How to open a door?

My working area is quite secured, everyone needs access before they enter to office, which we need to scan our badge on a sensor then sensor will detect if you are authorized to enter the door. On the other way, you only need to push a button besides the door for exiting the office. Every entrance are embedded with this access base sensor, scan badge to enter and push button to exit, it included the door to wash room.
However, one of the door is having problem recently, where we can scan our badge to enter, but the button was loosen and missing, therefore we couldn’t go out but only can go in. Well, this will not bother me if I don’t use the door, but it is the closest exit for me to go to toilet, actually this creates a lot of trouble for us and everyone is waiting contractor for getting it fixed.
This afternoon, I saw someone can go out from that door without the button fix, so that I am curious with that and fortunately I know someone and asked him, and the secret is hidden in our access badge, which they used it to touch on the wall which is closest to the sensor, then that will trigger it and unlock the door, so that we can exit from there without pushing a button.
This is really a brilliant idea, we always been framed with traditional way to solve a problem, but never think the alternative way for it, when the door closed then we assumed it will close forever until it get fixed. But, actually it always has a way out just we locked ourselves in previous concept and forget to try a new way.
Actually, this also can apply to our daily life, we always feel pessimistic when the door closed to us, but we never try to find a way to get it reopen, this is not a good culture and we need to get this changed.


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