
Showing posts from 2007

Year End Summary

I was reading Seh Leong’s Year End Summary just now, quite a lot of fun, we are having a similar memory, so that I can know what he felt, and watch back my this year past. Over all, I am quite happy this year. I had some trips with him, to Phuket, KL and Genting, those were happy moments. I like to go for a break after a period, this can refresh myself, and refresh our relationship, kind of retreat, he would be different with usual after the retreat, "sweeter" than usual :) I also changed to another department at 3rd quarter of this year, I am happy that I still can be in touch with my friends from former department. I was worry if I would lose them, but we still can talk like then, just we couldn’t meet everyday. But, friends will always there. Well, I think the most surprised news is I just registered at the end of the year, I could never imagine how would this be, just a moment martial status will change, but so uncomfortable, scared on this, that’s why you still see my st

Little Mermaid

Today, Seh Leong and I were talking about a fairy tale, which is "Little Mermaid", he nearly forgot the story. He said it is a sad story after I brief through the story for him, it is seldom for a fairy tale with sad story. Though, this is my favourite fairy tale. I like little mermaid, she has the greatest spirit in love, she chose to sacrify, instead to get back her life in the sea. How many people are able to do this? After hurt by love, do we use our love to recover our injury? Or we only pour our hatress onto who hurt us instead? At this moment, I just remember that sometime we need to learn from little mermaid.

Forever Lasting Friendship

"People come and go, my soilder will stay forever", I forgot which movie is having this quote, but this sentence always keep in my mind. In our life, we have too much farewell with too many people, but farewell doesn’t mean the end of relationship, but means a new start in relationship. I try to memorise, how many people is leaving my department in this year, including me, 10 fingers is not enough and I can’t really remember an exact number. After leaving, I bear in my mind, we are still friends although we can’t be teammates anymore, I trust that only friendship can stay forever (of course this is not include family or something closer relationship). Yes, I am so happy that I still can keep in touch with my ex-teammates frequently, hang around and talk as before, nothing is blocked between us although we are from different departments then. It’s true, friendship can last forever.

Dawn Breaks

The darkest night always proceed to dawn… Yes, it is really true, friends, please be optimism, no matter how worst the thing goes, it will be going better again finally. Last month, I was in despair, too a lot uncertainties came to me and worried me, I was totally lost, just like standing at T junction, can neither turn left nor turn right, standing there and staring at the passangers are going to their destinations. At first, I was really impatient, I didn’t like just standing there and was really despair. Days after days, I learn to be more patient, think optimism and reading, I told myself the darkest night always proceed to dawn, hope for despair. Then, I think the situation is becoming better and better now, and I can see the dawn breaks soon, the brightest light is shining again soon.
今天,忽然想起了两个大学时和我一起 industrial training 的朋友,他们是大众传媒系的,很亲切,还教会了我很多事呢。 想到有一次周末,他们到我家去住。哈哈,很难得有朋友要与我共度周末吧,当时的我是个少不经事,与世隔绝的那种人(哈哈,有点的夸张),很难得能够有两个只能相处三个月的朋友愿意更我亲近(回头想想,上帝多我不薄,在每一个阶段都会为我安排几个朋友相伴,即使我的交友性格是被动的那一种,我的身边还是一直会有朋友的出现)。 现在想起当年的事,发现我其实并没有好好的招待这两位朋友咧,让她们在 Taman U 度过了无聊透顶的周末,真是感到万分的对不起,我想如果他们能够再做一次选择的话,他们恐怕不会想去我家了。 那时候,除了三餐之外,外加 UTM 游车河,我再也记不起来还有什么特别节目了,其余时间就是在我家看书。哦,真是没趣,对吧? 现在想起来,以后应该加油改进了,对不起哦。

Turn Left... Turn Right

Life is full of choices, life is full with challanges, life is full with uncertainties, life… Oh, right, this is life. C’est la vie... Currently, I changed my job by transferring to another department, that was a lot of struggling before I made my final decision, some friends gave a thumb up, some friends asked me to think carefully. Yes, I agree, it is hard to make a move, people don’t like change, but like to be stable. I am not sure if you read "Who moved my cheese?", sometimes we are just like the rat, doesn’t agree with any changes in our life, so do I. Turn left? Turn Right? Why don’t I just go straight? Then I only need to continue with current situation, no need to worry any changes made. Well, it is happy to be here, I can meet a lot of friends here, but what do I like to do? I kept asking myself. I was here about one and half year, not that senior, but at least I am familiar with people and work nature here, do I really want just give up everything over here and sta

