Our Travel Planning

Finally, SL recieved our online booked Universal Studio ticket , this mean we will surely go there. This Universal Studio tickets are bought with corporate rate, they are around USD121, including tax and delivery fee, I think it original cost is USD67/person. Also, this pass is valid for two days entry, I am so excited now, it is 19 days to go.

Meanwhile, SL and I also discussed about our trip in Oregon as I would have another three weekends in Oregon, so that we plan to visit somewhere at North of US. For our current plan, we only decided to visit to Seattle and Yellowstone National Park, this is a must for us.

SL planned to stay a night in Seattle and I argued for at least a National Park visit, we found there are several National Park around Oregon, Mount Rainier, Olympic, Crater Lake, Yellowstone and Grand Teton. Finally, we chose Yellowstone because it is the oldest National Park in US (according to our source).

For now, we decided to spend two nights at Yellowstone, well we know this might not enough but we don't have too much time as SL still needs to work. Then, we need to worry about accommodation in Yellowstone, we found that is a little expensive for two people if we book a hotel as the price is for four, therefore we decided to find another two friends to join us or we would choose to camp in the National Park. All in all, I personally think that is a new experience for us to camp there, this is my first time but SL is expert on camping as he was scout in schooltime.

For Yellowstone camping option is a good choice if we only travel with two as it will be much cheaper but we need to get our own tent.

Anyways, I am sorry that I am not able to give further information on our travel planning as we are still in planning stage and we still need to read a lot of information. Here I got some useful website for our planning :)

Universal Studio website - http://www.universalstudioshollywood.com

Seattle website - http://www.visitseattle.org

National Park website - http://www.nps.gov

Yellowstone National Park website- www.nps.gov/yell

Oregon website - http://www.traveloregon.com


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