a free course

SL takes up a course, which offer by USM recently, it is sponsored course and doesn't cost him a single money, he likes free things and he said that he wants to spend his time meaningful this year. The course is about to write application with Android programming, quite an interesting course but it needs an eight months commitment for a weekday and Saturday weekly. Anyways, I think it is a good thing and encourage him to attend, he can pick up some new skill without paying any penny, why not?

So far, he attended two classes and today is his first lab section, the first two classes were quite basic but it was still interesting, he would report me about his learning after his class and I also found quite informative, somehow regret that I didn't take the course as well. However, I wished he could meet more people by attending class, therefore he might not able to make new friends if I am going with him.

On the first day of class, there was introduction among students and SL told me that were people from different professions, of course engineer is the most but there were still some ex-engineer or other jobs. The objective of the course is to make sure students are able to write an Android apps for Android machine, sound like interesting.

When SL attending class, I will have my personal time and I think I can spend my time on cleaning house or blogging, or do some reading. Also, I need to ramp up on some new skill, because our team is slowly moving to new project now, somehow my new task is quite different with those I worked these few year, though I worked on that before I moved to this new team, still the environment and tools are quite different now, because methodology kept on changing for so many years.

Besides doing reading on job related material, I wished I could explore more about economy and finance related knowledge, I don't wish that I would regret at my old time that I didn't have my financial planning earlier.

Learning new thing is another 2013 resolution between SL and I, we wish that we have our time well spend this year.


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