Starry Starry Night

By now, I really cannot deny influence of TV shows or , movie to people’s feeling and emotion. Recently, my friends are watching a drama series, "Greed of Heart", that is a song named "Vincent", I think should be main theme between Chang Zai Xin and Cheng Liang. Well, it is true this song is really nice, but how many people acknowledge this song before this drama series? "Starry starry night…", even myself, I don’t know who is the origin singer neither, but I heard this from Chyi’s album. This song made me remember a friend of mine from the UK, who I shared him song from Chyi’s album, and he told me "Vincent", the name of song is taken the name of a artist, which is Vincent Van Gogh. And the lyric is described a masterpiece of Van Gogh, which is "Starry Night". After finishing "Greed of Heart", somehow I would feel sad when listening to this song, because of seeing ending between Chang Zai Xin and Cheng Liang. The morale of st

Travelling into the picture

I am watching a Hong Kong series drama, "Heart of Greed", its story is quite attractive. Let’s talk about a couple inside drama, Liang and Xin, somehow I should say, I felt quite tired to see this kind of relationship, together, breakup, then together, then breakup, together again, breakup again, together and breakup just like a cycle. However, if we think in depth, actually this kind of thing is happening around us always. When we misunderstand with each other, then we fight and stay alone, after calm down, then good together again. Until one day, if everyone is tired and cannot continue, then story ends. How to say? A relationship is just like travelling into a picture, somehow I interpret this. Before we involve into a relationship, we are only looking on a picture, we only can tell if it is beautiful or not that attractive, we cannot experience anything besides this. After we are travelling into the picture, we only can experience what is really inside that picture, wheth


终于,看完了《溏心风暴》,这真是一部超好看的故事。 剧情围绕着一家人,本来是和睦相处的,但是因为拥有六亿的身家,导致小妈和舅舅的贪念,演变成一场争产风波。庆幸的是,最好又好的结局,整部戏的流程,不失幽默。 看了几部港剧,其中有几部是关于争产的,开始要问了,香港是否真的有很多这样的事情发生呢,如果是真的,那么这不是有点可悲吗? 为了财产,原本是和睦的一家人,最终却反目成仇,钱的魔力有时真会让人心酸。 记得时常看到一些有关钱的描述: Money can buy you house, but not home; Money can buy you books, but not knowledge; Money can buy you medicine, but not health; Money can buy you anything, but not its meaning. 是的,钱或许真得能够买到很多的东西,但是当它失去了真正的意义,那又怎样呢?人生也会因此而没有了价值。

First Day in the UK

Well, I never know that I would start my blog, talking about my one and half year life in the UK, then why do I start to be storyteller now? Recently, that is a colleague from my department resign from his post, and he is going to continue master degree in the UK, then he asked me to share my experience in the UK. Oh no, I am not really a good speaker, I even didn’t know how to start my story. Then, I think maybe I can write some of my experiences in my blog, I am better in writing compare to talking. Hope all of you can enjoy it, haha maybe nobody is too interested on my boring life in the UK. Honestly, it is really boring life (you can find a lot of agreements from my friends, who I met in the UK). 22nf of April 2004, my first day in the UK, my plan landed in Heathrow Airport in London, a strange place. Before this, my only airplan experience is within Malaysia, Johor-Penang, I had never taken such a long haust journey to another country. However, I didn’t feel any tiredness (or jetl


我的最小弟弟即将要生日了,在一段的聊天我问他想要什么生日礼物,刚开始他要求了一台手提电话,嗯,对于一个(已经拥有手提电话的)中学生,我认为这样的生日礼物是一个奢侈,而且手提电话可不是便宜的玩具咧,所以我问另外的生日礼物愿望。 第二个礼物是哑铃,嗯,我相信对于正发育的中学生而言,哑铃应该是可以的礼物吧,只是一时没有想到我的弟弟开始也知道要健美了,对于当年那个小孩的样子,到现在开始健身的少年,一时还无法在我脑海里连贯起来。不过,我还是觉得哑铃是可以考虑的礼物。 他之后还告诉我他的第三个生日愿望是:希望大家快乐,这个愿望是乎有点伟大吧,因为如果要实现,这是牵涉到每一个家庭成员的情绪的,往往这或许只能说在嘴里的愿望,但是要将它成真的话,需要着很多的努力,然而我仿佛能观察到一件事的改变,让这生日愿望因那件事而让大家快乐了起来。 从前啊,我这位最小弟弟是很沉迷于电视游戏的家伙,成天就只坐在电视前玩着他的PS机,我们的劝告都不当一回事。可是啊,现在的他却不知怎么的开了窍,开始用功的读书了,成绩还进步了不少,妹妹说他长大了,我想是吧。现在,我们都因为他的转变而变开心了。我这样的告诉他,他的第三个生日愿望终于实现了,他的转变让大家都快乐了起来。 想想,有时候我们的愿望其实并不能单单只希望旁边的人为我们实现的,有时自己的一些转变也能让我们的梦想成真的。 记得一个很久以来的辩论,是应该改变环境来适应自己,还是改变自己来适应环境呢?这可是要看我们的观点了,其实两者都没有错,只是要看哪一个能够让自己还有更多的人快乐罢了。 有时候,一些改变是可以带来意想不到的效果的。就像现在,我的最小弟弟希望能够把自己的成绩搞好,他的目标只在于全部及格,不在于第一名。然而,我告诉他,当他真的把全科变及格时,他将会发现他原来可以做到的其实不只是只有及格那么简单。 其实,人们往往太过于小看自己所能做到的极限吧,有时小小的愿望或转变,能够成就一个大不同的结局,当然这个结局的好坏,也是取决于你当初的念头的好坏。


