




Few months ago, I planted three ladyfingers in a pot, the left side ladyfinger grew fastest and strongest, it was clear to be the best ladyfinger among three of them. In the contrast, the middle one was the slowest one because of Sunshine was shielded by both taller tree around it, I can see the middle one always bended all around as influenced by the left side one. Therefore, I think out of a method to protect the middle plant, I purposely took a string to tie the left side plant away from the middle plant.

All the while, I thought this was the perfect solution, as all three plants can grow slowly on their own pace, but today I found I was wrong.

When I back to home this afternoon, i found the string of left side ladyfinger has released from where it was due to strong wind blew it away, but the left side plant can never stand still and bended all the way down, it just like a boneless people and couldn't stand still at all although I tried my best to hold it, finally it still needs the string to tie it to the same position for continue standing position. At that moment, I was so regret to treat it this way, because I have converted the strongest plant into the weakest plant, and I am not able to do anything to restore this.

Right there, I just enlightened that human development is exactly the same as a plant, we should let our kids grow naturally by themselves, instead of forcing them to grow into the person that we want them to be, else things will go wrong and we won't get things that we want, just like the left side plant, eventually the kid lost themselves and forgot how to live properly by themselves. However, as a parent, we will always forget this, so I write this down to remind me.




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