
Showing posts from May, 2009

the first month without SL

I woke up early in this morning as I need to get my car service in Perodua Service, this is my first time drove there without SL, I was worried if I could get to the service center on time, which is in Jalan Patani. Therefore, I departed 1.5 hours earlier than my appointment time (which is 10 am), in case I would get lost or traffiv jam. Luckily, SL sent me the map from Google Earth and explained route to me clearly, this made me easy to find the place and I was 45 minutes earlier than my appointment time =.=". Haha... never mind, it's better than arrived late, right? :) My car was ready to collect at 11:10am, this is fast enough for me :) Here I would like to say is staff in my Perodua Service Center were all friendly and they were look happy to help. And I also could feel their friendliness when I called them yesterday for appointment making, I was happy to have my car service there, it was a pleasure. Besides, there waiting lounge is fully equipped, this makes people feel c

the 30th Day without SL

This morning, I had discussion with SL about our LA trip and we had mostly done all research about Disneyland, and even booked a shuttle from airport to Anaheim. We also almost done with research to Universal Studio, I think we were doing well like a perfect planning couple. While I was gathering on information and he could help to check about location with Google Earth. (I am a little out of knowledge on using Google Earth :P) Except Disneyland and Universal Studio, we also need to have more research on other attractions in Los Angeles, this would take me sometime to figure out our travel planner, I think this would help to burn some of my lonely time. After we done our chatting, I just napped a while to recharge my energy, and cooked my dinner later, it was fried rice. After dinner, I was addicted to "Naruto", a Japanes series cartoon, I personally think this is a good cartoon. In "Naruto", that is a topic makes me interested, it's about love and hatress, I th

the 29th Day without SL

Last night, SL and I discussed about our hotel booking for Los Angeles trip, finally I found one which is close to train station and the theme park, then I sent to SL for review as he was offline that time. Then, I saw his reply in e-mail with a green light for this hotel this morning, but I decided to make the reservation later. I tried to book the hotel this afternoon, but it was not available for the first visiting day and made me worried. Later, I found a hotel with similar name on another website, this made me excited and I made the reservation immediately without checking carefully as I thought it was the same hotel. However, I just found it was with a different address once booking process done and confirmation recieved. Oh no, this hotel actually is quite some distance with train station and Disneyland (at least 7 miles distance), this would be transportation problem to us as we decided to travel without driving. Immediately, I checked with the website if any alternative hotel

the 28th Day without SL

At the end of today, I finally have my flight ticket to US comfirmed by company travel agent, that means my trip is confirmed a go, I will be seeing SL soon, in 29 days well although not so soon :) And, I don't have time to feel sad now as I need to plan for my US trip from now. To enable me to spend longer time with SL in US, I have taken all annual leaves I had and included some unpaid leave, well maybe a lot people think this is silly act but I think this is worth if we can spend longer time, because we need at least a month of gathering after such long seperation. Actually, the best plan for me is meet alternative month (seperate a month and meet a month) :P but company only sponsors us a ticket per quarter. After accumulate all annual leaves, unpaid leaves, weekend and public holidays, we finally can meet for exact a month, it is from 26 Jun until 26 July, it's short but just enough for a seperated couple. We plan for a trip to Los Angeles, therefore we requested a four-da

the 27th day without SL

Last night, SL told me that my last Chinese blog was special and good, but I had no idea how good is it, then he told me that because I used a lot of four=words sentences in Chinese, he was even doubt if I copied them from somewhere else. What? Copied? Except the poem is from ancestor, other are written by me. Well, actually I don't think my last Chinese blog is any special, but he likes it, then it is enough. Actually, this makes me remember about something, I actually got some requirements on my Chinese blog, so that I seldom update it and I am thinking to improve my English writing, therefore I write more at my English blog. SL's comment on my Chinese blog makes me remember my young time then. When we wer in secondary school, we would requested to write essay by teacher to prepare for our exam, I am not good writer in English and Malay, but it's different story in Chinese, especially if it is story writing which is my special interest. At first, I couldn't start anyt

the 26th day without SL

It is 26th of May now, the 26th day of our seperation and 1 month countdown to my visit to SL. Yes... I will be visiting SL on 26th of June for a month, will this make me happier? Yes, I think I am a little happier now, maybe start counting down would make me feel better than keep counting our seperation day, at least one is counting for a meeting but another one is counting for seperation. All in all, counting positively must be happier than counting negatively, right? Haha... what am I talking about? All about counting here :P I took my clothes to laundary yesterday, I feel I was funny when the person asked my name as she needed to have it wrote down in the receipt, so that she could use this as reference to find my order. However, I was stuck with her enquiry, then I was thinking what should I tell her, Dawn? Fong San? Miss Ng? Mrs Goh? Oh no, why I suddenly have so many different names? Last time, YY called me and asked if Miss Ng around, I was stuck too, well first I couldn't


