
Finally, I finished reading Twilight, another book from Stephenie Meyer, this first book of Twilight Saga. Well, for me, I still think "the Host" from Stephenie Meyer is the best, which I love the story a lot.

In Twilight, Bella (the main character) is a beutiful girl, I actually spent a lot of time to read how attractive she is and so many guys would like to date with her, that was taking quite some chapters of Twilight until she is getting together with Edward (the main male character). Honestly, I found it wasn't such an attractive story in the beginning of book because I am not that type of girl, I am not attractive and I never had that kind of experience when a lot of guys surrounding me and crazy on me, therefore I just couldn't imagine the scenario happens to myself, but I only can tell myself "that is my sister Phoebe, not me".

However, the story goes thrilling when James appeared in the story and some "adventure" hide and seek happened, then I just found my interest on the story. Well, those information about vampire also quite interesting to me, I only can agree that the author is really a creative person, she really can write any good story with her pen.

At the end of story, there comes to an arguement between Bella and Edward on whether Bella should be transform from human to vampire, so that their love can really last forever with vampire's eternal life, Bella kept mention that they should be same kind so that they only can be live together forever, she is willing to give up her human life for her loved one, this is really a brave decision. If you were Bella, would you do that? Are you willing to change for your loved one? Your habit, your personality, your lifestyle, your everything...

But, when I further think about it, then I know this is love, we would change for love, that is true love, love never fail. Then, this just remind me about my sister Phoebe, she is falling in love with Kevin, then they register and finally she decided to move to Costa Rica for him, this is love that makes you will to give up what you have and move forward to a future that you don't really know, different country, different people, different culture, different live. But, only love would make our life feels meaning full, therefore we should never give up to love. Love never fail.

Now, I will continue to New Moon and to discover love story of Bella and Edward...


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