Department Family Day

Today, 22nd Novemeber 2008, is our Department Family Day (a.k.a PDC Day), SL and I have signed up for the event, it is good to go for activity together, this is really meaningful to us :)

We woke up at eight in morning for prepared oursleves for the event, and we arrived to our company at around 9:10am, there is still not many people arrived yet, we were kind of early although the original schedule was 9am to start. Anyways, we were happy still to register ourselved at the counter and looked at prepared booklet for information of the day, there is some station setup around PG12, I think the committee really did a lot of hardwork on preparation.

Before everything started, we took our very first pictures at guests seats.

Open ceremony is started at 9:30pm, it was starting with hip hop dancing performance from intel employees and a fantastic opening with balloon lifted banner show. All stations are opened for guests around 10am, I counldn't stop myself to go to games boot first, where with a lot of games prepared for guests and I chose my favourite sport (basketball) games as starting. We were given 10 tickets at the registration counter, which we can be used those tickets at the games boot, 1 ticket per game, there will be a gift given if you are achieved the requirement of game. So sad that I didn't score any for the basketball and got nothing from it.

Next, we proceed to the ring throwing game, where you need to throw given ring to some stand, and SL is abled to get 5 drink stirrers as he is successful to hit the target, thosed stirrers are cute with high five at both end.

After that, we went from flight landing game, which we need to throw the polystren flight to land at target feild, but this is hard honestly. The flight is so light and wind was breezing, therefore we failed on the game. Well... never mind, it was still fun to play it.

Then, we were walking to Double Line game, where we were given some block and we need to throw it and land the block on the double line, aha... I achieved the game requirement at the fourth trial and got the present.

Later, we proceeded to the next game, 7-11, we needed to roll 3 balls on some numbered holes, if the total are between 7 and 11, then we can get the gift. Well... this is actually not easy, because the ball couldn't land on hole easily after I threw several times (this game really needs a lot of patient). And, I got 5 + 1 + 4 = 10, which qualified to get the gift, but I was cheating at the second ball by putting it on 1 directly, because of impatient and saw the first ball hit 5. Thanks to the girl allowed me on doing so :P

Thereafter, we used 2 tickets for balloon competition, here we needed to pump up the balloon and hit it onto a needle, the winner will get the gift. It's weird that my balloon never grew and finally SL won the game :( Well... I chose the gift for him, wahaha... I am the final winner :P

After the balloon, we went for the golf, where the golf ball was at a L shape lane, we needed to hit the corner and let the ball transfer to the other path, we win if the ball managed to get into the hole. SL achieved the requirement at his third trial, after that the girl (thank you, girl) gave me to try for three balls, but I failed. Then, we backed to basketball game again, because I still hoped to get at least a ball goal, finally I am able to goal at third trial :) hehe... I got a handfan as present, I was so happy.

Finally, SL played at Monkey mouth, we were given some fruit models to throw into the monkey's mouth, prize will be given for successful trial, and SL managed to do it twice :) well done.

Below are our gifts collection from games boot :D Those gifts don't cost too much, but they give us beautiful memory for the day, I was acting like a kid during playing those game, cheering for SL, exciting for every successful trial and sad for fail. Actually, this is what I like to behave, but I chose to be mature usually, else I might look abnormal to many people, like a childish old woman :(, but I am able to be myself in front of SL because he is always allow me and he is happy to see my happiness :D

After we used all tickets, we went for food station for bunch, it was buffet from Bamboo Catering and lunch box from KFC (I don't really exactly know what was inside, because we didn't take the KFC). However, there was no much vegetable for the meal, mostly meat and bake, not too good for health.

After taking the meal, we proceeded to indoor station, we went to game room at first, SL played for a while on football game, then he quitted, I think it might be no fun for the game (or he wants to accompany me??)

Then we moved to our cafeteria, there was a lot of games equipped, 4 different Wii games (boxing, holahoo, swimming and tennis), foosball, temparary tattoo stop, manicure and kids corner. First, we went to tennis Wii, SL and I against another 2 guys in tennis double, but I don't really know how to use the joystick and my skill is sucks, so we lose the game :P

Then, we played the foosball, this is my first time to touch this table, it was hard to me but I had lot of fun with playing it, SL beated me with lot of point further than me. However, I think I kind of this this game now, it was really fun and can train up our reaction.

After that, I played twice on Wii holahoo, it was really funny because I always couldn't get the hola ring from supplier, finally we found (when seeing other experts on playing it) that we need to lift our leg so that Wii will recognise we shift our body to another side. Well... I was managed to complete the game but my score couldn't help me to get any ranking :) After I completed the Wii holahoo, I was a mother persuaded her kid to play the game, but the kid was shy on doing it, I was busybody and promoted the game to the kid "it is really fun, number 1 game" :P haha... I was so funny.

I think Wii is really fun, but not sure how much will it cost to own a Wii game station, I told SL that hoped to have one in our future new house, haha... then he said hopefully I will not be adicted on it :P

Later on, we went to intel Musuem for a visit, this is my first visit with SL after it was opened. Thanks for Victor on helping us to take a picture :) This is our only couple photo of the day.

While we were walking in the musuem, I just pretended that I am not working in intel and just SL's wife and know nothing about his company, then SL is started explain to me about the intel's products :) Well... he is working 6 years there, this is more than me, therefore he knows more than I do, and I am happy to see he explains those to me :)

After we exit at the entrance, we saw a lot of awards to intel are there and I pretended again as not working in intel and told SL that "I am proud with you at working in this company" :P. Haha... I am always this kind of crazy, fortunately SL is able to bear with this :)

Then we take a few pictures at the hall of fame.

It was an hour empty for us to watch movie Iron Man in auditorium at 1pm, therefore we went to game room again and played "counter strike"-like game, but I really didn't know how to play, I was swimming all the while at the beginning of game and couldn't find the land, so that SL exchanged his PC with me, where he had landed. However, I was still not able to get out of the beach, just wandering all along the beach and getting lost there, SL offered to exchange the PC with me for second them, but I refused and gave up to play it, I think I am too stupid to play this kind of game, Wii is more suitable to me :P

After SL gamed over from the game, we went to play foosball again at cafeteria, I think I really like the game, and I was able to score more at this time. However, I think I was a little crazy during playing the game, this might be too excited with it and had more reactions, until a lot of people were looking to our table :P

We played foosball until 1 pm, and I even couldn't stop from it, but we needed to leave for Ironman then. We saw EL and her husband were watching the movie together as well, I think she just completed her master exam papers, it was good to relax a while and joining for some activities with family. It was not bad to re-watch Ironman and SL still explained to me the storyline as he did last time :)

The movie was ended at 3:15pm, all stations were closed after we came out from cineplex, and we backed to home after this.

I honestly thanks to all committee on preparing this family to us, this is really fun and memorable for family members, I think other people will think so as well, I really love it :D


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