“在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝” 出自于白居易的长恨歌,诉说着唐明皇(玄宗李隆基)与杨贵妃(杨玉环)的爱情故事,其实杨贵妃与唐明皇的爱情故事是以悲剧收场的, 然而比翼鸟和连理枝却是一直被世人用来比喻为一对真心相爱的恋人,生死与共。 其实,我并不是很喜欢唐明皇,然而这首诗却把他的爱情故事描述得十分的唯美,让人觉得那是一场可歌可泣的爱恋,让我不由得向往。然而,我依然认为是因为唐明皇的疏于朝政,才引发了安禄山叛变,而使得杨玉环不得不被赐死于马嵬坡。 就因如此,我一直都认为爱情诚可贵,然而也不能完全只顾及爱情而荒废了日常生活上所需要注意的事。不然的话,我们最终可能会因当时的忽略而导致应该是完美的爱情而无疾而终。 当梁让我选择与他一起比翼双飞到美国的那一刻,我是那么得开心,毕竟这代表着他是希望与我一起生活的,然而再深一层的想想,一起在美国生活八个月或许并不是最明智的选择。 第一个月,我会觉得新鲜;第二个月,我或许会尝尽所有当地的趣事;第三个月,我开始绞尽脑汁想节目;第四个月,我羚驴技穷了;第五、六、七、八个月,我开始无所事事,我们俩就开始吵架了。这样的生活不但无法让我们像"在天愿作比翼鸟,在地愿为连理枝",或许会弄巧反拙的变成“天长地久有时尽,此恨绵绵无绝期”。 一起比翼双飞八个月,无法让他在美国专心工作,也无法让我拥有用武之地,这或许只能做得八个月的比翼鸟,却失去了一辈子的连理共结。所以,我们不做唐明皇,而选做了汉元帝(喜欢王昭君的美貌,但仍然割爱与匈奴,只为天下大定)。 暂时分离的比翼鸟,或许才能够换得一同永远的展翅高飞。 《长恨歌》 - 白居易 汉皇重色思倾国,御宇多年求不得。 杨家有女初长成,养在深闺人未识。 天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。 回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。 春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂。 侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时。 云鬓花颜金步摇,芙蓉帐暖度春宵。 春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝。 承欢侍宴无闲暇,春从春游夜专夜。 后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。 金屋妆成娇侍夜,玉楼宴罢醉和春。 姊妹弟兄皆列土,可怜光彩生门户。 遂令天下父母心,不重生男重生女。 骊宫高处入青云,仙乐风飘处处闻。 缓歌谩舞凝丝竹,尽日君王看不足。 渔阳鼙鼓动地来,惊破霓裳羽衣曲。 九重城阙烟尘生,

the 25th day without SL

My emotion swang a lot today, I was down for my first half day but it turned good at the second half. During morning, I was still upset on seperation with SL as what I felt recently, I told myself that is totally different between pre-married seperation and post-married seperation. Pre-married seperation is considerable and it is a test for a couple to see if their relationship can really last forever. On the other side, post-married seperation is a torment for them, as a married couples should stay together forever without long seperation. And I even felt down when I was thinking that other couples who go for reloction in US, but can have their partner together with them longer than us (some are follow them and work there while some are having as long as three months visit), this makes me felt that I am the worst case and kept thinking we a misfortune couple, until I blamed the God with asked Him: "How could you forsake me like this?" Therefore, I was without energy and skip

My red apple enzyme

This is a normal day for me, I was just doing some normal routine and didn't step out from my house for whole day. The most special thing I did today is I started to make my first fruit enzyme, this enzyme can be drank after three weeks of first making, I was so excited. How do I make it? Actually steps are quite easy, we only need fruit, lemon, brown sugar and a glass bottle (it needs to be glass material), I chose red apple for my first fruit enzyme. At first, we need to wash the apple and lemon to make sure that is clean from virus, then I just left it dried, I needed to make sure they are totally dry, else the enzyme will fail to produce. I waited for my red apple and lemon went dry, then I just cut them into pieces. And, we need to make sure our hands are totally dry during our making process. After I had done my cutting, I just put them into my glass bottle, I needed to put lemon at first layer, followed by brown sugar at second layer, then red apple at third layer and repeat

