simple day

This morning, SL sent me a messanger immediately once I just signed into, he told me that he likes my yesterday blog because it is informatic and good, hmm... I am not so sure which part he referred to, I think maybe the perfect match part (??). Well, I would like to tell him that my dream job actually is to be a writer if he is willing to feed me :p

Today is Wednesday, our company provides free aerobic class to employee at evening, from 6pm to 7pm, I joined the class second time with FF and WN, it is tough exercise as we needed to have a lot of continous movement for an hour, but I was really enjoyed this, at least I could do some exercise for a healthy life requirement.

After the class, I asked SF and YY out for dinner, we decided to settle it at "Hakka Mee" at Sungai Nibong. While I was waiting for their arrival, I saw WN and her boyfriend (Jeffery) there and asked them if wanted to join us, as I am sure that YY was willing to meet some new friends and SF would be ok with this :P

It was a pleasure dinner as WN and Jeffery are also graduated from UTM, therefore YY had a lot of topics to chat with them, all my old memory was just appeared in my mind, how come YY could remember so many things? I was nearly forgot all lecturers' name :)

After back to home, I just found that were three people missed call me, WN, SF and YY. WN and SF called me before dinner time, but I couldn't hear the ringtone until I saw the misscall detail backed to home, SF even joked to me that I had problem with my hearing :P Sometime I really think so :( And YY called me because she thought I was taking wrong path to return home, but actually I took an alternative way to back.


YY said…
ya ya, not sure is ur hearing or ur ringtone problem. :P. U alwaz miss my calls. :(.
Dawn said…
haha, I am not sure, sometimes SL also complain this. Even worse, once he called me for more than 20 times, then I only heard the ringtone :$

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