
Showing posts from November, 2011

忙- 朋友说,“有改变的忙是充实,没改变的忙是浪费”,我想现在的我是浪费时间。 漫漫的开始,我感觉非常忙了,但我却没看到什么改变,忙碌的生活开始让讨厌这样的生活,好想逃。 问问身边的人,也有人跟我有同感,说有股冲动的感觉,想要放下一切、离开,让自己休息一阵子的点,再寻找下一个目标。原来,不只是我有这股冲动。 过着这样忙碌而没转变的生活,好害怕,怕自己会就这样的趴在电脑前,而消失。看看梁,也是没日没夜地对着电脑,他看电脑的时间比看我还要的多(我也是如此),何谓生活?我们都已经忘了。 我在想,那股冲动会何时收缩?

In Time

Last Friday, hubby and I went to Queensbay Mall watched movie "In Time", we chose to watch this because we see a lot people review in forum about this movie, it seem like a good movie. Well, I didn't watch any trailer or story highlight but I trust those reviewers. A good movie can't be judged badly if it is really nice. There wasn't much show time left and we chose 9:50pm show, the movie was show for a few weeks back but there were still a lot of audiences, the cinema is almost full. The movie is about time is life, people at that era have changed and they only can live until 25 years old, then their life will countdown for a year before they die. Then, they need to work and earn more time, time has became a currency, everything in life are exchange with your time, a cup of coffee, bus ticket and everything. If you are born from a family with lot of time, then you can live longer or even forever, but if you were born in a family without time, you might need


That day, a friend told me that her target is to retire at 35 years old, then I said it will be soon. And she said this is only when the best case, everyone has their own target, target doesn't mean your target sure will come true then. Then she asked me about my target. My target? I suddenly felt blank, then I found myself in lost, I am a targetless Person :( I am such unplanned, why did I never set a target myself? After back to home, I asked SL if he has any target in future, he was as blank as me. He said his first target after graduated is to find a girlfriend and get married, he archived it. Then, his target is to own a home and we got it now. After this two target archived, he felt happy and set not target, he is targetless now as well. Thereafter, I asked him wether we should set ourselves a target? Yes, I think life without target is meaningless, but we still couldn't find our target for now, I think that we should spend some time on our next target. Now, I am


那天,梁和我终于有机会到大树下去吃晚餐,其实我在槟城五年了,大树下的名字是常听,只是一直不知道在哪里,只知道在Jetty附近还有在树下,但不知道是在Jetty的哪里和在哪一棵树下。 终于,我们在网上找了些头绪,又在jetty绕了一圈,原来大树下还真的是在大树下,他的入口就被一个大树挡着,整间店就被树荫遮盖着,如果你从姓氏桥的那一边往店的方向看,你还真的是看见他是在大树下。 听说大树下出名海鲜,他们的海鲜是又好吃、有划算的,所以我们三道菜都点了海鲜,有点夸张吧,没有蔬菜,只是肉,那天我们真的是高胆固醇了。三道菜,我们点了“赖脲”虾(自取名字)、贝类和螃蟹。 自从那回在公巴好友吃了螃蟹,我就很想再吃螃蟹,所以我们叫了一人一只螃蟹,结果来了一大盘,两只超大只的螃蟹,令我看傻了眼。大树下的螃蟹真的是货真价实,好多的肉,让我吃得很满足。 由于没预料螃蟹是这么的大只,我们边吃还边忐忑不安,担心这一餐饭是否会超出预算,结果吃了100零吉,还好我们带够了钱,其实一百零吉,吃这三样菜还算可以吧,尤其是那两只大螃蟹。 整体来说,大树下的食物还可以,只是我觉得咸了点,或许我比较喜爱清淡口味,最回味的是它的螃蟹,够大只、够多肉,贝类也还蛮大的,只是“赖脲”虾没有拔壳的菜式,所以吃起来有点麻烦。但因为它的螃蟹,我还是给一个赞 :-) 吃完之后,我们还不断说那两只螃蟹,他们为我们带了不少笑话和回忆,这还是我生平第一次吃这么大只多肉的螃蟹。 大树下 “赖脲”虾 贝类 大螃蟹

my stupid hubby 5

那天,老公和我到巴杀买菜,买了两条白鲳之后,看见旁边的鱼满不错的,便问老板是什么鱼,原来是石斑鱼(我们之前其实不知石斑鱼长得怎样),就买了一条。 上周末蒸了石斑鱼,味道不错,今天用了同一种煮法蒸白鲳,觉得石斑比白鲳好吃,就想下次再买石斑来吃,但我却忘记了石斑的模样,便问老公。 Me: 你还记得那天我们买的石斑的样子吗? Hubby: 当然。 Me: 那就好,下次你去认鱼。 话还没说完,老公接着说:在白鲳的旁边。 Me: =.=" 其实,老工认得石斑的样子,他只是在跟我开玩笑。


最近,我又开始觉得痫了,讨厌一成不变,开始怀念去年了,当时的工作虽然艰辛难做,但令我觉得还有点意义,也是那段时间,让我学了好多的东西。而现在,唉。。。 在[飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳]里,我最爱郭靖(所以我嫁给了像郭靖一样傻傻的梁)。但是,我最向往成为的人,却是被誉为东邪的桃花岛岛主黄药师,性格上我觉得我跟他有点的像,乖谬不拘、冷眼看世、总爱凭感觉走。然而,在学术、头脑与知识方面,我却远远不如他,但又好想能像他那样,上至天文,下至地理、能够谈古、也能论今、奇门遁甲、五行八卦、诗词歌赋、医学命理、玲玲种种,无一不通。 有时候,我很怀疑,人真的能够像黄药师那么的神吗?但是,我还是希望能够像他那样懂很多,所以当我停留在某个阶段太久的时候,我会很郁闷,觉得生活空虚,活得不开心。 前阵子,我还突发奇想的想part time学中医,寻寻觅觅段时间之后,才发现今年头的招生是最后一届,令我感到遗憾与错过,总觉得生不逢时似的。 我是否对自己的要求太高了?难道有求知欲是不好的吗?最近一成不变的生活着,让我感到好郁闷哦,觉得自己就像一台机器一样,重复着某些模式,即使脑袋僵硬了也无所谓似的。人原来是这样的生活着的,天下能有多少个黄药师?或许就只在[射雕英雄传]里能找到吧。