Night at the Musuem

Kevin gave me a toaster last week, before he left Penang, I had never used this kind of toaster before, therefore I decided to have toasted bread for my weekend breakfast. This is my first try with this kind of toaster, so I felt new with it, it is really useful and I like the toasted bread from this machine, but you shouldn't toast it for too long, else your bread will be overtoast, mine is just right :) Although chatting with SL on morning time, I still can't stop feeling lonely, I think this maybe we seperated for too long, this is really hard for a couple to spend three weeks alone without each other. Due to emotional (or hormon??) unbalance, I quarrelled with SL, this is really hard time for us. Fortunately, I booked a ticket for "Night at the Musuem", so that I could have some outing for my weekend, else I would be more upset for my weekend.I left home at 1:15pm to collect my movie ticket 45 minutes prior of the movie. After I collected my ticket, I did some pay

The 22nd day without SL

There is SEC warehouse sale from Friday to Sunday, therefore YC, SM, WN and I were going for lunch at Batu Maung, so that we could go to SEC warehouse after lunch. I was planning to buy a new rice cooker, which is unstickable one. However, there was no much choices in SEC warehouse and most of rice cookers are too big to me, therefore I ended up with empty hand, I decided to take a look in Jusco during weekend. It’s another “Miss you” day for me, I am missing SL so much until I would like to cry out, but I stopped it and asked myself to be strong. Fortunately I could have LE and YY had dinner with me this evening, else I didn’t know how to spend my lonely evening. We were having dinner at Four Season Restaurant and we chatted a lot until 9pm, it was 9:45pm after I got back, had my clothes washed and took shower, then I access to internet immediately and SL called me just after a while. During dinner, we were sharing a lot of things, LE complaint about her current workload and she was t

the 21st day without SL

Another tension morning, I am not referred to work, but referred to traffic, now I can feel how tension was SL when he was driving on Penang road, because here is full with surprise and tension. Long ago, I was always unsatified with SL as he always got lost his temper when he was driving on roads, then I complaint him about his impatient, but he just told me that is really the worst thing for him driving in Penang. But, I could never understand him and kept complaint his impatient. And now, I know I couldn't blame him as I would be the same if I was driving. Frankly, it is really tension to drive in Penang. For first two weeks of driving, I just kept calm and ignored those careless drivers, but I don't think I can be this patient enough for the rest of eight months. When I am driving this three weeks, I kept meeting with drivers who never know what signal is, especially van and bus drivers (of course including quite some number of car owners). When I am driving on my lane, I a

the 20th day without SL

This morning is a little special to me, as I received an e-card from SL when I just opened my mailbox, I was so happy to see the e-card, then SL told me that is because he was a little impatient during last night communication and felt sorry for it :) Well, I know his temper and I am always upset with this too, but I normally will turn to fine after wake up from bed :) Actually, I am kind of tired recently as we always told late, so that I only can get to bed around twelve, it was an hour later than previous, I normally got to bed at 10:30pm or 11pm when SL was still around. The easiest part to get tired is eyes, I could feel my eyes always tired and sometime I would feel dizzy @_@ I got aerobic class this evening, therefore I didn't have chance to cook my dinner tonight, I thought I needed to skip my dinner at first, luckily WN offered to have dinner with me, so that I finally ended up for having dinner with WN and Jeffery, this is my second time see Jeffery, he is quite friendly

my enzymne

Last night, I opened my enzymne bottle with SL, through the webcam and microphone, I really heard the voice of gas release, but I am not so sure with it's smell as some problem with my nose, cause me couldn't smell too well. According to friends, it should be good smell, fragance. Well, still it was exciting to hear "phiss" when I opened the cover. This afternoon, I heard WN is making her fruit enzymne already, she uses apples for it, fruit enzymne can be drink and it is good for health, I am thinking to make one for mine as well, it only needs 3 weeks to get ready to drink. Recently, my friends are interested on making enzymne, I think this is influenced by HY, he is the first person start this activity. Actually, LE did tell me about enzymne making last year, but I was just not so sure on procedure, so that I only start it recently as HY promotes a lot on the method and usage, I give him a title as "Enzymne Speakperson" :P Still, I cooked my dinner tonight

