Revenge from Thomas Edison

Few days ago, we discussed about global warming issue, and I said Thomas Edison (the person who invented electricity) should take some responsibility on this.

If Edison didn’t discover that is electricity, how can we have so many electric consumption equipments to use nowadays? Especially Air conditional, this is one of the causes to global warming.

Then She Leong tried to follow my topic and said maybe all scientists are devil, they bring a lot of technology to the earth, then finally cause global warming and shorten our earth’s life. Well, we are devils as well, because engineers also responsible on technology improvement.

Finally, we get the experience of without electricity last night, Edison wanted tell us that his invention is really useful for the world. Due to we forgot to pay electric bill for few months, our electricity was cut off last night, then we lived in dark and candle lit for a night. When I went to shower, I missed my heater; when I sat in dark, I missed my book and internet; when I walked in dark, I missed my electric light; I missed fridge, which keep my food, etc … fortunately, it was not too hot last night, we wouldn’t feel hot to sleep.

When I was sitting in dark, I remembered time when I was a kid, our house will no electricity for a few times a year, maybe that is because electricity technology isn’t stable yet, this is same as in She Leong’s house. But now, we can have electrical supply all time, unless you don’t pay your bill.

Well, we depend too much on electricity nowadays, and find difficulty to live without it.
Haha… to enjoy our dark night, I didn’t forget to shout up: “Earth, I love you.” Because tonight I didn’t contribute to global warming, although this is not my intention :P

The night without electricity, I slept early, I found I am in good mood in next morning.


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