
Showing posts from December, 2011


Few months ago, I was quite crazy with tart from Justart, it is located at Crystal Point in Bayan Lepas area. We know this shop through my brother-in-law, he recomended it as they got different varieties of tart, and lot of it are fruit tart. Surely, I like to try some new foods, so kept asking SL bought me some tarts to taste, we were there for about two to three times and we bought about 7-8 tarts each time, so we nearly tasted all the favour from the shop. Justart's tarts are just so nice to eat, as they are not too big, so we still can finish it without any difficulty, a tart was sold about RM1.90 each, well price is a bit higher, but their idea is creative. I especially like lemon favour and apple favour, egg are just at the bottom of tart and topping with different fruits and design. Besides, they also offer for party, birthday, wedding or full moon, this is another choice for a gift to your family or friends. We didn't visit it recently as we th


那天,在Strait Quay的Popular书展买了本关于烘培的书,就用了里面的食谱做了这大理石磅蛋糕。第一次做的时侯,用了较大的烤模,味道还不错但形状却扁了,所以去买了较小的烤模再做一次,这一次的结果不错,有模有样有味道,还蛮自豪的,老公也说好吃。现在,我发现用蛋白霜来烤蛋糕能够让蛋糕变得比较松软,我喜欢这样口味的蛋糕。 食谱简介 ====== 份量:1个(8cm x 12cm x 6cm烤模) 材料 === A. 蛋黄面糊  - 无盐奶油 100g (我用了普通奶油,其实味道也还可以)  - 细砂糖 20g  - 蛋黄2个  - 低筋面粉 100g  - 无糖可可粉 10g B. 蛋白霜  - 蛋白2个(不可沾到蛋黄、水份及油脂)  - 柠檬汁 1/2 teaspoon  - 细砂糖 40g 做法 === A 处理蛋黄面糊 1 将回温的奶油切小块,用打蛋器打至乳霜状。 2 加入细砂糖打发至泛白蓬松状态,直到打蛋器拿起尾段有角状。 3 打散的蛋黄分4~5次加入奶油中,并确定蛋黄每次都已经混合均匀。 4 将面粉分两次过筛加入,以切拌方式搅拌至没有粉粒,直至面糊呈现光泽。 B 处理蛋白霜 5 用打蛋器将蛋白打至有泡沫,然后分两次将柠檬汁和细砂糖加入蛋白液,打成尾段挺立的蛋白霜。 C 蛋黄面糊和蛋白霜处理好之后 6 将1/3的蛋白霜加入蛋黄面糊中,反转与画圈圈的方式搅拌均匀。 7 将拌匀的面糊加入剩余的蛋白霜里,混合均匀。 8 用一半的面糊在干净的钢盆与过筛的可可粉搅拌均匀。 9 原味面糊与巧克力面糊交叉放入烤莫,并以汤匙画圈圈呈现黑白交错。 10 将面糊往两边刮,令中间呈凹陷。 11 放入预热至160C的烤炉烘烤50分钟。 12 蛋糕出炉后,将它倒放在铁网架上放凉,便面罩上一层保鲜膜预防干躁。 13 完全凉透后,即可备用。 我做的大理石帮蛋糕,好好吃哦 ^_^

PBIM 2011

Penang Bridge is closed each year for public to have marathon there, it was happened on 20 November this year, so coincident it was 20.11.2011. SL and I were undecisive to join or not for the marathon actually, but we finally went for fun run finally that day, surely it was fun, our main purpose to join marathon this year was to take good picture on the bridge since this is the only chance that you can stop on the bridge and take photos from any angle that you want, of course it's the best chance for having some nice photo sessions. Early morning, SL had his weapons (DSLR and flash) well prepared for his photos shooting, and we joined the fun run which only run quarter of the bridge from Eastin hotel and ended at Queensbay mall. Well, we progressed slow on bridge as SL spent quite some time there for capturing some good photos, I am also enjoyed the view of Penang Bridge. At the starting of the bridge, there we saw the construction site of the light collection, it wil

