
Showing posts from May, 2011


最近,看着吴淡如的“享受好生活”,看她诉说着她在巴塞罗那旅游的经历,也让我回想到六年前在巴塞罗那单身自助游的日子,看了她说巴塞罗那的治安,我也不得不点头,巴塞罗那的偷劫抢掠真的是件平常事,所以激发了我把2005年11月的经历记录下来分享。 那天一大早,我兴致勃勃地来到了圣家堂门前,惊叹着高地这一座无以伦比的大教堂,这是多么美妙而不一样的教堂阿。突然间,有两位女士非常亲切地向我靠近,突然间就将一朵小花向我的衣领插去,开始时还以为这是当地人对游客示好的习俗,还向她们道了声谢谢。当我就要走时,其中一女就像我要钱,说是一朵花一分钱,听到要付钱的,我就马上要将小花还会给她。 只是,那女子又坚持不收回小花,还不断的往我衣领上塞。转念想想,那小花只需一分钱,为了省时间省麻烦,所以我就拿出了我的钱包,寻找这一分钱,可是钱包里并没有一分钱,只有两分,我就索性给她两份就算了,反正一分两分都没什么差。 原以为那女子得到多一分钱会非常开心的,没想到她既然只要一分,还死命的把那两分钱往我钱包里塞,然后说既然没有一分钱那就算了,接着拿回小花就走。 这么简单?当然没那么简单啦。出游时,我最避忌人家动我的钱包了,即使是换钱给我,我也非常警惕,所以我马上翻擦我的钱包,果然发现里面的纸钞全不见了,唯恐自己看错,我还重看了几次钱包,回想自己到底带了多少钱出门,不论怎么看、怎么想,还是认定自己是被小偷扒了钱,当然地以联想就是那两个“亲切”的狡猾女人。 或许,那两个女人也观擦到我发现纸钞被偷了,未免我把事情闹大,既然将一笔钱塞进我的手里,说是我掉了的,数目没少,连那张公共车票也还在,只是在最外面几张的纸币却破了,明显是被人使力抽离钱包而被撕破的,绝对不是不小心掉出钱包的。 幸好,我最后拿回了所有的钱,所以就不加追究,也没有太大打击我继续观光的兴致,只是我就在每一次旅游就更加的小心了,任何陌生人的靠近,我都会尽量远离。 虽然没有损失,但圣家堂前的卖花女事件却深深地留在我的记忆里,巴塞罗那的美丽、圣家堂的高尚,也因为这两位卖花女而令我感到一点的余悸。 “In front of the holy place, there is someone doing dirty job.”这是我对圣家堂另一面的评语。

our stuffs

Until now, we have moved all our old things/existing things into our new house, it seems like a big project to us, we drove our little Kelisa back and ford numerous times to move those smaller things, and today we hired a lorry helped to move those big items. Well, I could say that our house is almost completed and we only waiting for curtain to install next week and our long waited dining table on August. Today is really a tired day because we woke up very early in the morning for final house moving, then continue to unpack and rearrange our stuffs till night (of course with some rest in middle), we did a lot of muscle practice and moved stuffs from a room to another room. Finally, our utility room is fully utilized now (indeed it's a utility room :P) At least, after today I don't need to bother where is our stuffs, is it in this house or at the rental house? Also, we got an image how much stuff we still can buy to fill in the room to make it better. After seeing our almost fu

our kitchen

Finally, our kitchen is completed with basin and piping. Weeks ago, our contractor started capentor work to assemble woods together to be cabinet, then we need to wait for about 2 weeks for solid surface ready to put on those cabinet with hob and basin, later piping can only be done a day after. Well, I am quite satisfied with the final product though it is the most expensive part in our house. The capentor work is nice and solid surface is well assemble, they make the kitchen look perfect. This is the first day we cook in our new kitchen and also the first cooking after we came to Penang, we are so happy that our house is almost completed till now.

Wet Market shopping

After coming back to Penang after 2 months plus, SL and I went to shop some vegetable and meat from Sunshine wet market this morning, this is good to stay at own house because we can cook finally. Over all, Sunshine wet market is still the same as two years ago, I still see the same boss selling the vegetables in the same stall, but the price... (well, I can't really remember how much I paid with the exactly same amount back to two year, but it seems a little more expensive now). When we bought prawn and fish, the boss directly put them into a plastic back and past to us, we felt culture short at that moment because we usually recieved seafood in well packing wrapped by paper in US. Then, we just remembered this is the same way we had in 2 years ago. We only shopped for few items this morning because we planned for other big shopping during weekend, but we already spent about RM30 for things that we bought, I am not sure if it is cheap, maybe inflation rises the selling price alrea

new house

After busy for about 3 months, SL and I are finally moving into new house, it's a condominium and near to our working area within 10 minutes driving, a convenience place as easy access to market, supermarket, hawker stall and shops. Basically, I like my new house a lot and satisfied with its after renovation condition. This is the first time in my life to live in a condominium, where I can go to swimming pool and gymnation, also some facilities. Since I have memory, my family and I live at shop house, its a property contain shop and house together, with lower level used for business purpose and upper levels for residential purpose. Therefore, I rarely can imagine what's life to have in a condominium. Due to Penang property is too expensive, therefore SL and I only afford to own a condominium, though we like landed. Anyways, I think convenience location also a strong reason for me to love this new house.

Our WW20

WW20 is our department's Rest and Recharge week, therefore SL and I both got a week off from project, I think it is the right time for a vacation to us and we fully utilized the week for moving in our new house. We were really busy everyday over the week and finally we officially moved into the house on last Friday. Well, we still have some items are not completely installed or setup in our house, still it can live, at least better than where we rent in past few months. Now, I know it is really good to have a owned house, my home sweet home with my loved one. However, it is really a lot of problems appeared after we moved in, though everything isn't too serious, we still worked tirelessly to resolve it, the worst part was drain at our drying area was blocked until water overflew when our washing machine drained out water during rinse process. The main cause of drain blockage is due to we didn't block the outlet when doing wall and floor hacking, so that sand and stone were

Cleaning up

These few days, SL and I spent a lot of our time at our new home, I did a lot of exercise there to clean up our sweet home after construction process, it took two full days of us to clean up about a 1300 square feet area, from living room to bedroom, from kitchen to toilets. After two days of activity, our home is clean and we can walk within it bare feet, we felt that is closer to our sweet sweet home. Though tired and muscle pain, we feel happiness in our heart. Today, our house is grilled up finally, our house is nearly completed now. Well, there is dust around our house, but I think it isn't hard to clean, the most important thing is we are closer to move in. Recently, the weather is getting hotter, which make us really want to move in as soon as possible, so that we can enjoy our comfort house and air conditioner space. Counting down on the move in date...