I still remember that I told a friend about what life is. I told him, life never think who is younger then s/he can live longer. Maybe I can use a sentence from "Final Destination", "death is not accident, no coincidence, no excuse", when it’s time for you to go, you must leave, maybe this is too passive, but does anybody success escape from death? People can never know when they will die, an accident, illness, disease, a crash, anything can bring us out from this world. Since born, I didn’t know that was too many miserables in the world, I never think death is so scary. Until a day, my mum brought me to see her friend in hospital, she is not movable. Until a day, I heard a friend’s daddy is died because of cancer. Then I realise, actually death never play joke to us, everybody will die without excuse. Of course, everybody will tell me that I am still young, that will be a long journey to death, but I am not sure how much luckiness do I own, death never let us go th


Saturday Midnight, I woke up for a dream, but couldn’t continue to sleep then. My mind was wandering to pass, a friend from Japan appeared into my memory, she is kind and friendly, we met when we were in Birmingham, UK. Another friend from China came after her, this friend is friendly and clever, we met when we were in Nottingham, UK. Continously, a lot of friends are appeared into my mind and I started thinking: "Where did we meet? What were we doing then? How is s/he? (and lot of memories)" a friend after another. Suddenly, I felt that I miss all of my friends, either who are still in touch or out of touch, I was thinking how are they doing now? Are they fine? Are we still be the same character as when we met? And, I was asking myself? Do I change? Em… yes, I think I do. Basically, I was quiet, reserved girl. But now, I found that actually I can talk a lot (maybe not that lot, but at least not that quiet) with some friends (maybe still have some friends find I am still quie

"Bonsai" Life

I received a forwarded e-mail today, it is talking about a cruelty action is happening around the world. Bonsai kitten, do you know about this? Below is the link tells you about bonsai kitten, a cruelty behavior on the new born kitten. What is bonsai? Which means a very small creature(originally it is a tree, but it applied to a kitten here) that is grown in a small container and is stopped from growing bigger by continually shaping it. Do you think this is cruel to a cat? A live creature. I cannot imagine how some people can be that cruel to abuse a live by controlly its grow and stop it from moving. Is this because we are living as "bonsai" life? Then they try to bonsai other creature. Am I wrong? Don’t you agree we are living as "bonsai" life? If so, you are maybe the lucky one. Actually, people cannot do whatever they want, cannot get what ever they hope for, maybe we still have freedom to move here and there,

