
Showing posts from June, 2011

lack of mind

Actually, I recently lack of mind on blogging, probably I was too busy or probably I didn't have mood. World of internet, to be frank, I suddenly feel unsecured with it, too much you provide in a public blog, mean more dangerous you get. Well, at least this is what I think, though I am still safe for this moment, just I am feeling kind of lost with my mind to write a public blog. I feel a bit offend to write my life, my thought, my mind and my everything at a place where I don't even know who is reading it, it just like a feeling that your dairy is exposed to somewhere that you don't really know the place, and everyone read it and know your mind. Then one day, you meet someone at the very first time but that person can tell everything about you, just like a supermaster of fortune teller. Don't you think it is scared? Anyways, it wasn't harm if that person is nice one and only like your writing and story. However, what if this is not the case? That is a person that y


After moved into our new house for a month, I did three bakings, the first two was failure and today is the third, well it considered ok. The first baking, I wished to make Vanilla Pound Cake, but I got some mismatches on ingredient mixture because measurement between US and Malaysia are different, so that I couldn't bake a perfect cake. Then I didn't want to give up and tried again on Vanilla Pound Cake at my second baking, well I finally got the matching ingredients but my oven seems to be hotter than the one in US, even though I tried to convert Ferenheit to Celsius and tried to set to a closer temperature, I still got my cake burnt on it's outer surface. Well, taste was fine but skin could't be eaten. At the third time, I decided not to bake Vanilla Pound Cake anymore, else SL might need to be genius pig again and eat same taste cake three weeks continuously. Therefore, I made muffin which the one SL liked to eat in US, I modified recipe due to I couldn't find s


最近,好多关于食物的负面新闻,从好久以前的中国奶粉,到现在的台湾朔化济食品,之间还参杂着我国的黑心猪肉和德国的大肠杆菌豆芽,还有很多很多大大小小的食品滥制的问题,令人看了心寒,听了胆战。 当年的中国奶粉弄得世界沸沸扬扬,担心家里的小童会受其害。现在,台湾的朔化济也闹得满城风雨,从饮料开始,到了连快熟面也有朔化济的踪影,现在旦逢饮料,我们都避买台湾制造。幸好香港发现的那两种问题快熟面,我们都不常吃(因为他们是面中极品,太贵了),不然现在的我们应该是提心吊胆吧。 再说说说黑心猪肉,怎么有人可以拿死了、病了的猪来喂人呢?这也太可怕了,难怪梁最近改吃鸡肉了,连鱼肉也担心被日本的辐射殃及。还好,我们少吃豆芽,所以大肠杆菌的浪还没有波及到我们。 其实,听到这些有关食品的新闻还真的是让人对那些奸商感到恨之入骨,为了能够赚更多的钱,就无视人命,采用化学药物,或对人类有害的物质来销售,直到东窗事发之时,也不知消费者已使用了对自己有害的食品多少年了,单单关闭公司,还是罚款押监,又怎么赔得上受害者的健康、精神与性命呢? 其实,现在的新新人类,由于必须工作,所以无奈常在外打伙食或在餐馆解决三餐,但是却不知道食物在幕后的准备过程,少油少盐少糖的原则也难以实行,为了填饱肚子而无法追究下肚餐的品质,所以业者应该更讲究他们提供消费人的素质,并非谋取利益。 梁常常对我说,以后该少买那些制成品食物,尽量买raw的,只是难道猪肉豆芽不是raw的吗?长肉济也是用在raw的产品啊,还是会出问题。经管我们现在尽量自己煮晚餐,还是不免会中遭,所以梁和我时常开玩笑的说以后还是自己开农场,自己养家禽家畜、自己种菜种稻,也就不怕被黑心的商人害了。 食之、畏也,病还真的是从口入的,希望那些搞饮食业的人对人命多了份责任心与同情心,免得日后的人必须每人自己开农场,自给自足。


Recently, there are a lot of services and item increase their price, electricity bill is higher than before, diesel subsidy cancelled, property prrice even worse and a lot of coming soon. Fisherman bogot because of diesel subsidy case, pork seller stopped selling meat, no subsidy of course will lead to price increment. Well, the most unlucky people are us who only earn fixed salary, inflation becomes worse every year until our salary cannot catch up the rate. Those fishermen and pork sellers can just easily stop working for a week or two, but what can we just a normal worker do? A friend announced that he quit his job and he got increment for more than 50%, this is more than normal 30% rate. I think maybe he is really clever or excellent worker, maybe he is underpaid previously. This makes me to think that whether we all are actually underpaid for many years?

Home.. Sweet Home

After moved in to our new house, I am feeling like it and enjoy my life here, we also spend more of our time at home, instead of going out, now I realise that a good living place can help people to stay at home more often. Back to our life before this house, we needed to plan our weekend every week, especially long weekend, the life will be more miserable, we mostly spent time for walking at shopping more but only for window shopping, because our rental room is too limited with space and not much privacy there, less entertainment and hot temperature. However, the life in our own house is different, those it isn't a big one, still you can enjoy within it, reading, blogging, ipadding, cooking, watching TV/DVD, we can do our thing at different room, now we know why those house owners can spend their holidays just at home, because it is the most enjoy moment in life. Somehow, people said this might because we are getting old, but I think this more because of belonging (归宿感), because yo