Daorae Korea BBQ Restaurant

We went to Daorae for dinner celebrated our wedding anniversary end of September this year and I only have time to write this down, it was happened about three months ago. Talking about Korea food, I wasn't very fancy about it two years ago, until we had quite a lot of Korea food experience in US when our relocation, I kind of crazy with their taufu shop, I like taste of soft taufu in spicy soup, it tastes nice. My first Korea food experience in US was in Nak Won at Watson Road in Beaverton, therefore I like there a lot. After back to Malaysia, I still sometime thinking for eating Korea food, but it is consider expensive in Malaysia, that you at least need to spend more than RM50 for two people to enjoy something nice here, while we only needed less than USD30 for good one in US. Therefore, we only can make it occasionally visit to Korea restaurant in Malaysia, so I choose to have once during our anniversary, so we went to Daorae at Tanjung Tokong. Korea food is famou

Off on working day

27th of December, Tuesday, it should be a working day after long weekend, but SL and I applied today as our extra off day, now I know what's called relax and enjoy, it is really an excellent day, well.. We didn't plan to go any place but it's still a good day. On the morning, we went to Wang Chao at Gurney for our breakfast, we used a coupon that we bought from ezivoucher last month for buffet Dim Sum, we almost could eat everything in the shop with the coupon that we bought, except abalone porridge, we had our stomach pretty full with Dim Sam. After that, we back home and enjoy our off day, by laying on sofa and watching NBA from TV, wow, we miss NBA so long, the associate and player held such a long session of negotiation on their benefit and salary, finally they had a conclusion before Christmas and we could watch it now. what will I do for the rest of day? I think I still want to relax my life, maybe swim at afternoon or do some reading, and writing blog, I just

Own a home

There will be a property launch tomorrow, Sierra Residences, a condo from GSD which located somewhere around Sungai Ara and Relau area. According to it's price offered, this is a property will be affordable by more middle earning family, if we compare it with Penang current property price. Sierra Residences is starting from RM280k onward. Due to its affordable price, there are a lot of people queue in front of GSD sale office starting from many nights ago, as far as I know there was people quese on Tuesday morning. Sice we live near to the sale office, so we walked to that area tonight to vitness the crowd, I think there was about hunderd plus people sitting there already. After seeing this situation, we felt lucky that we have had our own house, because we can't be that type of queueing people, for waiting so many nights to buy something, even is a property, I think we only would queue when we need to register our kid (if we have one) to a school. Back to five years ago,

your funny wife 2

Recently, we like to cook fish during our dinner and I normally am the finisher for the fish, I will clean up all remaining meat from fish's body until there was only bone left. Everytime when I did my clean up job, I felt guilty in my heart for eating them to that stage, so I always had this conversation with the fish as below. Me: Oh poor fish, I am sorry for eating you but you are too delicious. In this life, you are fish and we eat you; next life then, you become human and SL becomes fish and you eat him, ok? SL: Then, what you will be in next life? Me: Me? oo, I will be a fisherman, catch fish (you) for him to eat :P SL: =.="


我有位朋友跟我这土豹子分享,她从开始工作的第二年起,就已经开始投资房屋了,而她的朋友还在读大学时,就懂得炒股票了,我也有另一些朋友,在工作了几年后,也创了业,他们都比我年轻,但他们的钱却已经在增值了,我这只能说是后生可畏吧。梁的弟弟也一样,工作还没一年,就开始想新的出路了,原来,年轻的一代比我们还要懂得如何冒险,去实现提早退休的志愿。 我那朋友说,我们应该懂得让自己辛苦赚来的钱增值,朝 financial freedom 的方向走,让自己真的有一天拥有足够的 passive income,那时就是可以退休的时候了,之后就能想想一些自己有兴趣的事做,毕竟打工仔不可能永远的保住他的那个饭碗,当公司要裁员时,你能避得了这一波,但下一波未必不会波及到你。我进了这间公司之后,可真的是听了好多这样的消息。 而我呢?却一直不敢将自己的钱放在那种有风险的地方,到现在还是害怕自己投资的失误而血本无归,即使有朋友的建议和鼓励,还是半信半疑着自己的运气,就只想安守着自己的岗位,无风无浪的过去。只是,这样好吗?我也不知道。 只是,我总觉得在我出生年之后的人,好像比我这个年代的人还要懂得如何看时机,他们好像知道要什么时候应该放手一搏,他们是懂得抛开束缚的那一群,往自己要的明天奔跑。