A Step into the Past

Finally, I finished a series drama DVDs, "A Step into the Past", which is talking about a person goes to Qin Dynasty and explores, where he helps his student to be the first Majssty in China, which is Qin Shi Huang. Frankly, the story might not follow what is written in history, but I like creative of this novel writer, on process this story. Sometime, what we see, hear and listen isn’t as true as it is, it might be in different way. Probably, what we read from history, didn’t happen as what it is written in history book. Many times, we need to observe and analyse, to make sure the fact that we see, hear and listen is really happened in its way. Creative thought would help us see things in different ways. Maybe "A Step into the Past" isn’t a real story, but it helps us to see things in different ways, why don’t we refer to more source before make the decision, this might lead us to a creative path. How do you think?
一个人的兴趣是会改变的吗?我想应该是会吧。 以前,我是个不爱去K歌的人,我认为唱歌在家里常常就行了,为什么要出外唱呢,这或许是因为我妹妹的歌声太好听了,而我又是个不会唱歌的人,弄得我相形见绌,不太敢唱歌。 然而,不知从什么时候开始,我开始喜欢到Karaoke去唱歌,而且还像是上了瘾似的,才刚回到家 (其实是还没回家的前几天),就邀了中学的朋友去Redbox K歌。 为什么会爱上这种活动了呢?我也不知道,或许是因为喜欢听他唱歌吧,或许是喜欢和他一起唱歌吧,或许唱歌是另一种和朋友们聚聚的方式吧,总之能够唱歌、能够听歌、能够看见朋友,是件很开心的事。
认一下你是左脑还是右脑使用者吧! 1. 像祈祷一般,将双手交握起来。。。 看看你的双手 左手拇指被押在右手拇指下的———————->左脑使用者 右手拇指被押在左手拇指下的———————->右脑使用者 2. 将你的双手交叉环在胸前〔揽住自己咁〕 再看看你的双手 右手臂压住左手臂的——————————>左脑使用者 左手臂压住右手臂的——————————>右脑使用者 从1+2来看你的结果*(要照1→2顺序看) 分析: 右左人 善于体贴他人的传统温婉类型 能直觉了解对方的心情,并自然和善对应的右左人。虽然无法主动积极的向前,但却会后退一步来迁就人,生性稳重且贴心,给人一股〔凡事都会好好照顾*〕的安心感。不过一旦被拜托过一次,往后就很难再对他人说〔NO〕就是最大的缺点。不管自己有多么的痛苦也会为他人鞠躬尽瘁….这种热情堪称天下第一! 右右人 最爱自己的挑战类型 生性勇往直前,一旦认定〔就是这个!〕时就会马上采取行动!这就是好奇心旺盛最爱挑战的右右人。凭着一股气势就能够坦然挑战危险事物的鲁莽一族。但另一方面亦具有被抓住弱点时就很容易被打动的鲜细脆弱一面…。基本上,不听他人的话,会跳着听谈话的内容,也很容易就以主观意识说话。不过也因这般充满个性的缘故而备受众人喜爱,往往能成为人气者唷! 左左人 认真又冷酷的完美主义者 虽颇有女人(男人)味,但却是在这四种类型中最具有男子气概!凡事都能条理分明的理论性思考,会凭着一篇大道理迅速打败他,可说相? 磻腽部e钢铁之女〕的感觉。自尊心极高,正义感也比他人多上一倍。做为朋友是很值得信赖,但若与之为敌就会很棘手的类型。只不过,因生性认真又是完美主义者,常会让初次见面的人留下〔难以相处〕的不好印象。 左右人 喜欢照顾人,领导型 具有冷静的观察力能看透对方或现场的气氛,但亦具有能体贴入微照顾对方的一面,这就是兼具冷静与温情的左右人。因生性冷静,颇具男子气概且责任感强烈,像个〔大姐头〕般常会受到同性的爱慕。能自然聚集人群并与之俐落相处。只不过,有时也会忍不住太爱照顾他人。相当在意世人如何看待自己,总是保持警觉心。
看一下下面的故事情节,再回答后面的问题。   五个人同乘的一条游艇遭到暴风雨的袭击而沉没了。这艘游艇上有已经举行订婚仪式的真一和静子,还有真一的朋友熊夫和三郎,静子的朋友真由美。五个人都脱了险,拼命地爬上了A、B两座孤岛。A岛上有静子、熊夫、真由美三个人,而相距很远的B岛上有真一和三郎……。A岛上的静子苏醒过来,察觉到未婚夫不在身旁。“我在这里……!”远处传来真一的呼唤声。真一站在被海水隔开的对面岛上。没有划艇是绝对过不来的。熊夫找到一艘划艇。了解静子此时心情的熊夫,逼迫静子说:“让我吻你一下,就把这艘划艇给你。”想尽快回到真一身边的静子,和真一也没有接过吻,更不应该答应熊夫。静子和朋友真由美商量。真由美马上冷淡地回答:“不要和我商量,这种事你自己去考虑,应该果断一些!”   静子一心想和真一在一起,就对熊夫唯命是从,答应了熊夫的要求,拿到了划艇。起初,真一对静子能来到自己面前,感到很高兴。但一听静子说出拿到划艇的方法,神色马上冷淡下来,断然地把静子回绝掉,说:“我决定和你解除婚约。”看到这场情景的三郎,完全同情静子,多情地悄悄对静子说:“我保护你!我们俩人一起渡过这场灾难吧!”   看完这篇故事,请把你认为讨厌的人,按次序写上号码。把最讨厌的人物标上第一号,以下类推。 解说:   你把静子定为第几号呢?根据静子的号码,可以判断出你是不是能够和对方巧妙地吵嘴的姑娘。 定1的人 定2的人 定3的人 定4的人 定5的人 分析: 定1的人:你是认真严肃的人,被对方责怪了一下,或者不管是引起什么讨厌的事情,总认为全是自己不好,马上去赔礼道歉。因此,你和小伙子是不会吵架的。 定2的人:你有时发发牢骚,但很少生气发怒。自我克制,对想干的事也一忍再忍。不讲明讨厌对方,有时责怪一下对方,是让对方喜爱自己的窍门之一。 定3的人:发脾气责怪对方,或者意见不一致就争辩或吵架。对双方来讲,吵完之后,心情往往难以平静,要注意。 定4的人:你认为发生争执后,有时要让让对方,有时不必计较。可是,你有时也大发脾气,和对方极力争辩。不过,在那种时候常常是对方向你让步。 定5的人:任性放纵,为所欲为,可一吵架就心情发闷。她的内心焦躁不安,常生气发怒,使小伙子无所适从,不知如何为好。即使自己是正确的,有时也要考虑一下对方的心情。这种人目前很受小伙子宠
好像听过这样的传说,天上的每一颗星星都属于一个人的一生,一个人的诞生与死亡,也意味着一颗星的出现和陨落,这样的说法是否属实,我不知道。 爱情,或许也是有着和星星一样的力量吧,当一个能够让你深深爱着的人出现时,人生就会象星星一样,突然散发光芒,直到那个人消失,星星的光亮也变得暗淡。 不知道是不是所有的人都因为拥有了爱情而像星星一样的发亮,但是我真的看到了这样的例子。 心中深深的默念着,如果我真得能够点亮一颗星,那么就让我为这颗星而存在吧,让它能够永远不灭,开开心心的。。。
今天,看到一位teammate寄出来的“临行别书”,不知怎的,心里涌出一阵伤感,开始奇怪自己为何突然这么的多愁善感了。 一直认为自己是个很理智的人,不会为离别而愁,一直认为这段人生长路,离别是必经的过程,船只停站,有人上船,有人上岸,无足为奇;路上停停走走、去去留留,可谓正常,那我又为何要伤感呢?我自己也猜不透。 还记得当初,我辞职了,要到外国深照,犹豫到了最后一刻才交上那封收了很久的信,还在我的老板面前哭得稀里哗啦的,现在想起来,也不禁惊讶当初的失态,我想以后不会这样了吧。 无论如何,还是那句话,每个人的离开都有他们的目的地要去到达,都有他们要做的事,离别其实没有那么的伤感吧?因为,离别才能让对方奔向另一个领域,这才是人生所要经历的路程,是吗?


