
Showing posts from July, 2009

Portland Day Trip (23 Jul 2009)

Finally, I had my Portland day trip plan cames true on this morning, I had been thinking for having a tour at Portland downtown a few weeks ago, but I was just too lazy to put it on plan, still my face is still weird until today and today weather wasn't warm for me, but I needed to keep my plan as I don't leave too much time in Oregon now. I woke up earlier at this morning and prepared a packed lunch for SL, so that he could have it in office while I was not abled to perpare lunch at home for him. Then, I just made sure I had everything ready for my Portland day trip, my passport, sunblock, some money, camera, guide book, etc. Good, I was ready to go at 9:30am. That is a Tri Met station near to our apartment, I got a day pass with $4.75 from ticket vending machine, this grant me a day on public transportation usage, which include train, bus and carstreet, though I only used it for go and back journey, then I was walking all the way in Portland town. From Orenco train station, i


后记 - 三哭 ++++++++ 这故事的灵感是我在写完《诗儿唱凯哥》后才想到的,原本,不想在短期内再写故事的了,可是又一时压抑不住这灵感,就只好写了。 说起这篇《不凡之鱼》,作者认为比《诗儿唱凯哥》更为有系统,因为这是经过一阵心底搜索,然后再剧情编排,才真正动电脑的。 《诗儿唱凯哥》是因为一场梦给我的灵感,我梦见了争夺求职信而不小心的吻上了男主角的嘴,才想把它篇成一段像诗儿与小凯(芳婷与谚俊)的爱情故事。至于中间穿插的角色,都是即想即写的,所以写出的故事,有点乱,没什么系统。但是,寻找初恋情人的重点,作者是满喜欢的。 至于《不凡之鱼》是写关于芳婷的朋友秋仪,与不凡的故事,原本在《诗儿唱凯哥》里只想提提就算的,只是在《诗儿唱凯哥》写完之后,就一直念念不忘里面提到的其他人物,就混出了《不凡之鱼》的故事。 《不凡之鱼》原本只设定于从冤家变一追一逃的情侣故事,到后来想到《诗儿唱凯哥》里有不凡隐世的那段,就突发奇想的写出了那段惨案。说到这场惨案,在写到不凡即将恢复记忆时的那一段,作者也不知为何,心里也突生恐惧,一边打着键盘,一边还在为不凡的遭遇擦眼泪,自己好像是身历其境一般。这是第一哭。 说到第二哭,就是在秋仪的心结被不凡触动之时,不禁为秋仪的心结感到心酸,爱人却怕受伤害,所以就不敢去爱。由于作者也有与秋仪类似的阴影,所以也就落泪了。的确,这是一件很痛苦的事。原本在写秋仪倒在不凡怀里哭时,小羽是想写‘秋仪用眼泪帮不凡洗衣服’的,只是这令我从原本哭的情况转为爆笑,觉得很不合时宜,就换了。 在想出韩天明与燕白的故事时,那段错过,小羽觉得还满感人的,可是眼泪却一直没流,还以为自己的血变冷了。不过,在写到天明许愿来生再续缘时,眼泪终于忍不住了,庆幸自己还是热血。这就是第三哭。 这是第二部发表的作品,小羽自己觉得内容还OK啦。跟《诗儿唱凯哥》比,少了乱七八糟的人物出现,大体上还满喜欢故事内容的,只是挺可惜那个叫叶晨熏的女孩(不凡的妹妹),后来觉得这名字满好听的,就这样死了,还是被雷电给打死的,有点不舍。

A buffet Lunch (20 July 2009)

SL brought me to have buffet lunch on Monday, the restaurant is Treasure Island Buffet, which is a Chines buffet. Well... I need to say this is worth to eat buffet, they have a lot of choices of dishes and with an inexpensive price. The original price for Monday was $7.99 per person for buffet lunch, but we got another 20% discount on intel rate, that's mean we only need to pay around $6.40 for the buffet, which is half of the buffet that we took in Yellowstone National Park, but with much more choices than in Yellowstone NP. Honestly, I like it, thanks to SL for taking me there, he said he just didn't want me just cooking in home while I am in US, but he also wants me to have chance to go to restaurant in US, so that I won't feel I wasted my time here, he is really nice to me, I can feel kind of happiness while he treats me nice :)

Seattle Day Trip (19 July 2009)

We woke up early at morning of 19 Jul 2009, as we got a long day to go and we would go to Seattle for a day trip. Before departure, SL and I prepared for our lunch and dinner for the day, where sanwich as our lunch and fried rice for dinner. After we had done with all preparation, SL and I departed to Seattle immediately, it would took us 3 hours to get there. After we exited Oregon and entered into Washington state, I found that was something special on their signboard, there is a face on it and written with some number, so that I was thinking who is the face there, and finally I figured out it was the people of the state name, Washington, the first US president, this state is named after president Washington and the only state with a president name. After three hours of driving, we finally arrived to Gas Work Park in Seattle, the place was used to process gas in past, that's why they named as Gas Work Park, but I think they are not working now. From Gas Work Park, we could overse