Incredible Love

One day, I received an e-mail from YY as below, it's really touch my heart after watch the MTV.

A son says to his father: 'Dad, would you be willingly to run a marathon with me?'

The father, despite his age and a heart disease, says 'YES'.

And they run that marathon, together.

The son asks: 'Dad, can you run another marathon with me?' Again father says 'YES'.

They run another marathon, together.

One day the son asks his father: ?Dad would please do the Iron Man with me?'

Now just in case you wouldn't know, 'The Iron Man' is the toughest triathlon in existence; 4km swimming, then 180 km by bike, and finally another 42 km running, in one stroke.

Again father says 'YES'

Maybe this doesn't 'touch' you yet by heart .... Until you see this movie.

After watched the MTV, I felt really touched, it is reall an incredible love, so hard to find this kind of love in real world, I even couldn't believe the father is that strong to finish whole the Ironman competition.

This story was stated as true story, I am not sure with this, but it really presents great love, the love of God.


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