The Final Destination

During SL's home trip, we watched 5 movies in total within two weeks, because cinema rate in US is high, that SL didn't want to spend too much money on entertainment, we only watched "Transformer" together in US.

"The Final Destination" is our first movie for SL's home trip, this is the fourth of Final Destination series, the story is more or less similar with the first three movie, which talking about a gang of people successfully escaped from a huge disaster, but their lucky don't last longer where they faced death just after the disaster one after one.

Well, story of "The Final Destination" is not new to us already, and the movie's selling point is more on how those people died, but those scences were too bloody to me until I (personally) cut them automatically during that moment (by holding SL's and my hands just right in front of my eyes), then I got the detail from SL's description.

For me, this is just a horror movie, that I couldn't watch it alone, but SL could finish it from begining until the end. Then, SL told me that computer graphic in this movie isn't good, that is so unreal when graphic designer created those death scence.

This movie is more on telling us that nobody could escape from death, even though you are lucky for the first time, this doesn't mean you will be lucky forever.


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