Within this week, there are 3 people resigned from my department, one of them even will spend her last service day at this Friday, quite a sudden news from me. Another seperation, this is life, right? Full with seperation, I don’t like seperation, but I know it is a must in our life. I still remember, when my friends were leaving the UK, I was feeling bad. And, when I am leaving there, I am not feeling well. However, I know that is no choice to keep a person to stay forever with you, every people have their destination to go, every people have their purpose to do. I read an article before, it is talking about meeting between people, the main reason for us to meet is to learn from others and get together, we propably cannot be staying together forever, but memory keeps them in our mind and we surely can learn more or less from them. Anyway, all the best for everyone.

Third Day around Phuket

As we discussed previoulsy, we rented a motorbike in Day 3 to go around Phuket Island. The motorbike’s rent is 200 Bhat per day, the price is reasonable for us. So we started our third day journey after breakfast. In front of the motorbike rental shop, I was looking for any helmet for our rented motorbike, I felt insecured if ride without helmet. But the shop keeper told us, the rule is only driver needs helmet, passanger is optional, therefore we only got a helmet for two of us. Fine, I tried not to use the helmet. First of all, I sent my postcards and we find the petrol station for petrol refilling, the petrol rate is expensive in Phuket if compare with Malaysia, a litre costs us about RM30. Our first destination is Patong Beach, it is a beautiful beach, crowded with a lot of tourists to play in and out of the sea, the wave was strong there, beaten the beach heavily, I could see people to be pushing up to the beach by wave. After Patong Beach, we continue our riding to Karon Beach. K

