
That day, a friend told me that her target is to retire at 35 years old, then I said it will be soon. And she said this is only when the best case, everyone has their own target, target doesn't mean your target sure will come true then. Then she asked me about my target.

My target? I suddenly felt blank, then I found myself in lost, I am a targetless Person :( I am such unplanned, why did I never set a target myself?

After back to home, I asked SL if he has any target in future, he was as blank as me. He said his first target after graduated is to find a girlfriend and get married, he archived it. Then, his target is to own a home and we got it now. After this two target archived, he felt happy and set not target, he is targetless now as well.

Thereafter, I asked him wether we should set ourselves a target? Yes, I think life without target is meaningless, but we still couldn't find our target for now, I think that we should spend some time on our next target.

Now, I am really admired my friend as she always trying to move toward her target, but I am just moving to nowhere.


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