unknown life

When we were young, everything is just so beautiful and prefect, everyone is just so health without sickness, that time is time without worrisome or time of fortune, we thought we were all would be happy and healthy forever.

After growing older, we see more imperfect life surrounding us, older people, same age people or even younger people look weaker than we knew in young time, sickness, accident and death suddenly be so usual to us. And now, we can't be as happy as we were then.

When you started hear a lot of this type of unfortune news more and more frequently, that actually is a sign remind us that we are not young anymore and our body trends to be weaker and weaker from year to year.

Actually, this year is the year with the most bad news, from myself to my friend, then to my friend's kin, after that to someone from my company, from who I know and who I didn't know, this year seems to be full with bad news.

A case after another case, news come restless until I only can agree that we are getting old now, and healthy problem and sickness seem attack to younger generation now. Then, we start talking about healthy life, we can earn less money but we can buy health with any price. So do you think which one is more important to us? Life just once but money can earn if you still keep your life safe.


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