
Showing posts from June, 2012

How to open a door?

My working area is quite secured, everyone needs access before they enter to office, which we need to scan our badge on a sensor then sensor will detect if you are authorized to enter the door. On the other way, you only need to push a button besides the door for exiting the office. Every entrance are embedded with this access base sensor, scan badge to enter and push button to exit, it included the door to wash room.   However, one of the door is having problem recently, where we can scan our badge to enter, but the button was loosen and missing, therefore we couldn’t go out but only can go in. Well, this will not bother me if I don’t use the door, but it is the closest exit for me to go to toilet, actually this creates a lot of trouble for us and everyone is waiting contractor for getting it fixed.   This afternoon, I saw someone can go out from that door without the button fix, so that I am curious with that and fortunately I know someone and asked him, and the secret is hidden

your funny wifte 5

最近是欧洲杯热,梁也是个足球迷,但他还蛮有节制的收看,毕竟人老了,也不好夜夜笙歌吧,有害健康,所以他只会选择性观看值得看的场次。 梁:这星期六的那场我一定要看。 我:非看不可吗? 梁:当然,因为是法国对西班牙,都是“攻击”型球队,一定很好看。 我:噢,法国我知道他们的国鸟是“公鸡”,西班牙也是吗?(装傻) 梁:=.="(是attack,不是rooster)

Your funny wife 4

最近,梁常把我们坐的小椅子坐坏。 我:你怎么这么粗鲁? 梁:不是我粗鲁,他应该标明这椅子能承受多少重量。 我:其实是常识嘛,猪是不能坐这椅子的。 梁:=.=" (我不是猪)

Sleepless vs sleepy

Last night, my hubby and I discussed some interesting work related stuffs, we discussed for quite long period until deep night hour, until I missed my sleeping period. Therefore, I couldn't sleep very well last night, one is because of our discussion and another one is because hot weather. However, following with sleepless night, I felt quite sleepy and tired tonight, I almost closed my eyes when watching for EUFA highlight. Finally, it turned out that I need to sleep earlier than I did tonight. Now, I know that what you spent you still need to pay finally, it just when you plan to pay it back. Don't spend my health too much, as I don't know when I need to get it payback. Good night.

Your funny wife 3

It is Europe Cup month, we would spend sometime to watch for highlight every evening. During the highlight of Denmark against Portugal, I suddenly asked my hubby. Me: Do you know who we call people from Denmark? Hubby: Danish. Me: How about people from Portugal? Hubby: Portugese. Me: How about from England? Hubby: English lar (he sound like I am an idiot) Me: How about from Spain? Hubby: Aiyo... Spanish lor (he smell me like a dumb now) Me: How about people from France? Hubby: Err.. Not so sure, Francis? Me: haha... They are French. (caught you ^_^)


今天,我们看了《耀舞长安》的大结局,四十五分钟的剧情交待了主角的结局,却还有很多的东西草草带过,不是很震撼的剧情。 看完之后,梁和我开始讨论了起来,说这戏用了三十集来拖泥带水,但这大结局很像在赶时间,就在眨眼间完了,我就说因为只有四十五分钟,所以时间不够,要快快的“mark off milestone closure” ,就这样"waived"了很多配角的戏份交待,只好可以来个续局来个"another stepping"。 哈哈,说完了我们都觉得好笑,我们连日常生活都用了这么多的工作语,真是受不了这样“专业”的我们。

Life style

I think I am getting old now, as I always not feeling motivated for going shopping, now my shopping only for those necessary items, but I got no favor on buying new cloth or cosmetic. My only favorite shopping is going to bookstore and fabric shop, my hubby even can predicts this. Oh no, I am really turned to be an old woman now, I got a lot of lifestyle change recently. Like reading, I seldom read story style book, but I prefer to read books about new skill or new knowledge, like health topic, sewing related, cooking and baking those type of books, which can help to enrich my life. Harry Potter or Dane Brown story are no more my interest. I really turn old now, we like to have our time at home more than outside, perhaps it's because we got a home now, so that we stop straying around. As last time we only stayed in a small room which make us going out for some spacious. A comfortable living area really can make a person mind change and lifestyle changes.