Prague (21 June 2005)

21 June 2005, my second day in Prague, this is my only full day in Prague as first day used for late arrival and hostel finding and the last day for half day sightseeing with departure to the UK. It was so different for this Prague trip because we booked a Korean hostel, therefore we could take some Korean breakfast in Prague, this is a unique experience to me, I could never think for having Korean breakfast in Europe. Thanks to Regina did the book as she is a Korean. However, shortcoming for staying in Korean hostel was I don't speak Korean, that was a little difficult for conversation, I wasn't abled to understand them but fortunately sometimes Regina would do some translation for me. After breakfast, Regina and I just started with our day trip to Prague old town square as there is the main attraction for Prague and it's close to other attractions. At first, we went to Old Town Hall Tower with Astronomical Clock, it is an amazing clock and a lot of tourist must go attract

Day 1 Enzymne

I just didn't want to eat outside for my dinner today, therefore I backed early to home and cooked my dinner, I just cooked for simple dinner, steamed egg and fried vegetables, then mixed with rice. Hmm... I still like to eat self-cook dishes, but I can't do it too frequent now as I would feel lonely when I eat alone. Today is day 1 for my enzymne, I kept looking into bottle to find if any black dot inside, so far they are still look good. Tonight I will open the cover to release gas inside, according to my friends, it will be lot of gas (with pop sound) will be produce, this makes me so excited and wanted to share with SL, so I will wait until SL and I chat together tonight. That was some surprise at evening, I found I couldn't access to internet when I just turned on my laptop, I was worried if our telephone line was cut off as we didn't pay the bill (because we haven't recieved it yet). So I went to confirm and picked up the phone, but I just found that I wasn

Angels and Demons

Today is Kevin's last day in Penang and he will be backed to Costa Rica in morning at eight, as that is a gap for Phoebe's flight to Johor, therefore I could spend a few hours with her, two people experience seperation with her partners, I think we could understand each other more on this misery. Our gathering just for three hours, then Phoebe needed to catch her flight at 10:30am. I chatted with SL until 1:15pm before I needed to leave to GSC in Queensbay for my "Angels and Demons", this is a movie I longed to watch. After knowing SL, I never watched movie alone and this is my first time for so many years. At first, I was feeling strange when I walked alone into the cinema, then I felt better when I found the person sat near to me also watched alone. After finished the movie, I felt that is actually no different to watch alone or in group, it's still a movie. Actually, I had high expectation on "Angels and Demons" as I read the book and attracted by the

wasted Saturday

I got facial appointment at 10:30 at morning, therefore it was easy to spend, with just lied down on facial bed and enjoyed facial treatment for 2.5 hours. After facial treatment, the girl asked me if I want to sign up a new package from them as my packeage is nearly ended. However, I was thinking to swap to another facial studio as I don't really like my current products, they are a little expensive and don't help much to my face condition. Recently, my sister introduced me a beuty products and I found they are really helpful, therefore I would like to find a studio uses this kind of products. Previously, I thought that would be fine to use any beuty product as long as we go for facial treatment, but it actually is wrong, we should find the product suits to our face, this is more important than doing facial treatment. After that, I bought my lunch pack at somewhere nearby, then I bought a weighting machine and a US converter plug. weighting machine is for me to help on some ki


This afternoon, I went to have lunch at Apex Cafe with SM and YH, I still think their menu and dishes are worth for their price, my nasi lemak is good although it was spicy as I couldn't take too much spicy. Backed to office, I just found that our team interns was last day on today, but I didn't have any farewell with them as they didn't announce to us. I just realised that people come and go, we couldn't stay at the same place forever. After work, I went to Queensbay Mall as dated with LE and YY for dinner, I first went to GSC to buy ticket for "Angels and Demons" on Sunday, finally I decided to watch it alone as I am not sure if other friends like it or not, also I couldn't wait for longer to watch the movie as I waited for it long enough since I read the book. I personally like the book and I think Dan Brown is really a creative author, I can't believe that is really a person can really write this kind of fiction story. After I got my ticket, I went

