
Showing posts from February, 2013


昨天收到了发展商的信,说我们的新居已获得了 OC,在银行汇入了最后一笔款项之后就能拿锁匙了,当时其实是悲喜交加,喜的当然是我们的新居终于建好了,一悲的是我有点不舍得现在的家,二悲是想到要出一笔装修费和之后的房债。唉... 有些事真的别想太多吧,就走一步看一步吧。   等银行将最后的款项汇出,就有得忙了,要安排拿锁匙,之后要花好长的时间验收房子,再来是装修和搬家了。   几年前,朋友分享了一个有关 从购房到装修的质料,至今还留着,现在是时候派上用场了,其中房屋验收室我们第一步要做的事。   房屋验收 新房的验收 在拿到房子之后,很多人都不知道如何验收,也有一些人认为质检站都已经验收了,业主再验收有多此一举之嫌。其实,在很多情况下,你验不验收,房子你都得要下的了。只是在签字前发现问题,你会比较方便追究发展商的责任。 作为外行人,如何验收房子呢?当然,这里面所列的项目,对于验收任何类型的房子都是起作用的,包括验收商用办公室。 1、 看墙壁 。 不知道从什么时候开始,看墙壁竟然成为房屋验收的首要问题。其实即使是在20世纪80年代建的房子都没有现在的房子那么弱不禁风。我看过最严重的一栋房子,窗户在雨天发现有渗水现象,一问,才知道整栋楼的所有窗户下面的墙壁都渗水。遇上台风来临之时,更是令人提心吊胆,而更使人惊诧的是,这栋还是一个区的国土局建的,真可怕。所以,验收这个,最好是在房子交楼前,下过大雨的第二天前往视察一下。这时候墙壁如果有问题,几乎是无可遁形的。 墙壁除了渗水外,还有一个问题,就是墙壁是否裂纹。有一个朋友曾反映过他的家有一个门形的裂缝,后来追问发展商,才知道原来是施工时留下的升降梯运货口,后来封补时,马虎处理以致留后患。 2、 验水电 。 首先是验一下房屋的水电是否通了。当然,对于一些高级装修来说,多数的水电后期都要更换的了,所以有时候这些内容倒不是关键的了,但如果你不打算更换水电的话,那么这些东西就必须认真验收了。 验电线,除了看看是否通了电外,主要是看是不是电线是否符合国标质量。再就是电线的截面面积是否符合要求。一般来说,家里的电线不应低于2.5平方,空调线更应达到4平方,否则使用空调时,容易过热变软。当然,这是一种理想的配置,多数土建的电线会差一个等级。 3、 验防水 。 这里所说的防水,指的是厨卫的防水。当然,目前交付的


小时候看<蜀山奇侠>,忘了故事的大纲,但一直记得他剧里的一句话,分久必合,合久必分。其实,这句话是出自于《三国演义》第一回:“话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。周末七国分争,并入于秦。及秦灭之后,楚、汉分争,又并入于汉。汉朝自高祖斩白蛇而起义,一统天下,后来光武中兴,传至献帝,遂分为三国。” 工作了几年,看了公司改组了好多次,这个换那个、那个又换回这个,刚开始的时候会担心,当时老板也说国着句话,分久必合,合久必分,当然我也相信这一点,只是不知何时会发生。 今早用餐时,听说来自某 team 的某人因为改组,那 team 的人将加入我现在的 team,某 team 的前生是我之前的 team,而某人也是我之前的 teammate,那个 team 里比较 senior 的成员我都大致认识,所以我会稍微关注并向老板确认,才知道消息是真的。 当初会加入现在的这个 team,是因为梁去 relo,必须换 team我两才能夫唱妇随,其实我是有给于选择 relo回国之后是否要重新加入之前的 team的,但是考量了 career path 之后,决定不要换 team。 现在回想,不论当时是如何,最后或许还是会加入现在的 team,这只是迟早的问题。那么当时选择留下,也是一件对的选择,而且我也蛮喜欢现在的 team,因为可以尝试很多不同的工作性质,学了蛮多的东西也交了不少可以谈天说地的朋友(很多时间是她们说我听:P)。 下一个 project 我将参与我在前一个 team 做过的东西,还真的是够奇妙的。

财务自由 某天,读到关于财务自由的文章,谈到何为财务自由,如果你符合了以下的方程式,那你现阶段就算达到财务自由的状况了。 应有净值 = ( 年龄 X 年收入 ) / 10 比方说,如果你的年龄是30岁,已工作了十年,而你现有的年收入为RM60,000,那么你应该要至少拥有RM180,000,如果你拥有少于RM180,000,那么你就没达到财务自由的阶段,你就必须反省并加强自己的储蓄。 读了这篇文章之后,我才开始为自己的财务有所反省,也开始会挪些时间来为自己的财务做规划,开始考虑该如何计划自己的未来才能够让自己达到财务自由的一天。 * 据文章,这方程式只适用于工作超过十年的人身上。

credit card

Credit card is a tool that for my payment convenient and I can keep track on my purchase and spending, well we really need to always track that in case of over spending, so far I still manage to control it. Due to Government Tax is charged RM50 yearly on each Credit Card hold, I think people are aware on this and reduce the card under their name, this somehow is good because to reduce problem with credit card. Credit card provider also comes out with a lot of offers to attract their customer, like Cash Rebate, point redemption, travel bonus, travel priviledge and so on. To me, I prefer on cash rebate because this is more reality to me. Among so many banks which provide cash rebate offer, I think OCBC Titanum Card and Maybankard 2 are the best, however there are some pro and con between them. OCBC Titatum Card ( ) provides cash back up to 5% and RM50 cap, but this offer only applicable on petrol, dining, groceries and utility

charges besides brokage fee

Chines New Year that day I back to my hometown and met with my family, we discussed something about buying stock, then he told me there will be some extra charges besides brokage fee, this curious me and I searching online and found that we also need to pay clearing fee and stamp duty upon we buy and sell the stock. Well, those charges wasn't too high but it is good to know that for people who new in stock investment, else they might forget to consider this cost when selling they stock. Below are how those charges get calculated. Of course, brokage fee is depending on which agent you signed up to help you on stock transaction. Clearing Fees a. On-Market 0.03% of transaction value (payable by both buyer and seller) with a maximum of RM200.00 per contract. No minimum. b. Direct Business 0.03% of transaction value (payable by both buyer and seller), with a maximum of RM200.00 and a minimum of RM10.00. Stamp duty The stamp duty chargeable on transactions on the stock marke

a free course

SL takes up a course, which offer by USM recently, it is sponsored course and doesn't cost him a single money, he likes free things and he said that he wants to spend his time meaningful this year. The course is about to write application with Android programming, quite an interesting course but it needs an eight months commitment for a weekday and Saturday weekly. Anyways, I think it is a good thing and encourage him to attend, he can pick up some new skill without paying any penny, why not? So far, he attended two classes and today is his first lab section, the first two classes were quite basic but it was still interesting, he would report me about his learning after his class and I also found quite informative, somehow regret that I didn't take the course as well. However, I wished he could meet more people by attending class, therefore he might not able to make new friends if I am going with him. On the first day of class, there was introduction among students and SL t