
Showing posts from March, 2013

When is general election?

8 March 2013 has past, but our PM still hasn't announced our general election date and all people of this nation are waiting for the date announced, now I found that I got a strange habit recently as I like to search for "Malaysia general election" keyword in Google webpage, I did it almost a few times a day since two weeks ago, but no result still. Today when I search the same keyword, I found that a news that Google launches Malaysia election page to include all related topics on our general election, this sound like actually a lot more people are like me searched for news on GE13 everyday, that's why Google is so nice to create this site for poeple to read for news. Time passing fast and we are closed to April soon, will our PM announced date of GE13 on April Fool? Google page for GE13: News source: Google


Long time ago, a friend told me that she need to own at least two properties before retire, one is landed and another one is condominium, and she said that she will stay in landed house when she is young and rent out the condominium. After she retire, she will sold her landed property and move in to condominium, because after she retire her landed property will appreciate that can be her retirement fund and she is old then that she needs to move to smaller size property. After listened to her speech, I quite agree then, but I wonder if I bought my condominium at 30 years old and I retire at 60 years old, my condominium will be quite old that time as well, I am not sure how my condominium will look like that time or will it still exist? Anyways, this is still a good plan for people who want to plan for the future retirement, at least everyone need to think further for a comfortable retire live.


等了好久,终于等到拿新居锁匙的时候了,先见客服人员,她为我们讲解新居的细节和保证期的事,也给了我们新居入伙要用的文件,一切看起来很有程序,这是很不错的客服和系统。 之后,就到我们的新居看我们的新居,加验收,负责人使用了每一个电路和水源,确保他们是能用的,之后陪我们绕了一圈,讲解些我们需要知道的事物,然后我们找了些缺失,需要他们帮忙改进的,其实这也只是在短时间里找到的,我们之后还需要再仔细的看看。 虽说有缺失,但我们还蛮满意的,发展商使用了还蛮不错的材料与还算不错的手工(至少比我们的第一间家好了),我还蛮喜欢它的浴室,那是我最满意的产品。 另外,我本来认为在大热天验收屋子会非常闷热的,但当所有的门窗打开时却不会觉得太热,或许他们有不错的通风设计吧。 其实,我们有在前个周末去参观了我们的新居外观,由于有保安看守,所以由旁边的路跨了进去看看,当时还觉得好像谁都能进入的感觉,然而今天在读重游,发现发展商已经装上了围篱,人们必须要有帖子才能进入,突然觉得安全指数升高了。 整体来说,其实还蛮满意的,缺失每个发展商都会有,所以我们也不能太过挑剔,只有尽量找出缺失提出补救,但是要有素质的建材和不错的服务却是难能可贵的。

The company you bought

I read an article about investment recently, it said before you make a decision to purchase a stock from stock market, you need to know the company well because this will decide whether you can earn money from stock market or not. Purchase a share means that you will become a shareholder of that company, you will success if the company earn money, else you will lose money on that. Therefore, it is really important if you study well on the specific company you bought. After reading the article, I tried to find some companies' annual report for understanding, they are really boring documents and hard to finish them. However, what you earn depends on what you study, therefore I really need to spend sometime for that. This morning, I made my mind up and search for listed companies in Malaysia for my first step of learning, wish I can spend my spare time to study them and hopefully I won't end up with giving this up.


今天收到了我人生中的第一份股息了,只有 RM17.50,因为我也只买进一点点,虽然不多,但却满意,原来能够赚一些外快的感觉还蛮不错的。 今年,算是受到一位朋友的影响,一直说人要学会钱赚钱才能,因为我们的加薪是永远追不上通货膨胀的,所以应该为自己找出一条理财之路。看了些文章,说致富有三种,一是自己做生意,但我又没有资金,也不知道自己喜欢做什么生意,所以就不选这条;二是投资有潜能的房产,但现在的房价高起,有点感觉投资恨晚,所以也不太感选这条;三是投资有潜能的股票,虽然去年股票已起了一轮,但市场还是有很多选择,所以我就开始阅读相关的质料,希望能够恶补这些年所浪费的机会。 最近,读了篇冷眼的文章,说投资股票的三大原则,保本、成长和股息,我的心态也是这样,最主要是保本,而成长和股息之间,又要视情况而论了,如果我能够预知这只股成长迅速的话,我当然选择成长,但有时真的很难预知,而我又是打算长期持有的,所以我会优先选择股息。 那天,我还和梁争论,是把钱放在房屋贷款好,还是放在投资股票好,如果所投资的股票是能够保本,又有比贷款多一巴先的股息,其实投资股票是比较好的。但是,投资股票是高风险的,如果不小心的话,我们也有可能会血本无归呢,一切要小心为妙。 很多人都在等待大选的来临,因为据说那是进场的时机,我也不晓得是真是假,那就只有拭目以待了。在投资股票这一块,我还有很多要观察的。

