dinner together and talked about things happen around us recently, it was happy moment. Well, we all are having our own thought of life, but we all longing for freedom of life, she told me that she really felt enjoyed for taking off during birthday and go out alone for shopping, I decided to have it as well on mine, for recharge? or for shopping something that I like? We both dreaming for something nice happen in our life, we wished to have our own career of success, but somehow seems not everything can happen as what we like. Is everything happened too late to find out what we hope for? Or it is really "there is a dream, there is a way", I can't answer this, but everything need to have determination to start, else all are just in vain and see in dream. Anyways, wish my friend and everyone can really dream comes true, everything should have a starter then only can dream come true. Be firm with what you want and be h...


Finally, SL and I planned some holidays from our busy schedule, previously we thought that we could have some relax time after we completed the first milestone, but answer is "NO", we still are busy now. But the holidays was planned and we really need to get out of our life as a cow temporary. Well, we don't plan for long distance holidays this year because I think I still need sometime to adjust my body for that, somehow I still resist from travel far. SL suggested that we should spend some quality time together, totally forget of work, though we don't go too far in this holiday plan, we wish that we can enjoy this for next three days, even for doing nothing I still wish that my mind can refresh from everything still bother me.

Haven Delights

That day, we finally used our coupon to have buffet dinner in Haven Delights in Times Square, we bought the coupons as we thought it was worth for price, which is only RM28 per person for all you can eat. However, this restaurant made us quite dissapointed at some points, which I won't suggest you to go and we won't to visit it for the second time. At the very first, we needed to call them and reversed our seat before visit the restaurant, but there is no even a person entertained us on the call. The coupon provided us two phone number, one of the number was out of service all the time and we successfully called to another number, but the person asked us to call to the first number and hanged out, when we called back to the second number, there was nobody picked up our phone anymore. After calling to two numbers for many times, we finally decided just walked in to the restaurant on Saturday dinner. Before our visit, I have researched a lot of online reviews about this resta...