Turn Left... Turn Right

Life is full of choices, life is full with challanges, life is full with uncertainties, life… Oh, right, this is life. C’est la vie...

Currently, I changed my job by transferring to another department, that was a lot of struggling before I made my final decision, some friends gave a thumb up, some friends asked me to think carefully.

Yes, I agree, it is hard to make a move, people don’t like change, but like to be stable. I am not sure if you read "Who moved my cheese?", sometimes we are just like the rat, doesn’t agree with any changes in our life, so do I.

Turn left? Turn Right? Why don’t I just go straight? Then I only need to continue with current situation, no need to worry any changes made.

Well, it is happy to be here, I can meet a lot of friends here, but what do I like to do? I kept asking myself. I was here about one and half year, not that senior, but at least I am familiar with people and work nature here, do I really want just give up everything over here and start with new job? I would need to take another period to familiar myself and learning new things, do I really want to start over?

Just like a friend told me, we are always in a comfort zone, until we don’t want to make a move.
Stay in comfort zone? Or move from comfort zone? I hoped I could take both of them.

But, a friend told me, I still have another twenty years and more to work, so that I need to think out what I like to do and do it. Yes, what a suffer if I am doing what I don’t like for twenty years? If so, I should make my move as early as possible when I can make, else I maybe will lose my chance.

I read a book, it talked about irrational fear, because of fear so that we are not able to make a rational decision. Sometimes, we need to be dare to face, dare to lose, so that we can gain from it.


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