Second Day in Phuket

29th of April, my second day in Phuket, we decided to spend our day with signed up a tour around the islands near to Phuket and took a chance for snorkeling, should be a great tour, right? Yes, islands around Phuket are really beautiful, but I forgot the name of first island that we went, the water is clear and the scenary is special and beautiful. See, I like the island, which surround by stones, looks it is protected. Yeap, looks protected, actually not, this island is one of tsunami hazard zone. Anyways, this island is still beatiful for me, white sandy beach, green and blue clear water, surround with protected-like stoney. Then, we left the island and went for snorkeling, oh my goodness, it was raining, too bad, we were snorkeling in the rain, so cold. However, we still spent for half an hour on snorkeling, there is nothing to see under the sea except some fish, the corals are in greyish colour, I think they are died after tsunami. After half an hour nothing to see snorkeling, we d

First Day to Phuket

28th of April, my first day to Phuket, departed from Penang International Airport at afternoon. We were using Firefly Airline, I think everyone should know this new airline, right? The Airplane (I think should call it airbus) is small, just like a bus, it was with loud engine operating noise all along the journey. Well, at least I know how loud of an airbus now. Although it was noisy all the way, the landing still considered beautiful, because I kind of like the landing with water scenary, here I can see the sea while landing. However, the most beautiful landing for me still in Venezia’s Macor Polo Airport, it was surrounding by water while landing. We arrived Phuket Airport at 4:00pm, and that was a tour guide met us at the airport, to pick us up to our hotel. Before to our hotel, he brought us for city tour, well.. we better say this as shopping tour. Anyways, I prefer to skip the story along the way to hotel. The conclusion for this is, I still prefer to plan all my travel schedule


Aha... It was so exciting, two days ago, 30th of April was my birthday in Gregorian Calendar, and today the sixteenth day of third month in Lunar Calendar, it is my birthday as well, just two days apart. Actually, I forgot about my lunar calendar birthday, but surprisingly that is a person still remembered it, he is so nice to me :) Suddenly, I feel that I am really a lucky girl, am I? This is one of my happiest birthdays in my life, I think I could continue to have my birthday happy in the following years, because of him :) At last, Happy Birthday to me for second time :)
歌手:齐豫 歌曲:最爱 红颜若是只为一段情 就让一生只为这段情 一生只爱一个人 一世只换一种愁 纤纤小手让你握着 把它握成你的袖 纤纤小手让你握着 解你的愁你的忧 HA… 自古多余恨的是我 千金换一笑的是我 是是非非 恩恩怨怨都是我 只有那感动的是我 只有那感动的是你 生来为了认识你之后与你分离 以前忘了告诉你最爱的是你 现在想起来最爱的是你 以前忘了告诉你最爱的是你 现在想起来最爱的是你 红颜难免多情(你竟和我一样) 开始认识这首歌的时候,是在英国,当时深深地被第一段歌词吸引了,一世只有一段情,只怀一种愁,将手握成袖,很美的意境,是吗? 说说另一段在 Notting Hill 吸引我的片断,女主角对男主角说过这样的一段话:“Actually, fame is nothing, I am just a girl stand in front of a boy, ask him to love me…” 或许对一个女子而言,应该是要有点矜持的吧,但是总觉得这段话满感人的。 记得当初有人问,“between fame and love, what do you choose?” 既然有一个人为我回答了我的答案。 其实,能够真真正正的爱一次真的是一件幸福的事吧?快乐悲伤都会有一个人陪着你。 还记得为一位英国朋友翻译地一段歌词时,他笑说一生只爱那么一次是件愚蠢的事,或许,他并没有真正的爱过吧?又或许,他认为爱一个人就要得到同等的回应,不然又何必去爱。 只是,爱要用什么来衡量呢?我们又怎么去证明到底两个人是否真的付出了同等的情感呢?难道爱情真的是要除非你先付出,不然我也不会做任何的牺牲的吗?这样的爱情不是很累吗?
一个人的玩世不恭是为了隐藏自己的真性情吧,或许害怕被识穿自己的认真,又或许害怕在认真之后所换来的伤害,所以人们都害怕把自己的真性情给表露出来。 有人说,爱就要勇敢的爱,喜欢就要勇敢讲出来,只是能有多少的人能够做到呢,尤其是曾经受伤过、痛苦过的人。 我们不能怪他们有所保留,因为有谁愿意再承受另一次的伤害呢? 所有的所有,就只能让时间来证明,相信金诚所至,金石为开,总有一天寒冷的心会被暖化,现在连冰山(because of global warming)都会融化了,得到温暖的心也会一样的。

