Las Vegas Trip – Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam is another attraction in Nevada, to be precise, it is at the borderline Nevada state and just next to Arizona state, which originally known as Boulder Dam. Hoover Dam is a project completed in 1935, amazingly it is ahead the schedule and under budget (wow… this is what my company always hopes for :P)
This attraction controls the flow of Colorado River and provides water and electricity supply to this desert area, which means it is really important to them because once it ruined, the people in this desert (included Las Vegas) might not be able to survive. Therefore, we could see security is pretty strict when we entered into Hoover Dam area.
Upon the entrance, everybody need to stop for security check and rangers have right to require you to open your car boot or lift the engine cover if you are suspicious because the security has responsibility to protect their only source of survival.
Hoover Dam is about an hour driving distance from Las Vegas and it is just on the way from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon National Park, so that we decided to take a short stop there before we proceeded to Grand Canyon National Park. It was about six o’clock ish in the morning, but the sky is bright for our photo snapping convenient.
Honestly, Hoover Dam is really a gigantic structure that I have ever seen, it is surrounded but sandy mountain and beautiful river view with a full moon overhead, that is really a brilliant scenery to me.
Once we were arrived to Hoover Dam, I found some kind of familiar with this place that I seem had been seeing it at somewhere outside of book. Then SL told me, it should be appeared in Transformers 2 in short while, yes, I somehow recalled this but wasn’t very sure. Wow… I was so excited that time and wished to snapshot all the view into my memory. After back to home and goggled for information, I found that SL was right.
This attraction controls the flow of Colorado River and provides water and electricity supply to this desert area, which means it is really important to them because once it ruined, the people in this desert (included Las Vegas) might not be able to survive. Therefore, we could see security is pretty strict when we entered into Hoover Dam area.
Upon the entrance, everybody need to stop for security check and rangers have right to require you to open your car boot or lift the engine cover if you are suspicious because the security has responsibility to protect their only source of survival.
Hoover Dam is about an hour driving distance from Las Vegas and it is just on the way from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon National Park, so that we decided to take a short stop there before we proceeded to Grand Canyon National Park. It was about six o’clock ish in the morning, but the sky is bright for our photo snapping convenient.
Honestly, Hoover Dam is really a gigantic structure that I have ever seen, it is surrounded but sandy mountain and beautiful river view with a full moon overhead, that is really a brilliant scenery to me.
Once we were arrived to Hoover Dam, I found some kind of familiar with this place that I seem had been seeing it at somewhere outside of book. Then SL told me, it should be appeared in Transformers 2 in short while, yes, I somehow recalled this but wasn’t very sure. Wow… I was so excited that time and wished to snapshot all the view into my memory. After back to home and goggled for information, I found that SL was right.