有意义的team building

今早,我们的team到The Cerebral Palsy (Spastic) Children’s Association of Penang去team building,帮他们翻土种菜,之后负责人还让我们看了有关他们的中心的短片,看他们如何帮助痉挛儿童,让他们学会如何适应和尽量克服自身的障碍,看完了短片,开始觉得我们所付出的很有意义。负责人说他们需要义工来adopt the farm,帮他们定期的照顾菜园,我的manager看样子有点兴趣(原来他也蛮有爱心的)。 在帮忙处理菜园时,有一位儿童还蛮喜欢靠近我的,不时就来牵我的手,我当然知道他并无恶意,所以也不介意,尽量给于配合,或许他在我身上感觉到母爱吧:P 其实这算是缘分,只是我觉得我没有处理得太好,我当时是蛮拘谨的,不知该如何应付,只是一味配合他的需要。如果下次还有机会遇到类似的事情,我应该多给予交流的机会(虽然我不知道该如何开始交流)。其实,儿童们也只是希望能得到人们的关爱,我并不介意为此而付出一些。 也许是年纪大了,也开始觉得有时该为社会付出一些。 Website of The Cerebral Palsy (Spastic) Children’s Association of Penang:


最近,在网上(其实是源自于星洲的新春版),就好奇的来试试,看自己是否适合股票投资,结果得了28分(错了6和14)。或许最近开始对这方面有点求知欲,所以必较关注股市和经济这一快,也开始阅读相关书籍,所以对这也有点的认知了。即使得了高分,但是股市投资还是需要精审小心的。 大家也不妨试一试。 農曆新年期間,不必絞盡腦汁翻閱長篇大論又複雜難懂的股經文章,卻又能瞭解自己的投資智商,也算是一種新春收獲吧? 《新春投資》精心準備了一些集財經常識、邏輯及概念於一身的《投資IQ小試題》,讓各位開心過年之餘,還能趁空閒時測測自己的投資智商與知識,算算自己在蛇年“風生水起"的幾率有多高。 別膽怯,純粹遊戲而已,快來試試吧!(真有膽量的話,可以挑戰自己在20分鐘內做完所有試題。) 投資IQ小試題: 1.)馬股單日狂跌100點,你會…… a.馬股不行了,立刻退場! b.趁低扯購,有多少買多少 c.先查暴跌緣由再做決定 d.寫信投訴政府基金 2.)馬幣看漲,應該… a.避開從事出口業務的股票 b.避開從事進口業務的股票 c.避開銀行股 d.避開產業股 3.)電費漲價,哪個領域首當其衝? a.電力業 b.服務業 c.鋼鐵業 d.運輸業 4.)“蛇年投資大計劃!我們的專家團隊保證每年替您賺取至少88%固定回酬!!名額有限,填滿為止。(有提供合約為憑)。" a.快拿養老金來投資 b.介紹親友投資 c.仔細考慮數天 d.決不投資! 5.)“我擁有的財富已足夠養老,未來不願意再冒任何投資風險,能保住資金價值就行了。你能否建議我該把資金存放哪兒呢?" a.抗跌型股票 b.房地產 c.定期存款 d.保險箱 6.)“XX股即將宣佈私有化,獻購價比現有市價高出20%,要賺錢就快進場!" a.快進場,衝啊! b.堅決不進場 c.撥電給相關公司確認消息真偽 d.查看基本面、估值和過往股價走勢才決定 7.)請選出風險最高的投資項目 a.藍籌股 b.期貨 c.炒股 d.回購憑單 8.)當年以1令吉成本買進的股票,如今跌剩20仙,該怎麼辦? a.先找出股價大跌原因,才決定下步行動 b.加碼買進、拉低投資成本的時機到了 c.丟了它吧,否則可能連20仙都輸掉 .虧了80%,說甚麼都不能賣,繼續守住 9.)原棕油供過於求,導致棕油庫