Cheer up

I was waken by a call this morning, which ended up with wrong number, but I couldn't continue to sleep anymore and lied on my bed lazily until my alarm pull me out from my sweetly bed. After I had done my wash-up, I received a sms from the same caller, who asked if we can know each other and be friend, but I am not so sure as that is a guy, I am worried if that would be dangerous to make friend with a caller who I never met, therefore I didn't reply his message until now, am I too cruel? At the office, I played some songs from my laptop (I wasn't used to listen to song in office, I didn't know what made me listen to them today), those songs were my favourite songs when I was in the UK, they are nice song but some of them expressed loniness and helpless on love, I am not sure if they depressed me, or because I didn't have any communication with SL today, or maybe playing by hormon, I felt some kind of lonely. Then, I just couldn't help myself to write down my bad

Separation thought

Sometimes, I would think that I made a wrong decision for not following SL to US, because feeling of apart is really hurt, not because of loneliness, but just missing a person too much. Then, I would blame myself to worry too much as choosing not following him when I still had the choice. And, I just found that MS is right, she told me that she would choose to follow, even result is she needs to resign, sometime separation too long is really not good for a couple. Although 8 months isn’t long, it still isn’t short. I still remembered that SL and I mentioned about this in his first trip to US (three years ago), he said he would bring me along on his next trip, but now the next trip started for 2 weeks and I am still in Malaysia. Then I just realize that sometime what we are talking about something that we never think it would happen, we could say whatever we like to say; but when we really need to decide the real case, sometime our final decision isn’t our original thought. I think some

simple day

This morning, SL sent me a messanger immediately once I just signed into, he told me that he likes my yesterday blog because it is informatic and good, hmm... I am not so sure which part he referred to, I think maybe the perfect match part (??). Well, I would like to tell him that my dream job actually is to be a writer if he is willing to feed me :p Today is Wednesday, our company provides free aerobic class to employee at evening, from 6pm to 7pm, I joined the class second time with FF and WN, it is tough exercise as we needed to have a lot of continous movement for an hour, but I was really enjoyed this, at least I could do some exercise for a healthy life requirement. After the class, I asked SF and YY out for dinner, we decided to settle it at "Hakka Mee" at Sungai Nibong. While I was waiting for their arrival, I saw WN and her boyfriend (Jeffery) there and asked them if wanted to join us, as I am sure that YY was willing to meet some new friends and SF would be ok with
还是有一段距离的吧?我想短暂的分开,即使拥有发达的网际网络,有声音和影像的沟通,还是会有那一段无法解释的距离吧。 虽说梁和我只分开了十来天,虽然每天都可以用网际网络来联系,但是我偶尔还是感觉到了那份距离感,没有拥抱、没有接触,一切只靠电脑来联系,看到样子摸不到人,少了那份温暖。 时常,虽然在对话,但是各自还是在做着各自的东西,偶尔的噪音干扰了对话,但是还责怪对方不专心,两个分离的人只能感觉到心痛,其实有时候还真的觉得网际网络其实一点都拉不近彼此的距离,反而越拉越远了。 看着webcam,彼此都无法看见对方的眼睛,因为看影像的眼睛都不在镜头前,虽然嘴里说知道他再看自己的影响,但是还在怀疑对方是否专心于对话。 距离不但是一种考验,也是一种折磨,考着磨着彼此的相爱程度,看看最终谁会放弃。 在今天的对话里,一直觉得他的不耐烦,对于我的询问,他一再的反感,令我有点的伤心,心想是不是这次的分离让我们彼此的心越离越远了呢? 网际网络好,但还是比不上天天面对面。

Marriage Life

First, I'd like to thank YY for companied me for this evening, hiking, dining and mind sharing, I think she is a thoughtful girl, I really like to chat with her as she always enlights me. We headed to BJ Mount at 6pm for hiking, it was a pleasure exercise as I didn't do too much exercise recently, until I was worried if my good choresterol record (:P) would go worse. Hiking helped me release a lot of sweat from my body. Later, we went for dinner at Sunshine Market, but our favourite drink stall was closed, so we only could chose other stalls for dining. And we got back to my house at 8:30pm. During 2.5 hours together, YY shared me a lot of things, especially parenthood and marriage life (well, YY is still single, but she is knowledgable :) ). Let me share some here from our sharing. First, YY said that we should did a medical checkout before we plan to have a baby as this can help to track if our future baby is healthy, she told me a disease called luekemia, this is really harm