
Showing posts from October, 2007

Dawn Breaks

The darkest night always proceed to dawn… Yes, it is really true, friends, please be optimism, no matter how worst the thing goes, it will be going better again finally. Last month, I was in despair, too a lot uncertainties came to me and worried me, I was totally lost, just like standing at T junction, can neither turn left nor turn right, standing there and staring at the passangers are going to their destinations. At first, I was really impatient, I didn’t like just standing there and was really despair. Days after days, I learn to be more patient, think optimism and reading, I told myself the darkest night always proceed to dawn, hope for despair. Then, I think the situation is becoming better and better now, and I can see the dawn breaks soon, the brightest light is shining again soon.
今天,忽然想起了两个大学时和我一起 industrial training 的朋友,他们是大众传媒系的,很亲切,还教会了我很多事呢。 想到有一次周末,他们到我家去住。哈哈,很难得有朋友要与我共度周末吧,当时的我是个少不经事,与世隔绝的那种人(哈哈,有点的夸张),很难得能够有两个只能相处三个月的朋友愿意更我亲近(回头想想,上帝多我不薄,在每一个阶段都会为我安排几个朋友相伴,即使我的交友性格是被动的那一种,我的身边还是一直会有朋友的出现)。 现在想起当年的事,发现我其实并没有好好的招待这两位朋友咧,让她们在 Taman U 度过了无聊透顶的周末,真是感到万分的对不起,我想如果他们能够再做一次选择的话,他们恐怕不会想去我家了。 那时候,除了三餐之外,外加 UTM 游车河,我再也记不起来还有什么特别节目了,其余时间就是在我家看书。哦,真是没趣,对吧? 现在想起来,以后应该加油改进了,对不起哦。