Two of my friends

When I was in Nottingham, I met two friends from China, one is from Beijing and another one from Harbin. They didn’t know each other, but both of them are my good friends. Probably because of loneliness in foriegn country, therefore we could talk with each other pretty well. After I back to Malaysia, I still keep in touch with them occassionally, to know how they are doing and to make sure they are fine. Recently, just spoke with my Harbin friend and know she is working in Beijing, but she doesn’t have many friends in Beijing, so that she is feeling lonely and works a lot, in case to fill her lonely hours. I hope all my friends are fine and happy on doing their things, therefore introduce my Beijing friend to my Harbin friend, as they are in same city now, I think they could see each other easily, although I forgot how big is Beijing, maybe is it as big as a Malaysia. Not sure how do two of my friends do? Will they be good friends at last? Hope my Harbin friend can have her happy time
徐志摩的偶然 我是天空里的一片云, 偶尔投影在你的波心。 你不必讶异, 也无需欢喜。 在转瞬间消失了踪影。 你我相逢在黑夜的海上, 你有你的, 我有我的,方向; 你记的也好,最好你忘掉, 在这交会时互放的光亮! 最近,这首徐志摩的偶然不断地回响于我的脑海。记得,当时是中学的课本让我认识了这首诗,当时年少,觉得这首诗很押韵,很好听,但是不太了解当中的含义。现在,长大了,也经历了人间的悲欢离合,才慢慢的感觉徐志摩当时写诗的意境。 原来,我们一出世就不是永远的和身边的人在一起的,小时不知离别苦,所以没有离别愁。现在想想,其实我与很多人的相遇也是一场“偶然”,原来,所有的人都是天空里的一片云。。。

Notting Hill

It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart Without saying a word, you can light up the dark Try as I may I could never explain What I hear when you don’t say a thing The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There’s a truth in your eyes saying you’ll never leave me The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me whenever I fall You say it best.. when you say nothing at all All day long I can hear people talking out loud But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd Try as they may they can never define What’s been said between your heart and mine The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There’s a truth in your ey es saying you’ll never leave me The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me whenever I fall You say it best.. when you say nothing at all This song is "When You Say Nothing At All", a song from Notting Hill, which I love a lot with the story line. This is a love story, which I watched in the UK, and touched my heart so much. Recently, I

My unforgetable daddy

When I was in the UK, I met a good person, a very good person, who helped me a lot, and he is willing to be my daddy, it was really happy and precious moment to be with my daddy. He is a Christian, undoubtable, he influenced me a lot. However, I feel that I lost my daddy after I back to Malaysia. After back to Malaysia, I still kept in touch with him, I sent him e-mail frequently, and he answered me occasionally. Never mind, at least I know that he still remembered me. When time pass by, I didn’t get his e-mail anymore, even though I still wrote him some e-mail. Days after days, months after months, until finally I felt that I can never recieve my daddy’s e-mail anymore, and I am sad and dissapointed. And now, I realize the fragile of relationship, time, distance, new experience and so on, can make people forget the past, I just realize the difficulty to keep a relationship last long, especially if I would possible cannot meet the person in the rest of my life, so sad but it is true. E


你会爱上谁? 假设有一天你收到一封密函,情书也好,告密信也好,总之就不想给情人知道,那么你会把这封信藏在哪呢?   A.衣柜   B.床褥底   C.相架   D.书本   E.饼干罐 解答: 选择A:干净整齐大过天   假如你第一时间想起藏在衣柜里,代表喜欢干净整齐的人,你不要求他打扮入时,紧贴潮流,只希望他不要不修边幅,一个注重个人卫生,衣着素净整齐的人,特别容易讨你欢心,劝你对一个重视整洁的人有意思时,还是用多点时间观察好,小心他清洁成癖,是一个有洁癖的人,到时你会嫌他吹毛求疵了。    选择B:开朗异性最吸引   别以为喜欢将秘密书信藏在床褥下,代表你心仪一些爱享受的人,其实是暗示你喜欢较为主动、热情有干劲的异性。因为床褥是较为私人的对象,你把心事都藏在那里,代表你为人内敛,不习惯与人分享心事,现阶段你渴望有一个与你性格相反的异性闯入你的世界,由他去改变你,将你的世界变得缤纷点。    选择C:艺术家型你最爱   将秘密信件藏于相架内,表示你对美术、音乐兴趣浓厚,对艺术的敏感度极高,你希望有一个同样对艺术有兴趣的异性与你分享心得,所以具有艺术天分,又或有艺术家气质的人,最能吸引你的注意力。你不妨参加多点艺术活动,借着这些文化活动结识理想异性,亦可以增加你的文艺修养,一举两得。    选择D.见识广博最重要   书本是知识的象征,倘若你将重要的书信放进书里,代表你心中最重视的是知识。你本身求知欲、好奇心皆强,对周遭的事物经常保持好奇心,所以希望能与一个见识广博的人谈恋爱。借着他,你可以认识更多新事物,对世界更深入了解。样貌或财富并不是你最关心的问题,最重要是他要像一个学者。 选择E.对吃有研究最好   印象中,把重要对象放进饼罐内的人,都是老一辈的人,假如你亦考虑将书信放在饼罐内,代表你思想颇为保守,做事以稳阵为原则,没有周详计划你是不会贸然行动的。最有趣的是,你并不要求另一半跟你一样稳定,你只要求他是一个对吃有研究的异性,对于哪有好东西吃最好了如指掌,才能讨你欢心。

