A successful game

This evening, SL and I just discussed what was happened to us same time last year, when we were still seperated in two different countries. Then, I just remembered that I was addicted to a game that time because we had too much free time then. What is the game? It is "Restaurant City" from facebook.

After a year, I still constantly visit the same game now, which mean we were on it for at least a year now, therefore I would say it is quite a successful game. At first, we were in Farm Town, but we gave it up half way to Restaurant City, which we didn't stop at there.

I think Playfish is quite sucessful to create the game, the game doesn't need too much maintainance now and I only needed to spend a little time to refresh it, then it can continue to "alive", I prefer on this type of game :D

There we need a lot of creative to create something special which can attract a lot of consumers to support it, else it will vanish in one day. This all is about business, we need to know what consumers want and make it happens, then the business will last longer.


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