Paradise Restaurant

Nowaday, there are a lot of different online coupon sold, they always sell at price cheaper than we supposed to pay. That day, I searched for good deal online and found this coupon from, it is an offer from Paradise Restaurant, only at RM24.90 for two people, and it comes with teppanyaki chicken, salmon teriyaki, fried vegetable, miso soup, rice and dessert. Well, I think it is worth the price for two people (at least much better than Agua :P), so I bought it. Thereafter, SL and I decided to visit the restaurant on last weekend to use the coupon and taste the dishes from Paradise Restaurant. Once we seated at our table, we looked around restaurant's environment, it made me felt like we were in a forest, they have some tree (I think it is fake) decorated the floor and some fresh-look fruits are hanging on tree's branches, it looks new to us. Since our coupon didn't include drink so we ordered Japanes green tea and Taiwan green tea (as we wanted to see wha


最近,我俩都很忙,为了赶工作的进度,每天都工作到很迟。其实,我俩最向往的工作时段是八点至六点,但这似乎对我们而言是天方夜谭。 或许看到我每天多加班,梁感到心疼吧,最近他时常就叫我辞职,说他养我。哇,好难得听到他这么由衷的说要养我,其实还真的是有点感动的,女人能够找到这么个不嫌弃你而愿意养你的人,妇复何求?我妈工作这么幸苦了这么年,爸都没养过她,还要我妈倒贴来养他和孩子,我想我比我妈还幸福吧。 听到梁要养我,我很开心,但我知道我将不会喜欢没做工的日子的,一定是很闲,又没有尊严的生活,没有收入等于要依赖别人养我,那时候我应该是时常忍气吞声吧,应该是很难受的,我不喜欢那样的感觉。 梁说,那就换一份工吧。换工?我想啊,但换什么工呢?我就茫无头绪了。梁说,换份我喜欢又想做的工。哈哈,我喜欢做的事很多啊,就是不知道可以全做吗?刚大学毕业的时候,我想当作家,半年没真正的找工作,就在家里写故事,还差点真的想要出书呢,但后来又停了,我想是我的雨季过了吧。 如果真的要换工,我真的还不晓得我要做什么呢。继续现在的工也还可以吧,看似还稳定(虽常听到不稳定的消息),但也要考虑一下自己以后的去向吧,总不该就这样浑浑噩噩的过日子,没天没地的做到老吧。 无论如何,还是谢谢梁有要养我的决心 ^_^


Recently, I quite enjoy on using Groupon, sometime I found deal are worth, but I got bought once which was really not worth to me. That day, I spent around RM45 to buy a coupon from Agua at Strait Quay, which mentioned 4 Tapas course (which I didn't know what Tapas meant) for 2 people. Since they claimed it was for two people and admin also mentioned it was big enough for two, so I bought it because Mediterranean was new to me. Then I reserved a date and went to "enjoy" their food, and finally I was only getting a plate of appertizer like dishes, there seem a lot of food in the plate, however most of them were just tasted like saurce to me, I think only Omellete, Squid ring and bread suited to my appertize, the other items tasted bitter and weird to me and SL. We finished the plate very hardly and still thinking whether that's all for RM45, after waiting some while and we didn't see the main dish served, then we realised that we were paid RM45 for a plate of

you are the apple of my eye

After lot of recomendation of friends and review, I finally asked SL went with me to watch this movie- "You Are the Apple Of My Eye"(那些年,我们一起追过的女孩), it is a Taiwanese movie, talking about puppy love of two people since high school to university, until they were grown. However, their relationship never started, it was just at the boundary of friend and lover, they know the other one love them but nobody wanted to request a start for their relationship, thereafter they ended just as good friend and the girl married to another guy. Well, I still prefer story of "Secret" (不能说的秘密) than "You Are the Apple Of My Eye", but "Apple" recalled a lot of my memory in high school. It was sad that they finally were not together, but how many of this kind relationship can last until you grown up? That was puppy love, you thought you love someone at that age, but it doesn't mean that love can last forever or you will together with her, because we were not