Boy and Girl

Normally, the girl is patient, independent, mature and logical. However, the girl transforms while in front of the boy, she becomes impatient, dependent, childlike and emotional. After every argument, the girl would seek differential between her normal image and abnormal image. Boy, he like to spend his time without her, he calls this as freedom; but girl, she like to spend her time with him, she calls this as sharing. Boy and girl, nobody is wrong, but nobody is happy. Boy and girl, nobody is happy, and both get hurt. After every argument, girl realises her sturburnness, and she doesn’t want anyone get hurt, she doesn’t like to see history repeats. If boy likes freedom, why not just let him to have his own freedom. And, the girl can get back to normal girl, patient, independent, mature and logical.


Recently, that was a case about "ant" happenning in my workplace, and every people like to talk about "ant" story. Just now, read a friend’s blog, he is talking about ant again. From his blog, I can find that actually he describes himself as an ant. Ant again… Suddenly, I found out that actually a lot of ants in our real life. When people are feeling helpless and lost, they like to describe themselves as an ant. Ant is small, their life is fragile. Therefore, when people meet the uncertainty in our life, we would feel just like an ant, can’t help at all. However, ant is strong actually, they try out their every effort to live their life, even though the life is hard, but they still keep continue living.
明天就是元宵节了,也被人誉为东方情人节,在报纸看见一些关于情人节的短讯,蛮喜欢一些的,便决定把它转摘在我的blog: 1.如果青蛙没有变成王子,如果公主没有醒来,如果小人鱼没有化成泡沫,我还会相信爱情吗?相信因为还有你在我的身边。茫茫人海,凭你的名字导航;凄凄寒夜,握你的名字取暖;漫漫人生,携你的名字同游。 (从小就喜欢童话故事的我,就被王子、公主、人鱼的字眼给吸引了。这短讯还蛮让人欢喜的。喜欢人鱼公主因为她的伟大情操,曾几何时,幻想自己是一只人鱼公主,最后发现人鱼化成泡沫后还是会受伤的,然而,一场悲剧并不能完全否定真爱的存在,愿与那些正在寻找真爱的朋友共免之。) 2.爱你一万年夸张,爱你五千年无望,爱你一千年荒唐,爱你一百年太长,接连爱你七十年只要我身体健康。 (真的,有时我们喜欢把自己的感觉夸张化,然而爱最后的要求是现实化,与其给与一些无法兑现的承诺,倒不如用自己仅有的生命来证明一切。) 3.我道出为了我不语,我不语为了我道出;我走开为了我回来,我回来为了我走开。真水本应无香,所以真情才应无语。 (前段让我感觉好像很深奥的话语,什么“道可道”的,后段让我心中悸动,“真水本应无香,所以真情才应无语”,其实真爱全在不言中。) 还有一段恶搞版的:“有一种默契叫做心照不宣,有一种感觉叫做妙不可言,有一种幸福叫做有你相伴,有一个白痴会把他看完。”前三句还蛮温馨感人的,看到最后一句时却让我一时爆笑,然而能有一段感人搞笑的短讯也不失为一个好短讯吧。 愿天下有情人终成眷属。 最后,来一段我最喜欢的《鹊桥仙》: 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗渡。 金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路! 两情若是长久时,又岂在朝朝暮暮!

My Letters

Sometime, I would feel I am quite silly… I like writing, but I only write for certain person. Long ago, I wrote so many letters to a friend, where I think that was my most creative period, I could write anything everyday. I think maybe because of that period, I used all my creative, and I got no any idea to write until now. Perhaps, I was too dissapointed?? Because all my letters were unreplied. Therefore, I stopped writing, just want to make myself feel better. However, I still like writing. After a year, where I stopped to write contineously, I start up my blog, share my happiness, because happiness is there waiting for me. I think, every unhappy experience will never last forever, and it will be following with a greater happiness, so that you can learn how to cherish from what you have lost.